Three Card

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The Devil Tarot Card
The Six Of Pentacles Tarot Card
Page Of Wands Tarot Card

Card reading

The Devil


The Devil Tarot Card Meaning

Oh no, it’s the Devil card! Don’t worry, it’s not all brimstone and evil… generally, the Devil represents very human aspects, rather than supernatural ones.

The Devil card is the perversion of everything good, spiritual, and whole. It shows that there are unhealthy aspects of your life that you are likely ignoring. In this card, you will find the same two people from the Lovers card now chained to the pedestal on top of which the devil sits. The winged figure above has an inverted pentacle representing the physical needs dominating over the spiritual. The Devil card represents either a negative influence upon you at this time which is usually compounded by your compliance. Typically this card will show up in a reading to identify an extremely unhealthy behavior, relationship, or environment. It is a card that acts as a warning omen that unless you correct the wrongs surrounding you in both the physical world and the metaphysical you will suffer consequences of the most unpleasant sort.

Now is a time to act and stop making excuses. It is your responsibility to make choices which are healthy and productive and there is no excuse to let obvious shackles hold you back. Extreme restraints or outlandish habits will undoubtedly both wreak havoc in your life. The card begs the questions: How are you being deceived? Are you doing it to yourself or is there an outside force to be reckoned with?

The Devil in Love

Being a card of deception, the Devil card does not bode well for a love affair. Cheating, lying, and dominating are often invoked in the mind of the recipient of this card but often it’s much simpler than that. The Devil card represents the insecurity around all of these issues as well as jealousy, co-dependency, and an overall loss of freedom that can come when one loses themselves in a relationship. Caution to both those in a relationship and those who are still searching should be had.

The Devil card can also represent not being able to trust your own judgment. You may be blinded by past deceptions and hold on to animosity that carries over into a new relationship. It may be best, for now, to really delve into the issues of your relationship and see what is true before making a decision. Many will find that the relationship issues they are going through are typical for their love patterns and that unhealthy behavior on their own part are creating unstable relationships currently.

The Devil in Health

In health the Devil card reflects hidden health issues often of internal organs or silent diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or mental weariness. It does not mean you are possessed or that there is some evil outside force making you sick. There is nothing to be afraid of in this card. Rather it shows up often as a warning sign that you may want to check in with your doctor. Often people that are feeling run down, overworked, or just ‘out of sorts’ will find the Devil shows up in their readings. That being said, it can also be a sign of heavier issues spiritually or mentally that are caused by excess like addiction, binging, or unhealthy behaviors that you are indulging in. Think of it as a helpful card telling you that you may need a bit of love and attention and should not be ignored.

The Devil Work and Wealth

How are your finances right now? Do you feel like you are working hard, trying to be frugal, but still are getting nowhere? Let’s be honest then, you aren’t doing everything that you can. The Devil represents gluttony on many levels and money is definitely one of them. Whether it is to do with work specifically – in this area you are likely working hard enough but not keeping your spending in check – or finances only it all comes down to the fact that you aren’t watching where your money is going close enough. Whether you have a habit of shopping, gambling, or simply spending exorbitant amounts of money on your daily coffee and snacks, it all adds up. Not to point a finger, but your money problems as of now are your own doing. The good side of this is that once you identify where the waste is, you have the power to curb the spending and get your financial goals back in line. In the work place, the Devil often represents an individual that is not to be trusted. This is another one of the major arcana cards that tells you if something is too good to be true then it probably is and you should watch carefully for anyone offering you a hand up at this time. Do not be tempted by taking the easy road or short cuts as they will likely turn out to be pitfalls.


The Devil Reversed

Reversed Devil in a reading

This is one of the few cards in the deck that turn out to be positive when found in the reversed position in a reading. Often signifying a close call of some sort, the Devil in reverse can actually be a good omen in a reading. Usually you will see it present after making a choice in a relationship, taking a step in recovery, or after quitting a negative habit in your life. Take the reversed Devil card as a sign that you have made a good choice, even if you are feeling uncertain. The important trait of the Devil in this position is realizing that your decision has been good and not relapsing back into the bad situation that you avoided or just escaped from. Do not look back. Keep progressing towards the light.

The Six of Pentacles


The Six Of Pentacles Tarot Meaning

Following with the story line of the pentacles you will find that there are ups and downs regarding stability, money, and work.

The Five of Pentacles was a card of destitution and recognizes the need to ask for help in order for one to get back on their feet. The Six of Pentacles is now that realization of charity and good works. It is a representation of either you receiving charity that is much needed to get you to where you need either financially or in regards to a living situation. Base needs are now being met and positive changes are happening.

