Astrology and fitness: best exercises for your sign

I’m Flo and I have been in astrology for 35 years. If you have been wondering what sorts of exercise you should be undertaking (based on your zodiac sign) then read on. In astrology, all signs are mirrored by various other clues that are on the exact opposite aspect of the zodiac. You will find two diverse differences in the zodiac when it comes to fitness -- and each sign can be associated with the following:
- Yang/masculine/positive
- Yin/feminine/negative
Why is Yin and Yang important for exercise?
The reason I mention these is that each polar opposite creates a selection of opposing traits, qualities, and attributes designed to affect that fitness exercise for your sign and this will focus on your cosmic balance.
What does yang mean in astrology?
Whether female or male, people who fall under yang, or perhaps masculine, indicators are extroverted and also radiate the energy of their outward. These signs are
- Aries
- Leo
- Sagittarius
- Gemini
- Libra
- Aquarius
When it comes to fitness they are spontaneous, bold, active, and courageous. If this is you, I am saying that you move ahead in life together with the drive to enjoy everything in life, and you work hard to transfer your positivity and inspiration to others. All signs governed by the fire and air elements are yang and keep the possibility for these dominating qualities. We are going to refer to them with masculine pronouns.
- Fire: Fire signs are energetic, bold, and adventurous. They love warm environments and the heat and also appear towards the sunshine and fire as a way to charge your depleted batteries (if you are a fire sign). Your passionate, outgoing, and competitive. The fire signs are Aries, Sagittarius, and Leo. These are yang energy.
- Earth: Earth signs all share a typical tendency and love toward an useful, sensual, material, and financial orientation. The planet earth signs are Taurus, Capricorn, and Virgo, which are yin energy. (I will speak about this shortly)
- Air: Air is considered the most quick element along with those born under this particular signs are communicators, innovators, and thinkers. The air signs are Gemini, Aquarius, and Libra. These are yin energy.
- Water: Water signs are instinctual, sensitive, compassionate, and mental. The water signs are Cancer, Pisces, and Scorpio, and are also yin energy.
To recap, the yin signs are:
- Taurus
- Virgo
- Capricorn
- Cancer
- Scorpio
- Pisces
Yin signs are dreamy and what I call emotional zodiac signs. The best fitness techniques for these signs are as follows: Each astrological sign features a governing element that defines the energy orientation of and influences both the manner the sign moves throughout the universe and pertains to exercise so I am going to go over this now - for each sign so scroll down.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
You ought to be extremely active in your workout routine. If you are Aries and go to the gym, and wondering what type of exercise would suit you, then cardiovascular training three times a week is the absolute minimum. Looking out into nature can help you get motivated. A great way for Cardio is also to enroll in a yoga or Salsa class. This could help you. If you don’t like the whole class idea then this could be achieved through running. I have always found that Aries are extremely competitive, and with great determination is able to outlast any adversary. Aries tend to be very goal-oriented, and they really want to win. The aim for Aries is to do Cardiovascular training three times a week, and strength training, at least three times a week The best time to work out for an Aries is to work out when you get back from your exercise routine.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
A bull's horns is about the energy of life. The energy I feel of Tauras is about making sure there is not a battle between the struggle long-term and enjoying the exercise. Taurus is the 6th house cusp, so you are not lazy but I don’t think you are the real exercise person. You would much rather make some cakes. The most important thing for Tauras is to do low exercises such as walking or jogging. You're an enthusiastic bundle of low energy. You play hard and work even harder. You do everything with a certain amount of time: You're always living the present and you have a strong belief in the future. The quick, short exercises appeal to your natural Tauras drive and passion. They also keep you engaged and prevent boredom, which Taurus people (yes you!) are prone to.
