For a thrilling understanding into your birthday meaning on the 1st of January read on
![january 1st zodiac](/sites/default/files/styles/birthday_messages_article_top_image_1248_x_759/public/birthday-messages/January.jpg)
January 1st Zodiac Is Capricorn
What is your zodiac sign?
If you were born today, January 1st you probably are aware that you are Capricorn. December 22nd - January 19th is when the zodiac of Capricorn is present. Our star signs are connected to the position of the sun which was relative to various constellations over the last 2200 years. The ruling planet is Saturn which is the manager of the zodiac. They influence our lives and are very much like the chairman that runs large companies. As a number 1, you will find you have some different characteristics to the normal Capricorn.
Here is a quick summary of important facts of those born on the 1st January
- Symbolism: January 1st zodiac sign is Capricorn 1 is the mountain goat which runs from December 22nd - January 19th
- Flower: January 1st zodiac flower is the carnation. In the 13th century the carnation leaves were used to help control fevers and today Hawaiian leis or garlands are often worn around the neck and made of carnations, the flower is a celebration flower for your birthday
- Tarot card: January 1st zodiac tarot card (according to astrology) is the magician. New beginnings, focus, potential, newness, independence, creation, conceiving, the seed of the start of something important
- Love: January 1st zodiac compatibility is Taurus and Cancer
- Numerology: January 1st zodiac numerological sign is the number 1 which means that you will never stop moving, you will approach life like a building block, you are one, always still, rigid and firm in your direction in life.
- Color: January zodiac colorastrology is caramel
- Planet: January 1st zodiac ruling planet is Saturn
- Stone: January 1st zodiac birthstone is the garnet, a wonderful crystal that comes in colors such as red, violet, green, and cinnamon. Garnets were in the middle ages supposed to protect those worn by them for bad dreams.
- God: January 1st is the first month of the first day of the year. January 1st zodiac is connected to the god Janus, the god of new beginnings and endings. In Roman mythology, Janus has two heads because he can look into the future and also the past. The name “January” comes from the Latin name of "Janus" which is a god of new beginnings, coinage, war, openings, and new starts. In Roman mythology, Janus with his two heads was able to look into the future and also the past. This is a trait you may carry, if you can spiritually connect in life you will be able to see things others can't!
- Year: January 1st is the first month of the first day of the year. As I have mentioned above in the early days of Rome, the new year started in March and January only had 30 days and not 31 as it is now. Julius Caesar added the extra day to January giving it 31.
- Favorite possessions: house names, leadership, authority, business plans, understanding risks, exclusivity
- What you don't like: shouting, annoying people, carelessness, being spontaneous, arguing, doing things for no real reason
- What you look like: strong, good-looking, often with a pointed nose, distinctive facial features Capricorn 1 traits: Dependable, structured, goal orientated, long-term plans, endless flow of energy, prestige, wealth, health life force, and power.
- Traits: the zodiac traits of those born on the 1st of January often enjoy new beginnings which translates to achieving great things in this world. For many born on the 1st of January living with the direct association of pursuing your position, monetary status, authority, and also leadership is important in your world.
Being born on new years day
People are often contacting me about the significance of being born on new year's day and I will now try to explain, it will shock you to know what your birthday means! The one thing that everyone notices are that everyone was born in the same year as you are younger. Everyone is celebrating this day, moreover, you can decide if the people around you are really for you if they decide to celebrate your birthday instead of going out on the town. Plus you don't ever have to worry about your birthday falling on a day you have to go to school or work! There are so many more special things I want to share with you about your birthday falling on the 1st of January, and who you are romantically compatible with.
Zodiac Colorastrology of the 1st of January
There are 365 individual colors for each day of the year, the color that will help you change and evolve on your birthday is focused on helping you achieve in life. It is not uncommon to surround yourself with this color not even realize it. You will naturally relate to your color and this is known as the colors trilogy, which combines astrology and your birthdate to create the perfect color for you. The color itself will invoke many things that are positive in your life such as motions, motivations, and feelings. Often, color astrology helps us add qualities to our life. There are 12 months in the year and each month signifies a color. January the color of the month is caramel. This color signifies that you focused and determined after the cold winter we now move forward to new beginnings. The caramel color also is connected to feeling stable. In the zodiac, January represents our own earthly ambitions through discipline. Caramel is Pantone (see below) 16-1439, also think about the essence of the earth, the humor, and the keenness of life.