It can also be a representation that you have learned how to manage your own finances and that you are now competent at meeting your base needs such as food, shelter, and housing and that you are in a position to help or teach others. Depending on where you are in your path – being the helper or the one that needs help – it is important to realize both sides of the charitable coin.

Help to others and receiving help is often part of the human experience. When we have enough we give to those around us and in turn it can be humbling to have to accept help. If you are in a position of needing help be appreciative of the help you receive and remember that you needed to rely on others. Do not take it for granted however and realize that the help offered at this time is a hand up rather than a hand out. Squandering this help will cause you to go back on your path rather than forward. If you happen to be in a position where you can help others, the card can also be a reminder not to overextend your helpfulness. You will be no help to anyone if you continue to offer help and not focus on also taking care of your own needs. Be generous within reason but do not be so generous that you cause yourself a loss.

The Six of Pentacles in Love 

In love the Six of Pentacles can be a generous card showing that there is much to be gained by interacting in a relationship at this time. Sometimes it will come up when there is enough of a foundation to move on to the next step of a relationship but with this it focuses more on monetary or material aspects of the relationship rather than emotional ones. The card will come up usually when relating to growing in areas of housing like moving in together or joining financial resources to make a couple stronger.

When seeking love the Six of Pentacles tells you to be generous with your offerings right now and it is a good time to put yourself out there. Focus on areas of charity or giving in order to meet others that have the same mindset and goals. Likely a relationship can be found in your local soup kitchen or charitable function. Your goal should not be helping in order to find love. Rather focus on giving your time or resources in ways that you can so that you get more involved. Love is a likely side effect but it could also be friendship and other relationships as well.

The Six of Pentacles in Health

The Six of Pentacles is a good card regarding health in that it can indicate improved health overall, but especially a period of illness. If you have been dealing with a nagging illness or pain the Six of Pentacles shows increased circulation and vitality that will cause an upswing of healing regarding wellness on its own. For more serious health issues this is a good time to seek assistance to ensure healing. Options for getting better are available to you if you seek them out.

The Six of Pentacles in Work and Wealth

The Three-Fold Law says that what you put out will come back to you threefold. The Six of Pentacles is much like this law, stating that what you have been putting out to the world is coming back to you. Usually, it’s a good card indicating a windfall of sorts that comes from good works. It can indicate a bonus for work done or a raise even. Don’t think of inheritances, games of chance, or the lottery. No, the Six of Pentacles is in relation to getting what you give. If you have been on a good path in work or finances with your intentions… that is working hard and trying to seek success then you are likely to see the fruition of your efforts and be rewarded handsomely. You may even be coming out of a hard time financially and need a little extra help. In this case, someone around you may give you money because they can see that you are trying but just need a little help.

The Six of Pentacles is an exceptional card regarding work and looking for new opportunities. Whether you are seeking a job due to unemployment or a need for advancement it is an excellent time to spend energy on finding what you need. You will create your own opportunities simply by making your desires known the universe. Of course, you have to act too. You won’t find what you are hoping for if you don’t look. Remember to be reworking your resume with all of your current information and to be sending it out there! Don’t expect new opportunities to fall into your lap, you have to ask for them and do your part to ensure they come to you. The 6 of pentacles can indicate that harmony is soon to be yours, it may imply you are expert at what you do and wish to help or give others something important. Six in tarot represents balance. This card can mean giving money to others through work. There is a lesson imprinted here. Learn to give and receive in a work context. In terms of business, it can indicate success and that you will employ more people. 

Reversed Meaning - Six of Pentacles

The Fool Reversed

Often the spiritual nature of the Six of Pentacles is missed in the upright position because there is a lot of focus on the monetary or material gain being experienced. However in the reversed position, there is a huge emphasis on spirituality or emotional health. In the reversed position the Six of Pentacles calls for a change in your view and often can indicate depression which is worsening or feelings of hopelessness like there is nowhere to turn. Avoid penning up your emotions or basing them on your current lot in life. Now is a time where good works will be rewarded but you have to get off your butt and seek them out. Sitting around and moping about your situation is not going to improve anything. Even if you feel that your situation is the cause of your problems or that everything has gotten so out of control that you are buried beneath your problems, there is hope and help for you. You have to be the one to shake off the dirt, so to speak, and reach out for a helping hand. Help and support is around you but you have to be willing to accept it and avoid being too stubborn to ask for it.

Upright Six of Pentacles Meanings in Keywords

  • Gaining rewards
  • Feeling appreciated
  • Experiencing love
  • Absolute happiness
  • Socialization
  • No limitations
  • Solving issues
  • Generosity
  • Large income

Reversed Six of Pentacles Meanings in Keywords

  • Fear of success
  • Non-reciprocity
  • Overcoming trauma
  • Business obstacles
  • Disapproving decisions
  • Important changes
  • Heartbreaking situation
  • Losing love

The Page of Wands


In the Rider Waite Tarot, the Pages are known for young people.