Being a Tauras, though, you have to think about how you plan your exercises. I am sure you will agree that you look for fast results in most things, such as diet and exercise. I also feel you could excel at team sports such as netball or cricket, since your ruling planet Venus "the lover," means you will have confidence and determination.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
I met a Gemini at the gym once and was not that into it. In fact, I went to the gym with her for a few months. Once she took on circuit training class things changed. This is because if you are Gemini you need to be with other people. Things can be up and down for you. A swim aerobics class perhaps? In general, you will like classes because you will make new friends and talk with many other people. You'd also love the energy of an exercise bike club. Once again, not because you love biking, but because it would provide you with the chance to meet up with new people. You are quite social so exercise with people will suit you I believe. In my view, the exercises of: jumping jacks, push-ups, lunges, and mountain climbers in a circuit would be super cool for you. This also allows you to work on different muscle groups, which is great for a quick, effective workout. So, I hope you enjoy this.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Cancer is the 4th sign of the Zodiac. You will know this -- that you are super caring. In order to call someone' a Cancer' they will need to be created mostly between the dates of June 21st and July 21st. I say usually since it can depend on which time of day the Cancer of yours was born and exactly where in the planet. There's no such thing as being a cusp, you're also one sign or any other, and you cannot be both. But as I am going to explain the best exercise for you, I feel that some sort of HIIT or Tabata workout will work really well. You are totally nurturing. In the season of Scorpio (my sign) you will also need to be very active. You are most likely the person on the treadmill or go for many hours in the gym. And I suppose you are constantly taking pics to load on Instagram. You look amazing, do not worry.
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
I would say, Zumba, dance cardio, and group fitness classes will release your inner lion. Yes, there is a lion inside there. For Leo’s I would say it is important to work out only on Tuesdays, Thursdays as well as Fridays. I believe that you are going to benefit most if you stick to a routine, as Leo in my experience can’t be too bothered about exercise. If I had to choose a particular exercise for you Leo - it would be something like kickboxing where every class let’s you release all that energy and lioness within you.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
I had an ex-boyfriend who was a Virgo, he loved kickboxing and he would thrive on routines and attention to detail. For females, I would honestly stay focused on Pilates, which will help that core strength and precise movements. This is all about how you exercise” rather than what you do. You will have to incorporate exercise into your everyday life. You may feel you will be focused in life.
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
At first glance, I would say that anything around pilates or ballet is the needed exercise to add to your routine. As a Libra, I would say that you need balance, harmony, and focus. If you had to ask me what type of exercise you should go for I believe is Yoga. This will help you find a sort of equilibrium. Every session of exercise should make you feel centered and peaceful. If you had to ask me what type of exercise you should try I would say Tai Chi. It involves slow controlled movements that correspond to your need for balance and mindfulness. All the movements build into one another.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
I am a Scorpio, and I would totally suggest swimming. I swam today at the pool. Gliding through water is relaxing. Swimming works multiple muscles without being too strenuous. The water feels light and weightless and it balances out my body energy. That is why I feel swimming should be your main exercise, due to you being a water sign. I will also say, that intense exercise is going to be pleasurable when Scorpio is in the 6th house. You are also most like group classes. If, for example, you want to put in hard work (try hitting the gym? or simply circuit training maybe?) I know as a fellow Scorpio you need to keep in control “of everything!” you know what works best for yourself and you get it done.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
The very first thing that came to my mind was a running machine. Not one (like mine) hidden in the conservatory but I would just get a cheap one. The reason is that you like the sense of adventure and freedom that comes with running, and with Sagittarian love for exploration -- tunning will meet your needs. It will keep you totally active while satisfying that explorer inside. Another alternative? Something similar to Karate in which you are active, yet using your mind to outwit that other person. Essentially, you have to integrate a great combination of mental and physical into your everyday routine.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
My ex is a Capricorn and he often used running to exercise. In terms of what is better for you, let's look at you. Firstly, your schedule revolves around order and stability. Why not try CrossFit? It is easy to fit in prior to or after work (or during our lunch break), plus you can walk through the routine at your own personal speed. You will like the thought of a pre-determined routine that you are able to produce on your terms. Is there another thing about Capricorn on the 6th? You could wind up having a CrossFit gym or working at a workout center.
There are two very special elements that you need to excel at exercise. This is simply, variety and people. You do not always need group classes (though you would likely love them), but you should work out where there are many people around. You may have to go to a real gym. Or perhaps you take lots of community classes. The trick for you is to help keep things moving - try out new classes and new strategies.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
As a water sign, you frequently call for a calming, meditative workout. You could try Yoga or Karate. This is the place in which you'll find the most peace. Regardless, to keep your mind in good health, you have to keep your body going you will find that if you keep yang energy at bay things will be good for you exercise-wise. Nevertheless, by doing self-care that's tailored to your water sign, you can discover a means - possibly one that is exclusive for you - to state the native buoyancy of plus dominance and engage with the road that the universe opens for you.