Two Cards

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The Ten of Wands Tarot Card
3 Of Cups Tarot Card

Card reading

The Ten of Wands


The Ten of Wands has appeared in your reading to tell you that you have taken on far more then you can handle.

The image of the young man carrying ten wands seems like so much, yet he continues to walk, heavily burdened to the city. In this the pressure that you have been under is clear. Your plate is too full, and you are overburdened by the expectations that you have placed on yourself. Now you feel utterly blocked both emotionally and physically, and your spirit is downtrodden. At this point, the idea of making a change might seem impossible for you, because the load that you are carrying is so heavy. However this is the time in your journey where you must complete a major spiritual initiation. Initiation periods in life are extremely uncomfortable, but if we didn’t have to experience them, we would never make any progress. These are the times that feel the most constricted, the most painful, and the most difficult to work through.

The initiation phase for the Suit of Wands is placed in this part of the tarot because you have traveled through the suit, making different choices and have ended up here. Now you have put so much on your shoulders that you have set yourself up for failure. You simply cannot continue on trying to carry all of these sticks across the entire desert nor should you try. You are making life too difficult on yourself. Consider this lesson that the Ten of Wands is preparing for you: Do you enjoy living this way or are you afraid to change?

As of now you have no time for yourself, you are helping too many people at once and you are stuck in a cycle of perpetual self sabotage. Just because you are busy, does not mean that you are functioning in a healthy, productive manner.

The initiation period of the Ten of Wands tells you that it is time for you to begin the process of reconnecting to your inner self through meditation and direct communication or prayer to a higher source energy. The reason for this is the situation you have gotten yourself into, carrying the burdens of everyone else; you require time in the presence of the sacred energy of reverence and prayer to help you through.

The merging of God inside of you and the God that is all around you is necessary so that you might recognize the importance of slowing down, and letting go of that which does not truly belong to you. You deserve to have a fruitful life. The cycle that you are in right now will not help you do that. You must put the wands down, stretch out your body and drink a glass of cool water from the Fountain of Wisdom.

The Ten of Wands is asking you now to consider the quality of life that you have. Has your willingness to help others proved to make it impossible for you to do much for yourself? Do you feel at this time that you have the freedom that you would like to travel or venture out and pursue new things? When you are in a relationship, do you take on the entire burden alone? If so, why do you do this? Do you feel that you are living a full life for yourself?

Take some time to yourself to start breaking out of the limits of these boundaries that you have placed on yourself. Work through the fear that you have of acquiring success in your life and release yourself. Allow yourself the pleasure of experiencing the unfamiliar so that you can move to the next phase. If you do not give yourself this time to learn from this lesson, you will continue to repeat the cycle over and over again. Better to let yourself move on. Practice makes perfect!

Ten of Wands in Love

In love the Ten of Wands is telling you that you have taken on too much in your relationship and that you are not appropriately communicating your needs or expressing yourself and you are creating a passive aggressive spiral that would be avoidable if you would only allow yourself to open up and be honest. You need help, everyone does. In the pursuit of love, vulnerability is of key importance. You cannot continue to be the only one taking on the responsibility. You are robbing yourself and you are robbing your loved one of the opportunity to be there for you. If you are single, this card is telling you that you are too busy and therefore setting yourself up for failure. You want what you are not willing to create for yourself. The first step is to start to make room in your life for a valuable person. Seek counseling if the concept of letting go or being vulnerable with someone in a real healthy relationship is too hard for you. Having a third person, an outsider’s perspective can help tremendously in letting go, one step at a time.

Ten of Wands in Health

In health the Ten of Wands is depicting you as someone who is a tense ball of nerves, whose immune system could be breaking down leaving you open for all manner of sicknesses and diseases. If you want to live a long and healthy life, you must remove all that causes you tension in the center of your being, usually felt the most in the solar plexus. If you feel tense more then half of the day, then you are not pursuing a healthy life and this is going to catch up with you fast. Learn to let go via meditation, gain freedom from what burdens you and you will live a long and health life.

Ten of Wands in Work and Wealth

As we have mentioned, the Ten of Wands represents a time in your life that is overburdened. In work, the symbolism is the same; you are doing too much and are not getting enough reward. Let go of some your work load, a little bit at a time. Keep in mind you are not being asked to negatively affect your financial stability but could evaluate your life style and may want to see if you can live with less. Even if you will have some adverse repercussions, you need to have more free time so you can relax and get to you know yourself. Anything that makes you work more than the required amount of time and is not paying you appropriately is something that should be let go. If you are the type to work overtime without getting paid: stop it right now. Try going home and sitting in silence for a half-hour and see what happens. Can you do it? Was it uncomfortable? Question your work-a-holic ways. If you are looking for work, question what thoughts/chores you are doing that stop you from attracting work because you are too emotionally overburdened.

Ten of Wands As An Action

In love, as action, the ten of wands means you need to keep the love afloat rather than do nothing. It means your the one who has to do all the running in order to change it into the relationship that you want and need. The success of love does carry a price and you need to ask yourself if you are ready to do all the chasing. If it is worth it, go for it. If not, move onto someone else. In other parts of life the ten of wands represents that you need to do all the work to chase the goal, it may be worth it or it may not.

The Fool Reversed

Reversed Ten Of Wands In A Reading

When you have received the Ten of Wands in the reversed position, this means that you are ending a phase in which you were overburdened, thankfully and are finding your way out. You learning what freedom is and you are beginning to delve into a life of self reflection and joy. The card is still showing up in your reading, because there are still elements from this phase that you are purging. This card is telling you to check in with yourself to make sure that goals you have set for yourself are being accomplished. If so, great, if not, fine-tune the process so that you do not add more then you can handle and will get in the way.

