The Science of Graphology.

Letter Z

The letter "z" indicates the strength of the writer's ego.

Letter Y

The letter Y is significant in many avenues of life.

Letter X

The letter X is associated with how we deal with life in general.

Letter U

The letter U is associated with how someone normally views themselves.

Letter W

We can separate the letter "w" into four lines and letters directly into

Letter V

The letter ”V” belongs to the middle zone of letters, and can highlight

Letter T

When it comes to graphology, there are many elements to be taken into co

Letter S

Letter  ”S” is a letter that has sinuous curves, which can tell a lot ab

Letter R

Letter ”R” belongs to the middle zone of the alphabet.

Letter Q

When set as a capital letter the ”Q”, is found in the upper zone, and wh

Letter P

Over the years I have collected a wide range of handwriting analysis fro

Letter O

The way you write the letter "o" is telling on your own personality and

Letter N

The letter ”N” either the capital or lowercase belongs to the middle zon

Letter M

The letter "m" is similar to the letter "w" .

Letter L

Letter "l" is associated with your belief system in life.

Letter K

The letter ”k” belongs to the upper zone of the alphabet, and it can be

Letter J

The letter ”J” is known as a letter from the lower zone of the alphabet.

Letter I

How you write the letter "i" provides a wealth of information into your

Letter H

People write in many different styles and the way people write the lette

Letter G

Each letter that we write can be allocated a zone.

Letter F

Each letter that we write can be allocated a zone.

Letter E

Each letter that we write can be allocated a zone.

Letter D

It is better to analyse the letter "d" in two parts.

Letter B

The letter B is really interesting when it comes to analysing our handwr


Graphology in essence is the science of handwriting.

Letter C

Letter "c"  is part of the middle zone family of letters.

Letter A

Over the years I have been studying how we write the letter A and it is

Letter Z

The letter "z" indicates the strength of the writer's ego.

Letter Y

The letter Y is significant in many avenues of life.

Letter X

The letter X is associated with how we deal with life in general.

Letter U

The letter U is associated with how someone normally views themselves.

David Berkowitz

Otherwise known as the ‘Son of Sam,’ this horrifying murderer started of

Jack the Ripper

Jack the Ripper is one of the more famous kinds of serial killers who ev

Osama Bin Laden

In modern day, there is no one who used to strike fear in the hearts of


Adolf Hitler was a German politician as well as a leader of the Nazi Par

Jeffrey Dahmer

Most people choose to get therapy when their parents’ divorce.

Lindsay Lohan

With the news being the way that it has been these days with regards to

Elvis Presley

Elvis Presley is one of the most widely known and esteemed music perform

Dolly Parton

Dolly Parton is a beloved icon who brings smiles to those who see her.

Katie Holmes

Katie Holmes came from humble beginnings in Dawson’s Creek.

Jodi Foster

When Jodi Foster was a child actress, she always played the part of a gr

Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt has long since been a heart throb for more than 20 years, I ca

Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp is a well-loved actor all over the world.

Marilyn Manson

Some call him the son of the devil; some call him the most intriguing ma

Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe’s handwriting analysis has been famously focused on for y

Letter W

We can separate the letter "w" into four lines and letters directly into

Letter V

The letter ”V” belongs to the middle zone of letters, and can highlight

Letter T

When it comes to graphology, there are many elements to be taken into co

Letter S

Letter  ”S” is a letter that has sinuous curves, which can tell a lot ab

Letter R

Letter ”R” belongs to the middle zone of the alphabet.

Letter Q

When set as a capital letter the ”Q”, is found in the upper zone, and wh

Letter P

Over the years I have collected a wide range of handwriting analysis fro

Letter O

The way you write the letter "o" is telling on your own personality and

Letter N

The letter ”N” either the capital or lowercase belongs to the middle zon

Letter M

The letter "m" is similar to the letter "w" .

Letter L

Letter "l" is associated with your belief system in life.

Letter K

The letter ”k” belongs to the upper zone of the alphabet, and it can be

Letter J

The letter ”J” is known as a letter from the lower zone of the alphabet.

Letter I

How you write the letter "i" provides a wealth of information into your

Letter H

People write in many different styles and the way people write the lette

Letter G

Each letter that we write can be allocated a zone.

Letter F

Each letter that we write can be allocated a zone.

Letter E

Each letter that we write can be allocated a zone.

Letter D

It is better to analyse the letter "d" in two parts.

Letter B

The letter B is really interesting when it comes to analysing our handwr


Graphology in essence is the science of handwriting.

Letter C

Letter "c"  is part of the middle zone family of letters.

Letter A

Over the years I have been studying how we write the letter A and it is


It is said that no two individuals can ever truly have the same handwrit


The way that the muscles move when writing are often controlled by the c

Muscle Movement

The way that the muscles move when writing are often controlled by the c

The Ego

Notice the image above and the way the "William" is written.

Your Signature

Your signature represents the inner you and your hidden personality.