January colorastrology is caramel
1st January colorastrology is baked clay
![Baked Clay January 1st Birthday](/sites/default/files/inline-images/bakedclayjanuary1st.png)
Being born on the 1st of January, according to your zodiac can mean your specific color astrology is baked clay - which is an earthy beautiful brown color. It can mean your mind is focused on what you need in life and try to surround yourself with this color. Baked clay is all about how we are grounded in life, the color is about the new start of a year and the soil that surrounds us in life. Having this color on a scarf or around the home is beneficial to your spiritual development.
Why is being born on the 1st of January important spiritually?
January 1st is a day of celebration, with people welcoming the new year with parties, fireworks, and fun. We often see the beautiful patterns of frost on windows as the imaginary elf Jack Frost covers the land. The meaning of your birthday on the first day of the month, on the first day of the year is spiritually significant. As I am sure you are aware this marks the start of the year and to be born on new year's day is special. Firstly, you are extremely lucky. I will walk you through what this means in your life, your destiny, colorastrology, and zodiac traits. January 1st is the day of the emotional organizer and of course New Years Day! Congratulations on having a birthday at the start of the year. This is a wonderful spiritual birthday.
Spiritual meaning of being born on the 1st of January
The countdown to midnight represents a new beginning and is associated with fulfilling dreams. The fact that your birthday falls on the 1st of January is spiritually significant as this represents a master of opening a new passage or way in life. There is something esoteric about this birthday in regard to the gnostics theory. All numbers are multiples of one. One is the originator of all numbers. Spiritually this means that the necessary foundations in your life are to do great things. In your life you could express yourself in regards to the law of your soul.
Your soul journey born on the 1st of January
The soul is the first and the last point of calling consciousness. When we think about our souls, we spiritually find great strength of will. Being born under the number 1 indicates your soul likes to be in a position of leadership. The soul is not necessarily a radical aspect of our own human being but it can manifest when we need to follow an intention. To exist on the dimensional spiritual plane requires a contract, to exist through both birth and death. As a number 1, there will be important things in this world from a spiritual dimension. The position of the 1 indicates that you are going to be required for intense communication during your life’s journey. It suggests that you need to speak with common sense and you will need to have a partner who can deal with your criticism at all times.
What kind of people are born on the 1st of January?
For those born on the 1st of January, I am sure you already know that you fall under Capricorn, which is the sea-goat sign. Capricorn 1 (the 1 for your birth date) are naturally great leaders. They are somewhat ambitious and focused on their career goals in life. I'm going to discuss what Capricorn 1 means to you due to being born on 1 January which will differ from other interpretations as I like to consider numerology. Often we look at our horoscopes but we don't necessarily look at what the numerological positions are in connection with our birthdate. The lives of those born on the 1st of January have a spiritual path that will illuminate society. Your 1 birthday spiritually means that you're focused on moving forward in your life and you do not fear being judged though at times you judge through fear. Maybe you are afraid to accept sometimes your self-worth and how you are focused on your own freedom.
Your down to earth!
Capricorn 1 is an earth sign, and at times they seem unhappy I am sorry to say. The fact you are born on the first day of the year is positive and shows that you can take new starts in your stride. I will offer you guidance on what will motivate you and how you can tackle problems in life. You are what some would say somewhat serious but with this also an authoritarian, someone who leads but also creative.
Those born on January 1st are authoritarian, love to organize, to structure, and feel the need to give orders both at work and at home. They are studious, cherish education, and do not give up their beliefs. Although they have high aspirations, sometimes their principles, honesty, and loyalty prevent them from realizing their ambitions. They are often marginalized by their own correctness, especially when acting by the book. Natives of January 1st have a complex personality, but sometimes contradictory. For example, although extremely responsible, they often take on too many responsibilities and cannot cope. They are sentimental, but they may close themselves, becoming unable to express their feelings. Liberal in conception, they may be conservative, even reactionary.
The importance of the goat to your birthday January the 1st
The goat behind those born on the 1st of January is all so important to you as in folklore the goat symbolism represents our own isolation from other people. The spiritual meaning of goats is often connected to how you look closely at human nature when we fall under the Capricorn zodiac sign. The goat is quite significant to Capricorn 1 energy. Capricorns generally like to make sure that they finish tasks. And, being a number one cannot stand outside of yourself you can give a voice to every of who you are. Capricorn 1 often maps out the future and tries to pick the most simple route to achieve goals. The essence of the Capricorn 1 spiritual focus is being hard-working and devoted to people around them. On a more negative note, Capricorn 1 can annoy others in some respect. As an earth sign Capricorn 1 shares this with two other zodiac signs. These are Taurus and Virgo. Therefore in terms of compatibility, these two signs work well. Capricorn 1 s is the strategy behind many successful organizations and the CEOs of the astrological signs. Zodiac signs are often split into three such as Cardinal, fixed, and mutable. This means that the Capricorn 1 is besetting trends and people can count on them to be loyal.
