Who know's what is in store for you! Check out your birth date meaning.

April Birthday Meaning
20th April
Zodiac message


April 20th is the day of confrontation. Those born on April 20th have outstanding leadership qualities.

Dynamic individuals, they are driven by their inner impulses usually invariable as they head upward a path. Success and the accomplishment of their actions will be inevitable. In addition, those born today are rarely satisfied just to support their own cause. They also represent the family or will act on behalf of a social group. They are convinced they can bring them on track. Always the group values ​​remain a top priority for them.

Those born on this day are extremely sensitive and very discreet in terms of personal life. They create their ideal life, considered invaluable in their careers, but only if it is used for constructive purposes. Due to sensitivity, they become tense and emotional. At the same time, they manage to mesmerize and fascinate others. However, it is imperative for them to stay in touch with their sensitivity and control their feelings. Those born on this day tend to arouse the feelings of others, especially when it comes to loved ones and friends.

No matter how committed to society these individuals would be during their life, only worldly challenges drive them. Most times, they do not avoid conflicts and problems, but also consider them welcome. It is only apparent that they are not made to easily obtain things or have a relaxed life. This can be really an insurmountable obstacle in the way of their achievements and happiness. But, curiously, they take refuge in problem solving and the agitation of sustained activities. From this point of view, they can be compared to a bird or a plane looking for the quiet sky when it is in the storm. But their energies are intense and tiring to others.

Those born on April 20th have a well developed intuition. They often prefer to be guided by their instinct rather than follow a map. At the same time, physically they are very active. They like to enjoy a good meal, and are followers of sensations and a stable family life. Although the realistic aspects of their personality can help temper their imaginary side, conflicts may occur, especially when the boundary between the imaginary and real become impassable.

Those born on this day must be careful to avoid frustration for a longer period of time. Preferably, when necessary, they should slightly lower standards regarding their objectives, to a level where they can be more accessible and easier to achieve. They need to learn to evaluate their skills as objective as possible, to constantly monitor themselves and remain quite flexible. This is necessary in order to review their approach of the daily life. If they meet these conditions, they will be able to keep on track.


  • Do not overdo the research of the depth.
  • Come back down to earth.
  • Try to be more lenient and less cranky.
  • Tacit trust eliminates the need to give explanations.

For your birthday to fall on April 20th it indicates this year you may encounter troubles of the heart. Company matters will provide good luck. In addition, you will see a rise within concealed opponents. You may find something crucial about yourself in the next year. This year, there will be strong business transactions, but these will give you little money. A change of residence can be forecasted. Being born on April 20th is an indication that you will quickly have news that will materially benefit you. The advice is to listen to others this year.

Numerology: Ruled by Neptune

You are known to be ruled by day number twenty, if you are born on the 20th of the month. There are many great personalities, authors, as well as artists born on April 20th: Michael Brandon, Carmen Electra, Jessica Lange, Napoleon III, Luther Vandross, Torakusu Yamaha, etc.

If your day falls on a twenty, your ruling planet is Neptune. If you are born on 20th, then you are affected by the numerology of number seven. The power of your number makes you a great philosopher, laid back and religious type of person. You are not a person who may get anything by being lucky. Your reward will come through means of hard work and dedication. There may be some disappointments on the way, but persistence is a must.

Success is never easy to you. It is necessary that you keep working hard or may end up doing trivial jobs, and will have to live with unfulfilled desires and ambitions. But God almighty has gifted you with strong will power and high level of mental dexterity. You like to peak less and you are a good follower. You have to guard against your short temper or you may lose your love and friends. You tend to live alone and you are not very comfortable in materialistic pleasures. You have to be careful about your married life, and you have to invest time and money to keep interest of your spouse. You find your heart at ease when following altruistic ambitions. When you are working for others you have much better chance to succeed.

You love to live in a fantasy world and you like to delve in mystic thoughts and solitude. You may not speak much in public, but you are very comfortable among like minded people who will show you a remarkable streak of leadership, and you will easily influence them with your thoughts. You have to learn to keep up with your position even in face of opposition. You are always interested in the secrets of life after death. You may even be ready to talk to the dead through a medium. You love to research tarot, palmistry, astrology and meaning of finger prints. You have special liking for history. You like to critically analyze everything including your inner thoughts, family, society, and the world at a large. You like to delve deeply in solitude.

