Who know's what is in store for you! Check out your birth date meaning.

December Birthday Meanings
29th December
Zodiac message


December 29th is the day of superiority.

Those born on December 29th are often destined to play a leading role in life. Even if they want to be bosses, they are chosen by fate to occupy positions of responsibility. Natives who are suited for leadership roles can operate in executive positions each year in a constant manner. Those without such sails can be abandoned in a courtesy-less manner.

It should be emphasized that the natives of December 29th are not generally ambitious, but have a knack of being in the right place at the right time. The problem they usually have occurs when they want to accept the opportunities offered. To make these choices, they will need to devote time to better understand themselves and to more realistically evaluate their true talents and abilities.

Some born on the day of December 29th may feel more comfortable when playing a supportive role in life, but only when they are near a power source. Such natives have the ability to fit in at work and social activities and act politically correct. It is crucial for them to cultivate tact and diplomacy. However, such qualities do not come by themselves for those born on this day. In addition, natives of December 29th must beware not to attract the suspicion of others through inappropriate behavior, which they have not dealt with before. Their vulnerability in this area derives from their mistakes or even arrogance. Those born on this day must be sure of their motives before they act and not to allow these actions to target their course.

Natives of December 29th do not have a well developed sense of humor and that is not always noticed or appreciated. They can give the impression of being overly serious, but they are ironic. When those born today are choosing to exercise their communication skills, they can enslave audience, be it family, friends or a large group of listeners. It is possible that their physical presence and their voice sound to be the factor that attracts their attention. Many of those born on this day have a suppressed aggression, but with the potential to manifest that makes others notice a mixture of fear and fascination.

The biggest challenge of December 29th natives is simply to live in accordance with the position of superiority in their family, social circle and their field of activity. However, they should avoid limiting themselves to fixed notions about how they might work in such roles. They will never preclude the possibility that one day they might want to give up responsibility.


  • Have the courage to lead, but also recognize your mistakes.
  • Quit when necessary and then take it over again if necessary.
  • Take advantage of the opportunities that were offered to you according to your potential.

Numerology: Ruled by Neptune

You are known to be ruled by day number twenty-nine, if you are born on the 29th of the month. There are many great personalities, political leaders, as well as artists born on December 29th: Pablo Casals, Dexter Holland, Jude Law, Jon Voight, etc.

If your day falls on a twenty-nine, your ruling planet is Neptune. If you are born on 29th, then you are affected by the numerology of number seven. The power of your number makes you a great philosopher, laid back and religious type of person. You are not a person who may get anything by being lucky. Your reward will come through means of hard work and dedication. There may be some disappointments on the way, but persistence is a must.

Success is never easy to you. It is necessary that you keep working hard or may end up doing trivial jobs, and will have to live with unfulfilled desires and ambitions. But God almighty has gifted you with strong will power and high level of mental dexterity. You like to peak less and you are a good follower. You have to guard against your short temper or you may lose your love and friends. You tend to live alone and you are not very comfortable in materialistic pleasures. You have to be careful about your married life, and you have to invest time and money to keep interest of your spouse. You find your heart at ease when following altruistic ambitions. When you are working for others you have much better chance to succeed.

You love to live in a fantasy world and you like to delve in mystic thoughts and solitude. You may not speak much in public, but you are very comfortable among like minded people who will show you a remarkable streak of leadership, and you will easily influence them with your thoughts. You have to learn to keep up with your position even in face of opposition. You are always interested in the secrets of life after death. You may even be ready to talk to the dead through a medium. You love to research tarot, palmistry, astrology and meaning of finger prints. You have special liking for history. You like to critically analyze everything including your inner thoughts, family, society, and the world at a large. You like to delve deeply in solitude.

You have to guard against the tendency to exhibit strange and eccentric behavior. Many famous poets, musicians, writers, reformers and mathematicians, revolutionaries come under number seven. There is always a chance of you drifting away from homes and families. So to avoid this work to get along with others, or your life will go into solitude and sorrow. Your lucky numbers are 2 and 7. Your lucky days are the 2nd, 11th, 20th, and the 29th. In any month your unlucky days are 8th, 16th, 17th, and the 26th. There is a high chance of failure if you execute new projects on these unlucky days.

Your lucky gem is the cat’s eye. It shall give you courage and power to earn. It also improves your chances of succeed as an inventor. Other lucky gems include pearl, moon stone, opal, or tiger’s eye.

Being born in December - what this means

The second part of December is ruled by Saturn (22nd-31st). People born in December are born philosophers and teachers. The best professions for these people are in the fields of aeronautics, law, information technology, communications, radio, linguistics or religion. These people are passionate about travelling and this will take them to far away lands where they can learn lots of new things, then return and teach them to others. They are very organized and serious. These people love sports, but also animals.

Being a child of Saturn it means you age backwards. That is you are born old and you grow young. This applies to your spirit, but also to the way you look. You are at your best at middle age. You are blessed with a good fortune, but you must work hard for it. You usually choose the hard way. As a child of Saturn, you have a price to pay, and you must do that in your youth. You are the last one while a child or a young adult, fact that made you shy and unconfident. However, these weaknesses turned into skills later on in life. They made you persevere and be strong which in turn bring you big accomplishments and self-fulfilment.

People born in December must focus on education in order to achieve their goals. During youth, they are very concerned with making money, and therefore the most important thing for them is to learn to balance giving and receiving.

December is the month of Sagittarius and Capricorn. If you are born in the second half of the month you are governed by Capricorn, hence by Saturn.

Natives of Capricorn are disciplined, loyal, serious, practical, and success-oriented. They hardly gain confidence in others. Capricorn has a strong sense of reality, focusing on essentials. He is diligent, persistent, thrifty, and righteous. Natives of Capricorn are people one can rely on. They methodically spend their energy and climb slowly towards their ambitious goals. A Capricorn avoids experiments. The profession they have skills for are engineer, administrator, builder or craftsman (usually professions related to the earth).

If the Sun is badly aspected, the native of Capricorn can think and act selfishly, is inclined to overstatement, is stubborn, hypocritical and, because of his distrust in others, he hardly opens his heart. In regard to health, natives of Capricorn are more exposed to chronic than acute diseases, yet they are threatened by fractures, injuries, especially to the knees or joints, rheumatism, colds, stomach problems and skin, as well as in metabolic disorders.

December is classified as a winter month, which has eight letters. To be born in December, the twelfth and last month from the numerology perspective it means that your gemstone are the blue topaz and the turquoise. Your flowers are the narcissus, orchid and poinsettia. Your main qualities are courage, calmness, certainty, and success.

Summary of your characteristics


  • Interesting
  • Communicative
  • Authoritative


  • Unconscious
  • Careless
  • Lacks diplomacy