Capricorn 1 and your zodiac associations
Capricorn 1 is both an earth sign and a cardinal sign. Your birth sign Capricorn 1 is also linked to what is known as a mid haven, in astrology, this means you are destined for high achievement. As your symbolism is a goat it can often indicate that you can fully benefit from any problems or challenges that face your life. If you think about the goat as an animal it can deal with many types of terrain. In so many words this means that you are a true fighter in life, you don't take fools gladly and you're very analytical in your opinion of others.
As you walk through your life born on the first day of the first year you will naturally realize as you get older you don't care too much about people like you or not this is a fantastic trait to have. There are so many zodiac signs and birth date characteristics - where this can be their downfall, but for you, you can scale the heights just like the goat can move through mountains.
In the zodiac, being born on the 1st of January can often be connected to the astrological ruler planet known as Saturn. This translates into the fact that you are a superb organizer and planner. Other people who have birthdays in January don't have this particular trait because you are born under the number 1. It means you have the energy of a singular nature. As an individual remember that number one is undivided yet divided by all. When it comes to making the necessary steps to plot your long-term goal plans that often involve years you will be focused. Being born on 1st January can also translate to having patience in life. One of the hallmarks of your birth date is that you are happy to wait for things to happen unlike other Capricorn 1 s born near the end of January. Number 1 as your birthdate indicates that you are at one in your life. Remember we have one body, one knows, one tongue, and one personality.
Watch out Capricorn is about!
There is often a melancholy of sternness that surrounds your life. What do I mean by this? Those born on the 1st of January can often find themselves subjected to authority in some way. This is because you have Saturn as your ruling planet and it is known as the celestial task maker. Saturn itself symbolizes responsibility, endurance, and discipline. In terms of your divine path in life, you can often find yourself in positions of authority over others. If you don't choose this path then these types of qualities often present themselves in the family dynamic. There is also a focus on improving to perfection, and this is something that you wish to do in your life. The number 1 is significant to your birthdate, in that it will provide you with the focus of always being able to start afresh and a new direction in life whenever you feel necessary.
As a child of Saturn, you also aim to continue endlessly improving yourself, especially in matters of careers. Capricorn 1 men can often come across as quite conservative and women tend to be ambitious, practical, and above all focused on driving forward in life. Often you're not interested in just learning things off the cuff, but you wish to direct your mind in order to have excellent judgment. Trust is a big issue for those born on 1 January and the Zodiac compliments this, in regards to Capricorn 1 's always wanting to be in control. Contingencies of other people's behavior is not normally tolerated and you generally look at the facts before you make any judgments.
You are a leader and family-orientated
The first thing I will say is that you're a leader (you are the 1 after all). Capricorn 1 is inherently a rather charming person. By looking at the year of birth and the zodiac combined with other factors the result is that those born on the 1st of January are ambitious, original, and normally in executive positions. This person is generally affectionate and well-liked. The male born on the 1st of January makes many sacrifices to his family and cares for his loved ones. In terms of friendships, those born on this date indicates that close friendships will be yours. Connecting with other people comes naturally.
What is the zodiac personality of those born on the 1st of January?
First of all, you will be strong in your career. But, there are various strengths and weaknesses that you hold but the good news is that you have the resilience to deal with difficult people. The first thing I will say, after being with a Capricorn 1 man for 21 years, is that "being sensitive" is a trait of this star sign. As I am writing about those people whose birthday falls on the 1st of January I will say that it is common that you will resist change and find it difficult to take a "leap" into something new in life. Like anything, goals, and tasks should be mapped out correctly and with patience. It is important for those born on the 1st (of any month) to be successful in their careers. On the surface, Capricorn 1 s will come across as being charming, efficient, and ready to help, especially in a career. I will also say, that this sign can be "cold" in regards to letting emotions get the better of them. In terms of the tarot, I would choose the king or queen of swords as a representation of those that are born on this day. Someone who is experienced and able to succeed but lacks emotional involvement. In my life, all my relationships with men have been Capricorn 1 s. I don't know why as I am a Scorpio! But, I am stating this as I understand from a love perspective that it can be challenging for anyone to get "close" to the Capricorn 1 and there might be a reason for this guarded outlook in life.
