Who know's what is in store for you! Check out your birth date meaning.

December Birthday Meanings
18th December
Zodiac message


December 18th is the day of mammoth projects. For individuals born on December 18th life is pretty generous.

Responsible for great projects, they think in terms of scale, but not easily pass over details. In fact, their long-term projects are built diligently and with great devotion. Their work often reflects achievements that are open and deep. But despite their devotion, they can be accused of superficiality because they tend to want too much. Others believe that producing quantity will not be able to obtain quality as well.

Individuals born on December 18th are people who get involved for unlimited period. Year after year, they will persist in their work with great consistency. This can create problems when whatever they undertake does not work properly. Refusing to give up some lost causes can be a heavy burden for the natives. This attitude can be harmful for friendships and romantic relationships. This does not mean that those born on this day must give up their friends so easily, but to be able to recognize when others cannot or will not change. They must make their requests in accordance with the powers of others.

Natives of December 18th must be careful not to dominate the lives of their loved ones. Although they seem to be helpless or dependent individuals, they may have many claims and demands from others. Often their selfish personalities ask what is the most difficult to accomplish: to not be disturbed.

Many born on December 18th live in their own world, thin, full of power, and at the same time targeting complex plans and ideals. They should be free. So they will let their minds wander, but they will force their bodies until they reach exhaustion. Rarely will they require encouragement and permission to do so. In childhood, they need parents that let them accomplish their affairs. At the same time, they wish to provide a stable and loving family environment. As parents themselves they need to remember to control children, but also to leave them free and lead them gently. Their children will suffer because they will grow in their shade.

Less evolved natives of December 18th may be damaged due to ambitions, dreams, desires and unreal aspirations. They must limit themselves and alleviate their projects in order to bring them to a more tangible state. December 18th natives need to establish their comfortable base and effective action, and hope to find a compatible partner. This must be not only a loving partner, but also a sympathetic friend.

For natives who have not yet discovered their great potential, possibly due to fear of their power, establishing a lifestyle and a professional environment compatible with their nature and talent is key to success.


  • Find your stability and calm down.
  • Space and silence are very favorable.
  • Quit being active when it is not required.
  • Allow others to get noticed.

Numerology: Ruled by Mars

You are known to be ruled by day number eighteen, if you are born on the 18th of the month. There are many great personalities, authors, as well as artists born on December 18th: Christina Aguilera, Willy Brandt, Brad Pitt, DMX, Ray Liotta, Steven Spielberg, Josef Stalin, etc.

If your day falls on number eighteen, your ruling planet is Mars. Mars makes you a rebel, a fighter and a soldier. You shall be great as a technician, doctor, lawyer or chemist.

You shall never be afraid of a life full of dangers, as you can walk on a blood stained road even among snakes, but with the strength of your intelligence you can beat anything. You are a born fighter. You have extraordinary courage and resilience. You have great persistence and are full of courage. You are not afraid of a life full of struggles against poverty, cruelty, oppression and authority. You have the courage to fight against the order and create the new one. You are good in civil engineering or learning about geography. You have great love for your country, society and fellow citizens. You are never afraid to fight for justice and freedom of your society and your country.

As an eighteen, you are a hard core fighter. Other around you also benefit from this power of yours. Your fight is not only for your cause, but you are never afraid of fighting for a common cause. You are ready to go to any limits when fighting against oppression. You normally do not believe in cool headed fights. When you fight there may be blood all around, as you are a fierce fighter who stops only when your enemy is totally obliterated.

The career of armed forces is best suited for your temperament. You may also join the police or paramilitary forces. You have a love for fire arms, bombs and machine guns. You are a person who likes to obey rules and expects the same from your subordinates. You have a sharp intellect and remain very cool in crisis. When dealing with your enemies you plan very meticulously after weighing all pros and cons. You are very good in making secret plans against your enemies. If you are a politician, you will develop into a clever one. You act as a very good ambassador. Try to guard against betraying your emotions and falling into quarrels. If that happens, you will lose your precious energy in useless fights.

Numerology for nine makes you an expert chemist. You can be a good inventor. Your lucky days are the 5th, 14th, 23rd, 9th, 18th, 27th, 6th, 15th, and 24th. Your unlucky number is a two and your unlucky days are on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, and the 29th. Your lucky gem is coral. Other lucky gems are blood stone, red colored opal, and red tinged garnet.

Being born in December - what this means

The first part of December is ruled by Jupiter (1st-21st). People born in December are ruled by Jupiter and the sign of Sagittarius. They are born philosophers and teachers. The best professions for these people are in the fields of aeronautics, law, information technology, communications, radio, linguistics or religion. These people are passionate about travelling and this will take them to far away lands where they can learn lots of new things, then return and teach them to others. They are very organized and serious. These people love sports, but also animals.

Being a child of Jupiter it means you are prone to adventure. In your life everything seems to happen in an extraordinary manner. You are anxious for new opportunities all the time.  Besides this good fortune, you also believe that everything has purpose. You dream of the impossible and never accept your limits. Everything extraordinary and unusual comes from children of Jupiter: amazing art, outstanding discoveries, out of this world achievements etc. This tendency to always look for the best of the best contributes to everybody’s life. Children of Jupiter are lucky.

People born in December must focus on education in order to achieve their goals. During youth, they are very concerned with making money, and therefore the most important thing for them is to learn to balance giving and receiving.

December is the month of Sagittarius and Capricorn. If you are born in the first half of the month, you are governed by Sagittarius, hence by Jupiter.

Natives of Sagittarius are friendly, passionate, tolerant, and love freedom and adventure. They can be extravagant and rude. A Sagittarius is guided by ideals, until he decides to retire in a secure social position. The native is kind, open, and optimistic. It may be, however, also extremely arrogant. His success is due both to intuition, as well as the availability of action and mobility. The native’s organizational talent is remarkable. He is steadfast in his fundamental principles, which are truth and justice. Sagittarius is an honest fighter who loves sports and nature, generous towards oneself and towards others.

A bad aspected sun indicates divergent feelings and an exaggerated self-conceit easy to damage, traits that lead to being moody, to exaggeration or self-deception. Sagittarius is inclined towards whim, waste, bluster and speculation. In regard to health, the hips and thighs are the Sagittarius’ weakness, so the native of this sign is prone to paralysis of the limbs, sport injuries, and sciatica.

December is classified as a winter month, which has eight letters. To be born in December, the twelfth and last month from the numerology perspective it means that your gemstone are the blue topaz and the turquoise. Your flowers are the narcissus, orchid and poinsettia. Your main qualities are courage, calmness, certainty, and success.

Summary of your characteristics


  • Capable
  • Expansive
  • Perseverent


  • Preoccupied
  • Frustrated
  • Stubborn