You have to guard against the tendency to exhibit strange and eccentric behavior. Many famous poets, musicians, writers, reformers and mathematicians, revolutionaries come under number seven. There is always a chance of you drifting away from homes and families. So to avoid this work to get along with others, or your life will go into solitude and sorrow. Your lucky numbers are 2 and 7. Your lucky days are the 2nd, 11th, 20th, and the 29th. In any month your unlucky days are 8th, 16th, 17th, and the 26th. There is a high chance of failure if you execute new projects on these unlucky days.

Your lucky gem is the cat’s eye. It shall give you courage and power to earn. It also improves your chances of succeed as an inventor. Other lucky gems include pearl, moon stone, opal, or tiger’s eye.

Being born in April - what this means

The second half of April is ruled by Venus (20th-30th). Being a child of Venus it means that you are able to utilize your charm and persuasion skills in order to obtain whatever you want in life. Venus is the brightest planet in the sky and was named after the goddess of love and beauty. This makes you very preoccupied with your looks, you are always looking for a mirror to check on how you look, and you are interested in fashion and style. Your tastes are expensive and you love to be spoiled and appreciated. The main touchstone in your life is relationships and their flourishing. You love and appreciate people a lot.

April is still classified as the spring month, which has five letters. To be born in April, the four month from the numerology perspective means that your gemstone is diamond and your flower is the daisy and the sweet pea. Your colors are yellow and red. Your soul is filled with bliss, curiosity and playfulness. Your main qualities are beauty, curiosity, tenacity, delicacy, pleasure, and joy. You are trustworthy and highly ethical in all facets of life. Helpful and steady, you are able to solve any problem.

If you are born in the second half of the month, you are governed by Taurus, hence by Venus.

Taurus is the second Earth star sign in the zodiac cycle. Venus being the ruling planet, people born under this sign have a secret desire to lead a happy, secure and wealthy life. This makes them very gentle, calm, cool and extremely different from other signs of the zodiac chart. This also helps them in shining separately from the crowd, and makes them a class apart. They are also known for their well earned claim of being good socializers. A Taurus knows very well when to stop people from getting too close. Taurus value emotional and financial stability with full security, which makes them create a functional life, and so are known for their practical approach towards life. This also makes them a bit reluctant to take unnecessary risks in life. Their feelings, fears and desires are very big for them for anyone else to know. They generally hide these kinds of insecurities behind their daily routines, due to which some people think they are snobby, boring and always sulking. They generally do not have a large number of friends, but still are very good friends, known for their loyalty, patience, reliability and generosity.

As per their symbol, “The Bull”, which symbolizes their strength and power, do not get confused by it, as they are of a very tender nature. They are extremely easy going until they are challenged. It has also been noticed that it is not so easy to make them accept your views as easily as even if they let you speak your mind to them. It is like talking to trees in your garden. This style also reflects that they can not be taken as open book minded persons. Taurus is known for their strong determination power, their strong ability to achieve goals. It is not easy to distract them from their goals, and they are very well focused on their targets with their continuous efforts.

Taurus is also known for their good judgmental nature and is famous for giving suitable suggestions. But at times they are very stubborn, full of laziness, become self engrossed and extremely calculative, which can cause annoyance to others. With their high artistic bent of mind and their meticulous and methodical nature, they are extremely successful in careers like advertising, paintings, film production, acting, and architecture. A Taurus is often found to have hobbies such as coin collection, jewellery collection etc., which suggests of them being a good collector too. They also score remarkably high in the love part too. The tailor made perfect match for a Taurus can be a person who falls under Capricorn, Virgo and Scorpio zodiac signs. Some of the famous Taurus are: George Clooney, David Beckham, Robert Pattinson of Twilight fame, Megan Fox, Penelope Cruz, Enrique Iglesias, Pierce Brosnan, Al Pacino, Uma Thurman, to name just a few.

Summary of your characteristics


  • Strong.
  • Inspired.
  • Passionate.


  • Prone to illusions.
  • Overly emotional.
  • Addicted to power.