Often Capricorn 1 s are found in highly competitive work environments, they are often connected to the facts and work by the rules, and they don’t take fools lightly. There are many Executives who are Capricorn 1 s, the reason being is that they can act with factual information and a little emotional involvement. In regards to the weaknesses of those born on 1 January, they could be somewhat pragmatic in their approach to others. Especially from a romantic perspective, people find them hard to read or even understand.
What is the importance of new year's day to your birth date?
Despite the fact that we all celebrate New Year on the 1 January, if we look at the Vernal Equinox, the new year officially starts on 22 March. It was the Romans that picked the date of 1 January due to the God known as "Janus." This is where the word janitor originates from. Interestingly, Janus had two faces; he could even look forward and backward at the same time. This tells me if you were born on this day then you can easily see all angles of situations. Janus, it’s connected to the planet Saturn and it is a symbol of fire. This can imply occult growth throughout your life.
Born on 1 January indicates that you may be a workaholic, the great thing is that you also hold a great sense of humor which can occur many different times. In my research, it was clear that those people born on this day are very focused on being committed and safe in all their relationships in life. As parents, those born on the 1st of January are great mothers and fathers and often show a professional approach to life. Being born at the start of the year can indicate that you possess certain characteristics of being able to read situations and how they play out. There is particular emphasis on tranquillity and peace in life.
Even though you are trying to always win by working harder and harder there will be sacrifices that will need to be made. In regards to success numbers, number one represents independence, sociability, and also new beginnings and challenges. There is a weakness here that those born the first of the month may miss some challenges. The most important logical point of view is that you are sensible, committed, and above all driven. Numerology is often ruled by the sun. There are many fantastic political leaders born on this day, such as:
Being a Capricorn 1 means that no matter what happens you can always be relied on but as there is a focus on the 1st of this month you will find yourself trying to win, working greater and better. You always want to reach the top. There is also a focus on being diligent and determined in life. I would say that number one indicates that you are persistent in your goals, enjoy planning security is of paramount importance. Ruled by satin this person is meticulous in risk-averse.
There is, however, a desire for material press stages and often securities built around them. The number one trait for me indicates your own independence. It can be connected to ambition and drive. Again, very similar to the Zodiac meaning of 1 January, numerology wise security is important. There is also an emphasis on being self-reliant and inspiring other people to positively stop the challenges really. For anyone born on the first of the month, it is a focus on being confident but also at times underconfident. The need for love and emotional expression is often not as important as material security.
What is the spiritual meaning of the 1st of January?
I’m going to discuss the Roman God Janus. Janus is connected to new beginnings, doorways, time and also the ending of things. As I’ve already mentioned in the above paragraph he can see from front to back almost two-faced. The Romans believed that Judas the God was looking in different directions - the past and the future. Often we can see this in the Zodiac sign images associated with Gemini. I will conclude that Judas is a God of new beginnings. He can start a movement in any direction. Additionally, he is the god of light. There are many Romans who worshiped him and the temple where he sat was seen as a gateway to the future. Janus was also the God of not only heaven and earth but also married to Jana he was the goddess of the moon. As he is also known to be the God of light he was considered to be a God that sees all. Based on this, the fact that the 1st is the start of the year, tells me that new beginnings will be managed by you very well.
Incompatible Zodiac Signs to those born on the 1st of January
Dealing with non-compatible signs is something that you may struggle with, especially in the workplace. Capricorn 1 s are super ambitious, emotionally detached, and often struggle with relationships professionally. Capricorn 1 s have opposite traits to Leos, Libra, and Aries and these conform to incompatible relationships. Leo can be quite controlling which will annoy Capricorn 1 s. Iranians can be spontaneous and the laborer's personality often clashes with Capricorn 1 s which is why it is best to try to stay away from forming a loving partnership with the star signs. In terms of career Aries and Capricorn 1 can rarely get on as co-workers, however those that fall under the tourist's zodiac sign off form business partnerships that are successful. Geminis in the workplace can annoy Capricorn 1 so up and down and scorpions. Leos, Virgo's Libras and Sagittarius zodiac signs complement those born on the 1st of January. Remember, the winter (unless you live in Hawaii) and the new year is when you are born so you are special. The water bearer Aquarius can offer Capricorn 1 s spiritual direction in the workplace. This can result in growth orientation and looking forward to meeting future goals.
