Who know's what is in store for you! Check out your birth date meaning.

February 15th is the day of inventiveness. People born on February 15th display an incredible ingenuity and imagination.
If their talents would manifest in more technical or poetic fields, those born on this day would be able to make their visions be unusual and dreams come true. They seem to consider natural to think creatively. Thus, they are less threatened by difficulties or problems that they perceive as challenges of a various complexity. In this sense, they are very positive in their outlook. On the other hand, they may be disappointed when their efforts are not successful and do not always have the necessary strength to maintain their position, especially because they are more patient than necessary. Sensitive to extreme, the natives of February 15th respond to criticism aimed at them. Due to their sensitivity, they can easily be touched or challenged.
People born on February 15th like things to be carried out gradually, not only for the good of others, but also to ensure personal freedom in responsibilities. This is an important issue for them. They love to have fun, but are also very serious in terms of principles and ideals. Those born on this day are cute, empathetic and they feel pain more acutely than other average person. Consequently, the exploitation of the disadvantaged or the weaker is especially difficult to endure for them.
Nature lovers, people born on February 15th love to be free to roam and think, as they want to leave their zealous mind wander to all the wonders of the world. Many born on February 15th are very curious and want to investigate most things around them. They can not just settle with stimuli and the more they get, the more life becomes richer. However, they need to avoid the problems created by excessive moods of exaltation.
Although they know all too well to discipline themselves and to order their sometimes chaotic lives, generally those born on from February 15th resist to the discipline externally imposed and indeed can be extremely rebellious. However, they have enough discernment to realize when imposed order is required, when they should follow rules precisely and they must be reasonable and fair. Unfortunately, in this imperfect world, this does not happen too often.
Sometimes, instead of expressing their frustration, people born on February 15th become silent and they keep their resentment deep inside. At this point, they may be apt to make promises in mind, offering a consolation prize or making a plan for revenge. Less evolved individuals born on this day must beware to sink in pity or break out in uncontrolled rage. Dealing with negative emotions is the most important challenge for the natives of February 15th. Often, those born on this day become wiser with age and balanced emotionally as the years go by. Affection is usually the key to this process; to receive and give in the daily life is important for developing and perfecting them. When they are deprived of it, they can close into themselves, and they may come to live in their own isolated, imaginary world.
- It may be possible to always be in a good mood.
- Avoid spoiling your sensitivity.
- Develop your patience and stay focused.
- Learn to face rejection and disappointment.
- Let your energy flow and do not become an introvert.
If your birthday falls on the 15th of February, free yourself from the bondage of deep rooted or destructive complexes with transformational workshops or any therapeutic process. Remain loyal to your heart and your own creative process as the approaching New Moon revives your strength and hope. February 15th is the Flag Day in Canada.
Numerology: Ruled by Venus
You are known to be ruled by day number fifteen, if you are born on the 15th of the month. There are many great personalities, political leaders, as well as artists born on February 15th: Galileo Galilei, Louis XV, Louis Renault, Charles Lewis Tiffany, John W. Nordstrom, Jane Seymour, etc.
If your day falls on a number fifteen, you are born on the 15th and your ruling planet is Venus. Under the influence of Venus you are born to dominate, rule and control others. You are also lovable, attractive, and have a charming personality. All people around you are obliged to follow your command. You are excellent in the fields of arts, dance and music. You have great affinity for politics.
You are capable of extracting work from others and you love luxurious items. You like beauty and believe that life is to be enjoyed. You have a soft spot for all your family. You will look for a wealthy spouse and chances of getting one are good. When it comes to money, you love to work hard and therefore expected gains are good.
Due to your inclination towards beauty, you can become a famous artist, actor, politician or orator. You can be assured of getting help from others in your life. You can easily influence even experts due to your inborn charm, even when you are not much aware of their field of expertise. You have inclination towards the occult and believe in tantra-mantra. You are a good friend to strangers.
Though you can make others help you out, you can get away without reciprocating that help, and sometimes you can be cheeky. You have to guard yourself from the tendency to make false promises. You are very much capable of getting a good job. You are very careful with your money. The power of six enables you to take more from life when you expect it less. You have a calculate nature and need to tread carefully.
You love to decorate your house nicely. You like wearing jewelry and have luxuries items in your home. As the power of six gives you a lucky charm, you are able to make others like you. You are also gifted with the strength to be persistent in your efforts to achieve in life. And if time demands, you may buy success at a price.
You are born to be served by others and to enjoy riches and wealth. You may even enjoy the work of others. As Venus is your ruling planet, your lucky numbers are 6 and 9. Your lucky days in month are 6th, 15th, and the 24th. Other good dates as 9th, 18th, and 27th. You will have more success if you carry out important works on these days. Your unlucky days are 3rd, 12th, 21st, and 31st.
Your lucky gem is emerald. It should be circular or elliptical. It will give you self confidence, happiness and mental strength. Other lucky gems for you are jade, turquoise, green aquamarine, and marquis.
Being born in February - what this means
You, being born in the month of February, will have the possibility to achieve good fortune and fame in your lifetime and you will do this in very original ways. You are strong and endowed with excellent intuition, cleverness, resourcefulness, will power and a very refined common sense. You will however have to learn to listen to others equally, and allow them to put their head on your shoulders when they need it. You are harmonious, peaceful, calm, and you are looking for the gentle side of life. This kind of warmth and consideration touches other people. Your main characteristics are modesty, faithfulness and purity.
The first half of February is ruled by Uranus (1st-18th). Being a child of Uranus it means that you were born different and do not feel like you belong. You could have experienced disturbances in your early life which led to an asynchronous quality in your personality, probably manifested by restlessness. February is the month of Aquarius and Pisces. If you are born in the first half of the month and you are governed by Aquarius, hence by Uranus, you are a very original and eccentric person. You are curious and interested in the future. This feature makes you prone to embrace the field of technology and science.
If you are born under the auspices of Uranus (1st-18th), you will have to learn to focus on the well-being of others, and make sure you think and plan in advance. Since you are a very idealistic individual, you should focus on promoting universal aspects for the benefit of all humanity. This is where having scientific or technical knowledge can help you.
February is still classified as the winter month, which has eight letters. To be born in February from the numerology perspective means that people with a birthday on your month are focused on effort in order to have accomplishments. There is nothing that will stop you once you set your mind on something. Those born in the month of February will suffer at the start of their life, but this will change. You have to take extra care against mishaps and accidents in your life. You can face lots of obstacles from childhood. You must follow the path of hard work in order to gain success. You must show courage to meet the challenge of failures, disappointments and accidents. You must guard against risks. Do not take responsibilities more than you can take on, as it may increase chances of failure. You have a tendency to make larger efforts in achieving desired goals. Your ruling planet, Uranus, the embodiment of compassion, is the ruling figure of the month of February. Underneath Uranus' influence, you are a very original and eccentric person. You are curious and interested in the future. February is the second month in the Gregorian calendar and it takes its name from the Latin word ‘Februa’ which describes a purification festival in Ancient Rome that took place at that time of the year. If you are born in February, your gemstone is the amethyst, your flower is the iris, and your lucky colors are purple, yellow, and light blue.
Summary of your characteristics
- Curious.
- Ingenious.
- Loving.
- Chaotic.
- Susceptible.
- Moody.