The Celtic Cross

The most popular and well-known of all of the tarot spreads is the Celtic Cross 10 card spread. Get your free reading below.

The Six Of Swords
Two of cups
Eight of Swords Tarot Card
Ace Of Pentacles Tarot Card
The world tarot card
The Magician Tarot Card
The Three of Wands
The Fool Tarot Card
The Justice Tarot Card
The Queen of Pentacles

Card reading

The Six Of Swords

The Six of Swords

When you have received the Six of Swords, this is a sign that the difficult cycle that you have been experiencing is now ending. When the Six of Swords appears in your reading about love and relationships, you can expect to find new love in your new environment. You have decided to get rid of everything that makes you unhappy and you no longer perpetuate negativity by holding onto baggage.
Two of cups

The Two of Cups

The Two of Cups in the Tarot is one of the favorite ‘feel good’ cards that exist in the whole deck. This card is similar to the Lovers card, but just to a smaller or less intense degree. This card is one of friendship, or of blossoming romance. If you have received this card then the energy of love, as a nurturing, spiritual, creative energy is blessing your circumstances. This card is similar to the Lovers card, but just to a smaller or less intense degree.
Eight of Swords Tarot Card

The Eight of Swords

The Eight of Swords is commonly known as the card of victimization. You fear pain and restriction, yet that which you fear is exactly what is blocking you the most. You are going through a season where you do not trust anyone and you worse you are constantly doubting your own abilities. You are perpetuating this cycle by trying to battle more than one issue at a time and that is part of what is causing you debilitating indecision.
Ace Of Pentacles Tarot Card

The Ace of Pentacles

The Ace of Pentacles is filled with grounding and solid energy. Around the Ace of any card is the unadulterated source of power of the suit. With the pentacles the energy is that of the earth and grounded energy. Take a moment and see all of the ways in which the flows of the Earthly energies affect you. The times in which you feel grounded and those in which you are almost pulled down and sluggish even have a different relation to the Earth.
The world tarot card

The World

The World is your oyster when you see this card in your reading. Like with the Wheel of Fortune card, it is indicative that there is luck on your side and that the universe is looking at you favorably. Like with the Wheel of Fortune card, it is indicative that there is luck on your side and that the universe is looking at you favorably. However, when the World is present it says that things are definitely looking up and that what you want is at your fingertips, you simply have to reach out and take what you want.
The Magician Tarot Card

The Magician

The first numeric card in the tarot deck is the Magician card. Now in this aspect the Magician knows that he is in charge of his reality. You are moving in a positive direction so do not hesitate. The key word for the Magician is ‘I will,’ expressing that the sheer force of his will makes him capable of doing literally anything he puts his mind to. The key word for the Magician is ‘I will,’ expressing that the sheer force of his will makes him capable of doing literally anything he puts his mind to. If the Magician is blessing your reading, then now is the time for you to manifest all of the dreams that you have ever wanted and make them into a reality by focusing on what they are and then connecting to your image of God who will help make them come to fruition.
The Three of Wands

The Three of Wands

The Three of Wands in your reading indicates that you have gone the distance and have found your reward. The cards of the Tarot tell a story and where the Two of Wands was indicating a need for planning before the adventure begins, the Three of Wands indicates that you are closer to your destination and that the end is in sight. Often it will represent being at the last leg of a journey in your life or completing something and now being able to move forward to the next aspect.
The Fool Tarot Card

The Fool

The Fool is the card of wild abandon and new beginnings. The Fool is often depicted as a young person, with knapsack in hand who is going places. And what will be the final destination? No one knows, but it does not matter.
The Justice Tarot Card


The Justice card in a reading is one of the more ‘feared’ cards in the deck.While this can be true, as Justice does symbolize in some forms the legal system or the fine tuning of business; something else to consider is that the Justice card lays everything out for you exactly as you have prepared for it to. While this can be true, as Justice does symbolize in some forms the legal system or the fine tuning of business; something else to consider is that the Justice card lays everything out for you exactly as you have prepared for it to. In essence, the Justice card best illustrates the just Law of Compensation: that which you put out you will receive back tenfold.
The Queen of Pentacles

The Queen of Pentacles

The Queen of Pentacles represents all things fertile, abundant, green and wise. Now, if the Queen is appearing in your reading, you will experience a level of abundant support like no other time in your life. Now, if the Queen is appearing in your reading, you will experience a level of abundant support like no other time in your life. Here all of the hard work that you have invested, tilling and sowing your metaphorical fields, is paying off and you will get what you deserve.