1st January Zodiac career options
Being born on 1 January is quite unique in regards to career options. As the first number, there is focused on being productive and building the necessary foundations in regards to the fundamentals of life as you are a Capricorn 1 you focus and possess the discipline to accomplish most tasks. One has not yet shaped into desires yet continuing to form the way for desires. The energy of your soul can be totally static or alternatively dormant in that you are waiting for the right moment or environment to unfold in a career path. Capricorn 1 s are generally quite dependable and once a journey is started it needs to be completed and the Way back is going through the whole circle again. Careers of calculating risks and also making some decisions suit Capricorn 1 s. This could be accountancy, bookkeeping, mechanics, or even entrepreneurial. The Capricorn 1 can spring action where it is needed. If we think about your actual birthday the first stage of a flower is a seed. It is a point where we can begin to focus on growth in life. Often in careers, you might find that it is difficult to get emotionally involved with others, and being a number one the soul likes to be in a position of spokesman and independence.
Being born on the 1st of January and your zodiac traits together
There is a focus on the fear of loneliness and also poverty and Capricorn 1 born under the number one needs to feel that they should build a base of support carefully. It is important for you to try to balance things and take charge to obtain results. As a Capricorn 1 person is often devoted and loving but this can lead you to depression and emotional problems, something you must factor in with regards to the sustainability of your love relationships. Having an understanding partner may be of great help to you.
Having a clear number 1 in both your birthday and month indicates that you manifest impatience but this switches against your zodiac sign of Capricorn 1 which likes patience. This can suggest that you can have mixed feelings emotionally (ups and downs) especially in the salability of your relationships. The number 1 can also indicate that you can feel detached emotionally from your partners and this corresponds with your zodiac sign of Capricorn 1 which often can be emotionally detached. Trust is crucial in all your loving relationships and this is earned over time. The Capricorn 1 one person relies on honest feedback and understanding around the partner. Obviously, I've touched on this before that because you're born on the first day of the New Year you can be somewhat materialistic and focused on powering life. Wealth must be monitored and it can feel like you on a journey to maintain a certain status quo in life.
Did your zodiac sign change in 2020?
In 2020 our star signs were supposed to change and there was uproar online when your personal star sign became a Sagittarius. Sagittarius: (17th of December to 20th of January) and Capricorn 1 ran from the 20th of January to the 15th of February. I do need to address this quickly. The earth and other planets in the solar system move around the sun, and this means that the sun must pass through constellations at the same point every year. The astrological signs are made up of 12 constellations created 3,000 years ago by Babylonians. There are, though, more than 21 constellations, but these are ignored. In 2020 the sun went through Ophiuchus which is the first time the sun passed this planet. The 12 signs of the zodiac were created by Babylonians over 3,000 years ago so it is safe to say even though the sun has passed Ophiuchus we should assume you are still a Capricorn 1.
Capricorn 1 and zodiac love compatibility
Capricorn 1 s have bonds with Taurus, there is philosophical compatibility with this sign, especially as you fall under the ruling of the number 1. When they meet Taurus there is often very little effort required in order to turn this into a beautiful loving relationship. You are one of a kind due to the initial number of birth, and Tauranians will know this.
Cancer and Capricorn 1 s also get along well but they are very different in terms of how they view life. Capricorn 1 and Virgo are both grounded individuals and although this partnership could work there might be some issues about feeling the responsibility of the relationship. Virgo has quite a few compatibility traits alongside Capricorn 1 such as leadership qualities, enjoying focus, and also rules. If you are a Capricorn 1 who enjoys a structured lifestyle then a Virgo compatibility could work. Capricorn 1 can also form relationships with the other two water signs such as Scorpio and Pisces and these could also be favorable as well as other Capricorn 1 s. However, the others zodiac signs are not that compatible. I will now quickly go over your compatibility with specific zodiac signs - if you are born on the 1st of January. This will highlight who and what sign would be most compatible with you.
Aries and Capricorn 1 (1st of January born) compatibility
This relationship will often result in stormy times. This is because the Aries is often too extreme for you, especially as you numerically are a number 1 and have much spiritual energy. Often as you like to feel a sense of security and structure you can often find that the Aries does not give you the attention that you need.
