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January Background Birthday
8th January
Zodiac message


January 8th is the day of the terrible blow. Those born on January 8th seem destined to have a huge impact on others.

They are not very sociable or overly demonstrative, but give to each social or personal meeting an air of importance. They express their own power, and people are deeply impressed by their determination and clarity of purpose.

In their careers, those born today unexpectedly react in public, and quite often. They seem able to channel all the energy in a certain way and they are well aware of their capabilities. Thus, they rarely exceed the limit, design or dream of fantasize that have no real basis. Others may consider them overwhelmed and so they risk not to be taken into account. However, those born today feel comfortable with themselves in different situations.

Typical for natives of January 8th is to bring up some issues, establishing axiomatic truths that coworkers have obtained without much effort. They do not act so in a spirit of rebellion or just for the sake of contradiction, but simply because carefully studying the situation will ultimately reach convincing conclusions.

Not all natives of January 8th are blessed with talents, but they will put into action everything they own, often forcing it to the limit. Overcoming handicaps, both physical and psychological, is an important issue in their lives.

January 8th natives must learn to not be force themselves too much and make things a little easier to cope with their concentrated and intense energy. They also need to become more tolerant and forgiving. The latter quality is important because many of those born today can address a personal policy like "if you are not with me, you are against me." Ego traps can bring decline, especially if they come to see themselves as if they were gods, and some others as atheists.


  • Do not get carried away.
  • Deepen your emotional ties and empathy for those around you.
  • Be prepared to give and receive in a simple manner.
  • Stay open to change and take some risks.
  • Do not give up spontaneity for the sake of success.

To be born on January 8th it means that you are associated with the success number nine (1+8 = 9). You are going to seek a career in management and also prominence. You have a remarkable, if not showy, flair and common sense. The number eight is actually likely to draw you to definitely greater hobbies, such as art, songs, and creating. The nine is the key to creating a universal mind. When you benefit from public gain, there is simply no preventing you from success. You like to remain individual. You are nice, public-spirited, and also really concerned about the well being of others.

Within your private associations, you may find that you are unsatisfied. You may be somewhat self-cantered, but not all the time, so be careful to people you do not understand perfectly. Make sure you choose not to meddle with other people, and also not to enable interference with on their own.

Numerology: Ruled by Saturn

You are known to be ruled by day number eight, if you are born on the 8th of the month. There are many great personalities, authors, as well as artists born on January 8th: David Bowie, Stephen Hawking, Ron Moody, Elvis Presley, Alfred Russel Wallace, etc.

Your ruling planet is Saturn. You have to guard against obstacles, accidents, bad luck and criminal tendencies. Saturn is the god of justice. It is always shown with a balance in one hand and a knife in other. Saturn weighs your past and punishes you as per your deeds. If Saturn is your ruling planet, never forget the term "what you sow, so shall you reap."

If you are born on 8th, your day number is eight. You may suffer at the start of your life, but this will change. You have to take extra care against mishaps and accidents in your life. You can face lots of obstacles from childhood. You must follow the path of hard work in order to gain success. You must show courage to meet the challenge of failures, disappointments and accidents. You must guard against risks. Do not take responsibilities more than you can take on, as it may increase your chances of failure.

You can look for a successful career in the field of law and justice. You may also be successful in a career related to law enforcing agencies. You show power to understand scriptures. You are normally compassionate, lovable and merciful. You are always ready to help and sacrifice for the poor and needy. You are a staunch believer in God, love an ascetic life, and like serving poor and the sick. You are a very good religious preacher. When you are hurt by somebody, you can go to any extent for revenge. You may even take recourse of cheating, blackmail, fraud or even murder. But beware, try to control this behavior, or you may ruin your life.

You have to be extra careful when you reach the following ages: 17, 26, 35, and 44. Your lucky numbers are 1, 4 and 9. Your lucky days are 1st, 10th, 19th, and the 28th. You must start important actions, business, or major deals on these days to ensure better luck. In terms of your numerology, your unlucky days are 8th, 17th, and the 26th of any month, as they will cause losses, ill will, sufferings, accidents and even illness. The lucky gems are blue sapphire, and the most powerful lucky gem is the star sapphire. Another favorable gem is blue aquamarine stone.

Being born in January - what this means

The first part of January is ruled by Saturn (1st-19th). Your ruling planet, Saturn, the embodiment of caution and prudence is the ruling figure of the month of January. Underneath Saturn's influence, you never take any vital step without deep reflection and without being completely positive of the result. Saturn controls the month of January. If you are born under the auspices of Saturn you are motivated to succeed and have a powerful position in life. You are gifted with computers, logic and an excellent organizer of all sorts. You seek a lot of respect and you are after continuous accomplishments.

Being a child of Saturn it means you age backwards. That is you are born old and you grow young. This applies to your spirit, but also to the way you look. You are at your best at middle age. You are blessed with a good fortune, but you must work hard for it. You usually choose the hard way. As a child of Saturn, you have a price to pay, and you must do that in your youth. You are the last one while a child or a young adult, fact that made you shy and unconfident. However, these weaknesses turned into skills later on in life. They made you persevere and be strong which in turn bring you big accomplishments and self-fulfillment.

You, being born in the month of January will have a strong ambition, energy, perseverance and belligerence. As January is the first month, you are a born leader. You have a tendency to make larger efforts in achieving your desired goals. As you are born in January, you have the tendency to be rather sceptical, analytic, and rather suspicious. Your mental strength is large enough, philosophic and scientific in nature. You are a thinker and a social person. Your special qualities are intelligence and the ability to investigate.

You are forgiving in nature. Your love, duty and social living are perpetually distinctive. Some people may find you occasionally rather eccentric. As a person with a powerful mind and a steady trend towards independence, you should lead in everything you do, otherwise you will lose interest in the work. You hate restrictions of any kind and are a rebel against everything that has the character of binding, although, at times you are inclined to respect traditions and authority. In general, January is a positive month in which to be born, however you have to cultivate cheerfulness or you may have the tendency to fall in depression. In life, you will face lots of confusion. You also do not make lasting friendships, and you will have just a couple of old friends. At heart, you usually feel terribly lonely. You feel alone even in crowd. You are a loner. You usually support the less trusted cause, and you will go to any extent not to be defeated. As a result you will simply amass enemies.

When it involves faith, folks born in January tend to be fanatic follower of the religion, or, on contrary, their consciousness is directed to different extremes, even when they do not believe in something. Those born in January can be in best harmony with those people born underneath their own sign or the sign of Taurus and Virgo. You have the chance of marrying either a much younger or a much older person. The Moon has a strong influence on you, and it usually affects your mood, as well as your career path. You are organized, logic, patience, and you have a very special charm.

January is classified as the winter month, which has seven letters. To be born in January from a numerology perspective it means that people with a birthday on your day are focused on effort. There is nothing that will stop you once you set your mind on something. Your birthstone is the garnet. The garnet is a beautiful stone and has a large range of colors. Usually it is the red garnet is the one used for the January birthstone. Your flower is the snowdrop and it symbolizes affection, love, happiness, fidelity, imagination, and distinction. Your colors are black, dark red, and dark blue.

Summary of your characteristics

  • Can come across as being self-centered.
  • Lonely childhood.
  • Likes taking safe option.
  • Hates risk.


  • Confident.
  • Influential.
  • Intense.


  • Inflated.
  • Intolerant.
  • Serious.