The Ten of Wands Card Keywords Upright

  • Irresponsibility
  • Two-way success
  • Fake ambitions
  • Uselessness
  • Being overwhelmed
  • Repression
  • Suppressed fear
  • Insecurity
  • Obstacles
  • Backstabbing
  • Breakup
  • Emotional

The Ten of Wands Tarot Card Reversed Card Keywords

  • Self-love
  • Improvement
  • Making progress
  • Promotion
  • Taking it slow
  • Honor
  • Having faith

Three of Cups


The Three of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

When the Three of Cups has a central focus in your reading it is a sign that you are being blessed with a season of success and abundance, for which you can achieve much.

This card is a celebratory one. There is no work, only play. Now you have done what you needed to get by and you have some time to relax. This card moves the story of the Suit of Cups farther because you must have some time for celebration in order to take the next step forward. This is a kind of break time for you. Whatever has been making you feel stress will invariably pass. Sometimes we need time to celebrate, to let loose and relax so that we can refocus on what it is that we are trying to accomplish. This step is as essential as working hard toward your goal. Consider it like building muscles in your body. It is imperative that you take a day off in between lifting weights so that your muscles can heal themselves in preparation for expanding. This is the same with the Three of Cups. Except in this situation, you will have much to celebrate and you should do so socially. This is not a time of introspection; this is a time of embracing your inner social butterfly. Go have drinks with your friends just to celebrate where you are right now.

The image of the Three of Cups in the Rider-Waite deck shows three maidens dancing in a fertile garden, joyously toasting with their friends. They sing out their congratulations on a job well done and a step forward in a position of prosperity. These maidens represent a time of hospitality, of nurturing, and of fortune as well as victory. You will experience a phase supreme pleasure at this time. Do not let it pass you buy. Soak it up for all that it is worth! Life can be hectic and hard and stressful, so take the time that you need to revel in how far you have come.

The Three of Cups symbolizes the celebratory existence after a crisis has passed over you. Your effort has produced positive results and you have something positive coming your way. You are an exceptionally talented person who is also very intuitive and sensitive. Often times these attributes remain somewhat under the surface. However now is the time for freedom of expression. Be as happy and as silly or giddy as you’d like. You deserve it.

The Suit of Cups is related to all matters of the heart and the emotions, and the Three of Cups is clearing the way for you to find intense fulfillment through love; both the giving and the receiving. Remember that when you share the good love in a relationship, it is a reciprocal act that touches all aspects of life. When you behave in a manner that is compassionate towards others, you encourage that loving light to transcend all that crosses your path. This is the road that you travel now with the Three of Cups: Complete acceleration of joy and an actualization of all of your dreams and hearts desires.

This is also a time to develop any metaphysical interests that you might have. Dream big. This card is a continuation of the Two of Cups as well in a sense because through the continued relationships developed from that time period, you have been able to create a level of security and solid foundation from which to grow and that has brought you to this time in your life where you can just revel in joy. The lesson of this card might seem almost too simple: Enjoy yourself. But it is true, and it is important. The Three of Cups is telling you to find relaxation with others and joy, identify your talents and use them, and communicate freely in this time of celebration.

The Three of Cups in Love

When the Three of Cups is transiting your life there is a resounding element of success in love swirling around you that you never thought was possible. This is the time to begin a new kind of lifestyle or commence a relationship that is on mutual grounds. Even though there is an image of three individuals in this card, this can be a time of great love and passion with just one romantic partner or a time of achievement with a group of friends or business partners. You are blessed with a communicative spirit, and the ability to communicate with your partners, romantic or others is going to help you a lot right now. In fact, it will feel as though you are capable of saying things you never thought possible. Now, words just seem to fly out of your mouth in an almost poetic prose and you feel completely on top of your game in your love life. You will feel light as a feather as you enjoy the rest and relaxation as well as celebration that this card encourages.

The Three of Cups in Health

The Three of Cups is such a celebratory time that it is easy to overindulge even to the extremes. Some indulge in copious amounts of alcohol or sex or drugs, and while the manner in which you find relaxation is not in question, the Three of Cups is a gentle card. So treat yourself gently. Do not push yourself so hard in the acquisition of celebration that you end up getting sick or injuring yourself. The time to celebrate is now, but there will be a time of work coming for you that you need to be rested and ready for. You do not want to have to focus on healing an extra wound to the head because you drank too much and decided that you could lift a car over your head, for example. Be gentle, celebrate, and be happy.

The Three of Cups in Work and Wealth

The Three of Cups in Work and Wealth signifies the beginning of a time of enjoying what you have done. If you do not have business partnerships in your world right now, except individuals with common interests to present themselves to you. Partnering up with others of a like mind will be very good for you. If you already have business partners, or friends who work with you, you will find that you will all be compelled to celebrate all aspects of your relationship together.

The 3 of cups Reversed

Reversed Meaning Of The Three Of Cups

As mentioned, the Cups are cards that directly influence our emotions. When you have received the Three of Cups in the reversed position, you will find that there is a need to balance your emotions without being too hard on yourself or attempting to control how you express love. There is a creative or even an emotional block going on. The extremism aspect of this card is of key importance. Do not put yourself in an extreme situation that you cannot easily recover from. Also make sure to not dwell on what you do not have at this time because that will get you started on a cycle that will be hard to get out of. Even if you can’t think of much to be excited or grateful for, even the gratitude for the fact that you can breathe could be enough to pull yourself out of it. This card is warning you not to get stuck in isolation.

Upright Three of Cups meanings in keywords

  • Eclectic friendship
  • Possible love triangle
  • Insight into females
  • Soul connections
  • Laughter
  • Manifesting more friends

Reversed Three of Cups meanings in keywords

  • Unconnected hearts
  • Threes a crowd
  • Blocked friendship
  • Spiritually restricted