Every zodiac sign feels that they want to find their twin flame or soulmate connection and this rarely happens with an Aries man or woman comes into your life. Aries are born during March 21st and April and are known as the RAM - do you think the ram and goat complement each other? Unlike yourself, Aries lacks a sense of internal peace and security. If you are a man (reading my article) then finding an Aries woman as your partner may result in you feeling like you are not in charge. If you are a woman, an Aries man tends to want to take control and care of you and this may not be something you wish. An Aries person is very concerned about how they look externally and enjoy things like surprises. If you do date someone who is areas then you may find yourself happy but under-appreciated at times. The only thing in common is that you like nice things, is this enough for a long-term partnership on the soul level? If the Aries has a 1 in their birthday there are more common traits whereby the relationship could possibly work.
Taurus and Capricorn 1 (1st of January born) compatibility
The relationship between these two signs is often called a trine aspect in astrology, this means that they are in perfect flow with each other. Taurus is your perfect match, you are both earth signs there is a practical but complete sensibility to the partnership. Taurus is emotionally connected to you and as a Capricorn 1, you do not like taking risks in regards to career moves or money. The Capricorn 1 enjoys reaching new heights in business and the Taurus partner and relationship compliments that.
These two signs indicate a steady and quiet partnership that can provide you both with comfort. There is a sense of admiring a dedication between you both especially as you are born under the number one. Tourists may not be as ambitious as you are and will need more motivation in order to translate dreams and goals into reality.
Gemini and Capricorn 1 (1st of January born) compatibility
Gemini and Capricorn 1 can at times get on each other's nerves but there is a passionate love affair for these two signs. They understand each other and for you my lovely, born as a number one it means that you can help the Gemini have more freedom in life. There will be lots of laughter in this type of relationship and because you were born under the number 1 you are focused on your own achievements in life. Gemini likes to cut to the chase but as a Capricorn 1, you like to take things slower, analyze things and make sure that your honest set road to success. At times as a couple the Capricorn 1 and Gemini can indicate conflict but that you are both outgoing in regards to your nature. Perhaps there are some Geminis who were born on the 1st of the month (like you) and you will naturally find you have a defined spiritual connection. If you are married to a Gemini in this life's road it can indicate that you may find you change your mind a lot. Geminis are notorious for being up and down in life to give and receive his decision, a decision is only real when it is conscious. Making decisions with the Gemini partner can be somewhat difficult. However, in partnership, the Gemini and Capricorn 1 can eventually make things work out.
Cancer and Capricorn 1 (1st of January born) compatibility
Cancer is born under the water element, and you the earth element. Mixing water and earth means a partnership that is grounded but emotional. If you have a partnership with a cancer man or woman then your compatibility can be somewhat interesting. The cancer partner often loves glorious material possessions such as a stately home or artwork. There is a real focus on becoming materially stable and this is a shared goal that you hold. Who doesn't like nice things?
These two signs originate from opposite directions of the zodiac but they can at times (dependent upon the birthday of your partner) can result in successful secure connections. The relationship can build from strength to strength and provide each party with emotional scalability. Certain people even need or want to get back to the beginning when it comes to relationships. If you imagine yourself as a newborn baby, an unfolding seed, full of potential this is a good metaphor of how this relationship will blossom - it has to start somewhere. Capricorn 1 s tend to want to help cancer achieve in life. The thing that may annoy you about your cancer partner is the fact they are usually overly emotional. This partnership/relationship can influence both of you and be connected in the union will emphasize the love quality of the heart for both of you. Being born under the number 1 can also suggest that the only way for this relationship to succeed is if there is commitment and a traditional stance on the home environment.
Leo and Capricorn 1 (1st of January born) compatibility
Love compatibility between Capricorn 1 and Leo can indicate a difficult traditional relationship. There is some element of control for both parties. You may find that Leo likes material possessions, but can also be opinionated as well as ambitious. This is a trait that you also share and at times can indicate conflict. Remember, the mountain goat likes to be steady and have rules in order. Leo is a wild animal and at times likes spontaneous events. Therefore there may be some ups and downs in this relationship. Leo is a fire sign, therefore if we look at you as an earth sign it can represent there is a need for balancing the relationship. Leo was ruled by the sun, although this certainly can burn this is the kind of energy that radiates throughout the relationship. Saturn represents discipline and this is something that the sun just does not have. They do seem to be an unlikely couple but in time Leo and Capricorn 1 can grow with each other and make it work.
