Who know's what is in store for you! Check out your birth date meaning.

October 22nd is the day of temptation. The life of people born on October 22nd is affected by every aspect of temptation, attraction, magnetism and seduction.
Most times, they themselves are the ones that give rise to such feelings, but they can fall prey simultaneously. However, there will be a crisis when a person born on this day will be involved in a romantic situation. This will be very difficult for everyone involved. Natives are able to give birth to great resentment and feelings of jealousy. They are very strong in emotionally. Most times, their presence will affect the individuality of others. Those born on this day can control their emotions very well. If they want, they can manipulate other's feelings with great dexterity and skill. The fact that they are a threat to any relationship is not entirely true.
Some of the natives hide a wild side under a remote or modest attitude. These hidden feelings will be revealed very rarely and only to close friends. Those born on October 22nd are not very good at showing their emotions, but can discover the talents of others. Their power to influence is very big. Sometimes it is enough to enter a room to change the mood of those who are there. Of course, those born on this day should be very careful when exercising these powers. No need to be cautious for the sake of others. Their behaviour can have unintended consequences that ultimately could have a significant impact even on them. In general, their possibility of harming is greater than the possibility of being injured. They have a certain way to protect themselves, but they will always have aggressive or defensive attitudes. They will be able to avoid suffering by being more decent, more moderate and more responsible than the person next to them. If a relationship ends, they will be those who will be missed. In addition, they will surely be those who will have a clear conscience.
Most of the natives of October 22nd have a rebellious side of their character. Usually in youth they express any attitude of this kind. After this period they will be found in the conservative society category (especially around the age of 40 years) and probably will wonder how they got in this situation.
The perfect match for these native will be a very balanced individual, able to respond or avoid the seductive vibrations they will spread. Perhaps in the face of such individuals, those born on October 22nd will let their guard down emotionally. It is very important that the natives learn how to use the power of seduction, both theirs and others. Thus, they can find happiness with a sincere and unconditional love.
- Do not abuse your power to influence.
- Try to be wise and good.
- Show that you have feelings.
- You do not have to be the one who has the control of the situation.
Numerology: Ruled by Raahu
You are known to be ruled by day number twenty-two, if you are born on the 22nd of the month. There are many great personalities, leaders, as well as artists born on October 22nd: Deepak Chopra, Catherine Deneuve, Franz Liszt, etc.
If you are born on the 22nd, your ruling planet is Raahu. You are a knowledgeable person and an avid collector of information of all kind of topics. You are capable of representing a cause. You can change the society in which you live, you are active in the community, and finally in such a situation your opinion will count in making the public opinion.
Strengths include being well informed in social circles. You get involved in everybody’s talks and you are considered an authority. You are an expert orator who can easily influence people. You are even capable of creating a revolution with the power of your speech. You hold a great personality, always busy helping others, or creating social changes by intense interaction with those concerned. You are also considered a reliable source of information on a diverse spectrum.
In your character and approach you represent the element Earth. Usually you are soft spoken, with a pleasant behavior, you have a very sharp intellect and you are well aware of almost everyone. You are very active in social circles. You love to argue with a different point of view and normally you are very efficient in this. But sometimes you cross your own limits, earning the animosity of others. You can easily make friends, but your friendship is normally superficial with most people and serious with only a few. You are a serious researcher of life, literature, philosophy, mythologies, and religion.
You want to become famous. You always want to enjoy life, and you love high quality food and drink. Most fours are full of emotions and have a soft nature. You are very sensitive, but you forgive people easily. In money matters you have to work hard to get your share. But you are frivolous in enjoying money. Sometimes you are a shopaholic. You love to keep good collections of many things, especially the ones that excite your intellect. If young you want to enjoy life as much as possible, while at old age you like to spend time with serious research. You always think well, plan well, and only after proper understanding of a matter and being sure to make a profit, you will enter into something.
For people born on the 22nd, the number of Raahu, the lucky number is 1. So it is good for you to do anything important on the following days: 1st, 10th, 19th, and 28th of the month. Your unlucky days are 8th, 17th, 26th, 7th and 16th. Also on 4th, 13th, 22nd, and 31st you may face unlucky surprises. For you, a light blue sapphire is your most favorable gem. The next best choice is that of garnet, with a tone of honey.
Being born in October - what this means
The first part of October is ruled by Venus (1st-22nd). People born in October are ruled by Venus and the sign of Libra. They are always in search for justice, peace and harmony. Their refined character and diplomacy will be the source of their success. Hesitance in decision making is their draw back.
Being a child of Venus it means that you are able to utilize your charm and persuasion skills in order to obtain whatever you want in life. Venus is the brightest planet in the sky and was named after the goddess of love and beauty. This makes you very preoccupied with your looks, you are always looking for a mirror to check on how you look, and you are interested in fashion and style. Your tastes are expensive and you love to be spoiled and appreciated. The main touchstone in your life is relationships and their flourishing. You love and appreciate people a lot.
People born in October are ruled by the sign of Libra, and therefore are always after obtaining balance from all points of view, either spiritual, emotional, financial etc. In search of balance, they like to have a stable home and prefer the company of competitive people interested in business. They are gentle people, and therefore a rough attitude from others hurts them deeply. These people are endowed with excellent psychological aptitudes and therefore they do best in stock market, food industry, interior design, and any type of art. They should try focusing on their primary needs while using their famous intuition and stamina.
The downfall of those born in October is the fact that they are incapable to challenge their lifestyle. They might turn to religion and become fanatics. As for a Libra, they should always look for balance. However, people born in October are also great teachers and philosophers, and sometimes they will travel as far as possible to find the truth. The best advice for these people is to avoid drugs or any such substances at all costs.
October is the month of Libra and Scorpio. If you are born in the first half of the month, you are governed by Libra, hence by Venus.
Libra is charming, sociable, good diplomat, accepts compromises and can be indecisive. Natives of Libra need others to be able to perform. His loving and harmonious character is controlled by reason. The native is hearty, innate diplomat, and masters the art of acting with others. For the native of Libra, maintaining balance and the idea of "live and let others to live" are vital necessities. The native is versatile, has good taste and an artistic talent. A Libra loves colors, paintings, music and dance, and stands out because of his or her pleasant appearance.
If the Sun is badly aspected, the erotic refinement of the Libra native can lead to addiction. Ambition, moods, flattery, lust and vanity can harm the native of Libra, while the desire for luxury may cost him too much. The Libra's most sensitive parts of the body are their kidneys, bladder, urethra, skin and joints. Their health is prone to disease of these organs, such as kidney failure. The Libra native is an innate gourmet. For this reason, at maturity they may have the tendency to gain weight.
October is classified as a fall month, which has seven letters. To be born in October, the tenth month from the numerology perspective it means that your gemstones are the opal and the tourmaline. Your flowers are the marigolds. Your main qualities are excellence, satisfaction, cuteness, luck, grace, joy, comfort, and love.
Summary of your characteristics
- Magnetic.
- Charming.
- Enthusiastic.
- Unbalanced.
- Dominant.
- Saboteur.