Sometimes they are called the Princes or Princesses of the Deck, primarily because they are referring to those people or experiences that are brand new and usually lacking in the sometimes frustrating world experience that can inhibit one’s ability to be creative individuals. The Page of Wands in a reading means that you or the subject of the reading is full of courage as well as a sudden inclination toward either anger or love.

This card is symbolic of the fluctuating energies that flow through all of us, but especially when we are young. The age of this card, doesn’t so much refer to the physical age of a human being. When we have a new experience, we feel that like a neophyte or a beginner would. This means that for you something brand new is coming your way. There is extra enthusiasm involved. You can get excited about the prospect of new events. When the Page is transiting your life, you can expect changes and news in your favor.

The Page is sensitive, funny, uninhibited, hyper intelligent. He indicates a forward thrust for transformation. Transformation is intuitive for you, all you have to do is tap into that energy and you will go far. Pay attention to the signs that the Universe provides for you at all times. Synchronicities are around you at this time, and if you give them their due attention you will find yourself following a road of fulfillment comparable to no other.

The Page of Wands tells you that you must know yourself. Identify the obstacles that stop you from experiencing all of the new adventures and beginnings that you have at your disposal. This young energy is telling you that it is time to gain liberation from the constraints of your every day monotony. Even if you are jumping into the unknown, you must allow yourself to experience this time from the perspective of an innocent. Of someone who is seeing the world for the first time. Life is a joyful thing, and it is time for you to realize that. There is a fiery desire that thrusts itself into you with the energy of the Page of Wands, and you must follow the river all the way to its end. Flow with the new change, flow with the new beginnings. Have faith in your instincts and enjoy yourself. This is a time to study, to reflect, to behave uninhibited in word and deed. You must even experience in being somewhat frank to friends, coworkers and loved ones because you need the experience of letting your breath run free. Say what you need to say. Don’t be hurtful, but if there is a part of you that resists expression, you must express it now so that you can feel the enlightened energy of the Page of Wands.

When the Page of Wands appears in a reading something unexpected will happen to you. This can be the presentation of a new job, or a phone call telling you about a possibility for some kind of future endeavor, or even a chance to travel. Using your good judgment and intuition is going to be your best helper in deciding what opportunity to follow and what to say no to.

Take note of the stressful situations that you find yourself in and then see what you can do to get out of them. Much of the time you will find that either you are not being confident enough or strong enough to vocalize your desires or you are allowing others to make decisions for you. If you are to be free and light and wish to embrace this creative energy, you must have nothing blocking you. You will have much success if you allow yourself to behave in an unhinged manner.

The Page of Wands in Love

The love of young lovers is the image that is evoked when the Page of Wands visits your romantic experience. This means that you are going to be soon blessed by an experience that will make you feel as though you have never experienced love before. This may not be a long lasting love, but it is a new love and one that should be given credit because it is going to pull you out of your overly ‘adult/responsible’ experience. If you are already in a relationship with someone who you love very much, this means that you are going to have a chance to find a new way to love one another where you can see each other in a whole new light, thus allowing you and your partner to connect to that younger energy. If you are in a relationship that is making you unhappy, the Page of Wands tells you that it is time to find your fulfillment elsewhere. There is a world of opportunity out there, and if you have done your best to make the situation better and it is not happening, then cut your losses and get out.

The Page of Wands in Health

Now is the time for you to connect to a whole new you, full of vibrant good health. The Page of Wands is telling you that you have allowed yourself to be too inactive and slothful. In order to push back the aged aches and pains that come with time, you must choose to perceive yourself as younger then you are so that you might find healing. This card will come up in matters relating to the heart and the lungs. So consider what you can do to strengthen your cardiovascular system.

The Page of Wands in Work and Wealth

New ventures are coming your way. This could mean a promotion for your job that is going to feel like an entirely new position or it will mean that a change in work is going to present itself. Either way there is going to be a brand new perspective that you will be able to attach to, that will make you feel young again in your place of work. Abundance and random gifts are on their way to you.

The Page of wands Reversed

Reversed Meaning - Page of Wands

The Page of Wands coming up reversed for you indicates an energy of an experience with an uncomfortable or unhappy relationship with someone who is controlling and upsetting you. Your ability to want something else for yourself has been interrupted by indecisiveness and you do not feel capable of vocalizing yourself. You must face your fears and get out of this situation as fast as you can so that you can feel the Spring-like energy that the Page has to offer.