Virgo and Capricorn 1 (1st of January born) compatibility
Capricorn 1 1 and Virgo - what a union of love we have here. If you find yourself having a relationship with a Virgo man or woman then this can be favorable. Virgo's attention to detail is something that you adore and there is a strong bond that can be formed between both. A love relationship with a Virgo represents material attainability and also the love affair roles like a river alongside us. You may feel that this person really gets you. In return, as you are born on the 1st of the 1st month of the year, it can mean that you can guide the Virgo to meet their own goals and dreams.
Libra and Capricorn 1 (1st of January born) compatibility
Libra and Capricorn 1 often come together because of their personality traits. Libras are represented by the scales of balance. Also, Libra is an air sign which indicates there is a focus on life. Libra men and women often like intellectual challenges which is something that you as a Capricorn 1 can supply. Libra is often a loving side that focuses on romance as the ruling planet of Libra is Venus. Libra's are extremely empathetic and compassionate. They are born between the months of September 23 of October 23, this is when the Sun transits this sign on average. The good thing about the partnership between these two signs is that they are a mate for life. There is an extreme balance between these two signs in regards to compatibility. The difference that you may find as a Capricorn 1 1 is that you need to stay level-headed in your love life and do not necessarily give into Libra's charms. You have a tendency to keep your own cool because of your number one birthday. At times in conflict, Capricorn 1 can leave Libra as a cardinal sign Libra will understand the situation. There is a danger whereby because you're so ambitious you may feel bored with Libra's he can be quite relaxed in their approach to life and material possessions.
Scorpio and Capricorn 1 (1st of January born) compatibility
When Scorpio and Capricorn 1 1 meet in partnership they can create solely a union, but both start to understand each other and grow mature. The difficulty in this relationship is Scorpio is somewhat emotional and needs lots of attention. The Capricorn 1 can hold back the scorpion in terms of the challenges that they have in life. There is a trust issue as well with the Capricorn 1, so you may find yourself wondering what the scorpion is doing and what they're getting up to. The scorpion man and woman are very mysterious and need space, the relationship can be also traumatic and overheated emotions can come into play. This is a distinct problem for Capricorn 1 1 who can at times find it difficult to emotionally connect with Scorpio.
Scorpio wants complete desire and they hold intense feelings about love. If both partners share a sense of commitment then these two can be quite complimentary. There is also a focus on material possessions and the scorpion is about understanding emotions. The scorpion will put emotions or materialistic objects. This may annoy Capricorn 1 . The scorpion man or woman is also a fixed sign which means that they fall hard emotionally as opposed to your sign which is a cardinal sign. So will this partnership work? Yes, it will if there is a focus on shared ideas and business goals which can help devote the time to each other in order to make the relationship work.
Sagittarius and Capricorn 1 (1st of January born) compatibility
Sagittarius and Capricorn 1 s are often completely polar opposites. The Capricorn 1 s often likes to feel that they are in charge (don’t you agree?), and as the Capricorn 1 s such as yourself will not please people, you would rather take no action and say things that are not true it is likely that you just want to be listened to when you are with the Sagittarius in partnership. Astrologically, these two signs can be beautiful if they share the same characteristics of building a life together. As Sagittarius is ruled by the planet of Jupiter there is lots of movement in their life. For you, as a number 1 this could be bothersome. Even though you like structures, links and boundaries you may not want to be with somebody who is so hands-on in life. As a leader Capricorn, you're often used to delegating tasks to people and when it comes to Sagittarius they like to do things themselves. In a relationship, as a number 1 Capricorn 1 you can find yourself continuously trying to direct the Sagittarius man or woman. This can feel like a battle in order to make this combination work it is important to have understanding for both signs to ensure a successful partnership.
Aquarius and Capricorn 1 (1st of January born) compatibility
These two signs are often opposite in every way - this can indicate a problem, the water Aquarius can inspire the Capricorn 1 man or woman. They do seem opposites to each other however they do attract something quite interesting in this union. Spiritually the connection between both the signs indicates that there will be love between the two. There is an unbreakable bond that often forms when these two souls work together and achieve. If you are dating an aquarian, then the partnership can often be about your relationship going forward with others.
Capricorn and Capricorn 1 (1st of January born) compatibility
When two Capricorns join together in love there is such a wonderful connection here, they create and contribute to exciting elements spiritually. The symbol of Capricorn to Capricorn love is that you both like to lock those two horns and come together. Sometimes you are too similar that it can be a problem. A household that is happy and content is important to you both. Loyal and focused indicates overbearing jealousy between these two matches. Both are earth signs as they like social status and are willing to do whatever to achieve in life, including sharing the fruits of their labors.
