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August 18th is the day of endurance. People born on August 18th are dealing with terrible challenges that they must face and overcome.
No matter how great success and happiness is in their lives, serious difficulties spring continuously, as if someone would like to test their courage. Deeply emotional, those born today are experiencing pain and adversity at a level deeper than others. However, this rarely makes them unhappy because they know that just by trying the experiences of life they can reach more elevated states of the human being.
No discussion, no television, no art, music and literature can convince those born on this day to find a real substitute for real happenings that they usually experience. Their struggle to manifest their personal vision of life can be a difficult task, but they do not want to change it in any way.
Many of those born today are threatened by hidden fears, even phobias that are hidden in the subconscious. No matter what path they will take, whether it is information or entertainment, manufacturing or services, they will encounter such dragons and want to destroy them.
The challenges in the life of August 18th natives will be generated by colleagues and close friends. Loved ones sometimes attack these problems because of their personality or profession.
A person born on August 18th can be invaluable as an aid in business, guide and counselor for those who must assume certain responsibilities. Also August 18th natives operate equally well in management positions and generally perceive challenges as an opportunity to achieve great success. However, one of these challenges or conflicts often assume a central position in their lives, it becomes sustainable, uncompromising and possibly even contradictory.
August 18th people are able to undoubtedly bear a lot. Though their battles overwhelm them and their responsibilities grow, they will live long and will find a kind of well-deserved happiness in these things. August 18th people are not whiny and do not suffer too much professionally. They try to meet each challenge in good faith, and to address each problem depending on how it appears. They perceive these life conditions as impossible to endure, but double back will reply and will do their best. Optimistic or pessimistic, expansive or restrictive, they are realistic and try to see things as they really are, and to do everything in their power to keep the situation under control. They will commit to this for a long period of time, even when life smiles at them less and they must keep their position.
- Pain is not necessary.
- You do not need to win in order to achieve something in life.
- Do not get involve more than you should.
- Enjoy time out in the world.
- Learn to take time off and relax.
Numerology: Ruled by Mars
You are known to be ruled by day number eighteen, if you are born on the 18th of the month. There are many great personalities, authors, as well as artists born on August 18th: Meriwether Lewis, Roman Polanski, Christian Slater, Madeleine Stowe, etc.
If your day falls on number eighteen, your ruling planet is Mars. Mars makes you a rebel, a fighter and a soldier. You shall be great as a technician, doctor, lawyer or chemist.
You shall never be afraid of a life full of dangers, as you can walk on a blood stained road even among snakes, but with the strength of your intelligence you can beat anything. You are a born fighter. You have extraordinary courage and resilience. You have great persistence and are full of courage. You are not afraid of a life full of struggles against poverty, cruelty, oppression and authority. You have the courage to fight against the order and create the new one. You are good in civil engineering or learning about geography. You have great love for your country, society and fellow citizens. You are never afraid to fight for justice and freedom of your society and your country.
As an eighteen, you are a hard core fighter. Other around you also benefit from this power of yours. Your fight is not only for your cause, but you are never afraid of fighting for a common cause. You are ready to go to any limits when fighting against oppression. You normally do not believe in cool headed fights. When you fight there may be blood all around, as you are a fierce fighter who stops only when your enemy is totally obliterated.
The career of armed forces is best suited for your temperament. You may also join the police or paramilitary forces. You have a love for fire arms, bombs and machine guns. You are a person who likes to obey rules and expects the same from your subordinates. You have a sharp intellect and remain very cool in crisis. When dealing with your enemies you plan very meticulously after weighing all pros and cons. You are very good in making secret plans against your enemies. If you are a politician, you will develop into a clever one. You act as a very good ambassador. Try to guard against betraying your emotions and falling into quarrels. If that happens, you will lose your precious energy in useless fights.
Numerology for nine makes you an expert chemist. You can be a good inventor. Your lucky days are the 5th, 14th, 23rd, 9th, 18th, 27th, 6th, 15th, and 24th. Your unlucky number is a two and your unlucky days are on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, and the 29th. Your lucky gem is coral. Other lucky gems are blood stone, red colored opal, and red tinged garnet.
Being born in August - what this means
The first part of August is ruled by the Sun (1st-22nd). People born in August are ruled by the powerful Sun and the noble sign of Leo. Children of the Sun are naturally gifted and hence attracted to fields that require special talents, such as arts, medicine, management, research, public life. These fields allow the August people to shine and excel. Being the children of the Sun, they are born to give life and promote everything they touch or come into contact with, and therefore they have a lot to offer to the world. There is only one drawback: children of the Sun must control their ego and their authoritarian nature. Either way, the power of the Sun gives them the chance to easily become famous and powerful.
Being a child of the Sun it means that you are charismatic, attractive, so others gravitate around you. You are energetic, and everything around you catches life. A child of the Sun is honest, positive, kind, loving, caring, and has a great, positive impact on all the people in his life. A child of the Sun is classified as "The Life Giver".
Women born in August are usually very beautiful, attractive and intelligent, mainly because of their solar energy. They are however excellent mothers, but having the main Leo characteristic of desiring power and fame, they will be overbearing with their children.
People born in August are highly motivated, especially by your wish to succeed no matter what. They are dominant, powerful, born leaders, willing to always be in charge, organize and lead the others. With this power at hand, they could have the tendency to dominate, so they should learn to channel the strong solar energy, and respect and understand other people. Those born in August tend to be bossy and overbearing, and other people might try to teach them humility and put them in their place. In general, any kind of excessive pride and strong emotionality will stand in the way of their success. This is the main weakness of the Leo. In the same time, they are courageous and daring, and will handle very well any difficulties in life, plus they are noble enough to respect others. They are endowed with great spiritual values as well as nobility of purpose.
Since the Sun is the ruler of life, people born in August encounter a big fear of death. They however can deal with this issue because they are endowed with robust and healthy bodies, as well as balanced and strong minds. August people are animal lovers, and prefer especially horses. While their weakness lies in their back, knees and joint in general, being prone to accidents, they should be careful with running.
August is the month of Leo and Virgo. If you are born in the first half of the month, you are governed by Leo, hence by the Sun.
Leo is confident in his own forces, proud, but also generous. He knows to follow his interests, he likes to attract attention, and can be condescending. The Leo native is aware of his own values and is always concerned to have his merits recognized accordingly and to stand out. The Leo is in big need of respect. He is ambitious and creative, and knows how to make an effective entrance. The Leo wants to be the “first violin”. He organizes his success and looks for social prestige. He is honest and magnanimous.
Sometimes the Leo native may seem arrogant. Egocentrism and self-admiration may cost him the sympathy of others. He loves theatrical appearances, and in the family he tends to take the role of the master. Strong feelings can lead him to speculation and adventure. The Leo can be selfish. The Leo’s most sensitive organ is the heart. He is sensitive to stress, which can cause cardiac abnormalities. The Leo is prone to diseases of the blood, bone marrow and joints. Failures may impair his health.
August is classified as a summer month, which has six letters. To be born in August, the eighth month from the numerology perspective it means that your gemstone is the olivine. Your flowers are the gladiolus and the poppies. Your main qualities are beauty, strong character, loving, and interested in marriage and having a family.
Summary of your characteristics
- Adaptable.
- Patient.
- Deep.
- Combative.
- Obsessive.
- Quarelsome.