Pisces and Capricorn 1 (1st of January born) compatibility
Pisces is a water sign Capricorn is an earth sign. Therefore when we mix these two signs together there is a lot of emotion but also grounding. The full force of being born on the first day of the first year indicates that there is a level of dedication when your lover is a Pisces. Pisces is ruled by the planet of both Jupiter and Neptune which indicates dreamy states compared to your ruling planet Saturn which is of discipline, authority, and responsibility. Let's consider this mix. There could be a good amount of compassion and empathy and dedication in the partnership. It is not uncommon that when together these two will admire each other but it is not a partnership based on emotion. Pisces normally craves to have more emotional contact being a water sign. The Capricorn is very much focused on providing for the family. There is patience that is required in order to ensure that this partnership flourishes.
The spiritual journey of new year day babies
These are the 10 signs that you are embarking on a new spiritual journey and that you are working towards being more fulfilled in your life. If you are feeling any of the following then this can indicate you have hit a crossroads in your life and there is a need for spiritual development.
- You feel like you are lost but do not know why.
- You are having questions about your purpose in life itself.
- There is a sense that there is much more to your life than you feel you are achieving.
- You notice angel numbers, signs, and omens of transformation
- Perhaps you are experiencing depression or crisis after crisis
- Maybe you feel you are falling into areas of life you wish you hadn’t
If you are feeling any of these aspects at any point in your life then I have some advice for you. The spiritual world is often connected to our element of internal growth in life; we are in the physical realm dimension. If you experience any of the above it can often be connected to the need for soul discovery. If you think of your soul like a river this is often connected to the sea. As you are number one it means that numerologically you need to focus on your soul which is very important and unlike other people you can access the deeper layers and qualities of the underworld, especially as your zodiac symbolism is the mountain goat.
1st of January in folklore and mythology
Janus has the key to the esoteric religion which is known as the first Christians. Janus also became saint peter and is known as the son of Apollo, the sun and the opener of the gate of light. In Greek mythology on new year's day they would bring to their neighbour's house wool surrounded by olive branches to celebrate the new year. This was custom to ensure they had a template of widows. The jews New Year was to give sheep's heads for dinner as a representation of the ram which is sacrificed.
Conclusion of being born on the 1st of January
In conclusion, it is amazing to be born on 1 January. Having a birthday on New Year’s Day can suggest not only will people never forget your birthday but you can celebrate the New Year in style. Spiritually having a dream on this day can signify that you are destined for amazing things. In the modern world, we have often indulged ourselves in many different distractions, and being born on the first day of the first month can often seem mysterious, manifestation of your dreams is possible and the truth is you are capable of creating and formulating deep and emotional connections with others. Return to ancient times shamans encouraged us to oversee our spiritual journey and you may find people pull towards you in life. If you are feeling particularly lost in life, you are undecided about your purpose or meaning or you feel that you have the destiny to fulfill these are all normal questions of those people whose birthday falls on this day. At some point in your life, you may experience a call to spirit. And in many traditions and mythologies being born on New Year’s Day can often suggest that you will interconnect with different realms of yourself.
Famous people born on the 1st of January
There are not that many famous people who are born on the 1st of January.
- The actor known as Verne Troyer was born on the 1st of January 1969 and he appeared in the men in black and was born with dwarfism. He also played the goblin in the harry potter films.
- Jason Pierre-Paul was born on the 1st January 1989 and he is known as an NFL player for the New York Giants.
- VerneTroyer was born on the 1st January 1969 and is famous for the film Austin Powers.
- Pay who sang the great song “Gangnam Style” was born on the 31st December 1977.
- Anthony Hopkins was born on the 31st December 1937 and he starred in many famous films such as silence of the lambs and Elephant Man.
- Ben Kingsley was born on the 31st December 1943 and starred in Schindlers List and the Species.
- The most famous singer known as Donna Summer was born on December the 31st 1948.
- Donald Trump Junior born on the 31st of December 1977.
Who am I?
My name is Flo, I write all my articles from love, I am a healer, medium and astrologer, I have been working on understanding birthdays for the last twenty years. Here I am going to bring together all the information about your birthday which is exciting as it is the 1st of the month which denotes many special connections. Congratulations to you! This is a special birthday!