
Uncover Hidden Boys meanings
The name Benedict, a masculine name, has come from the Latin word “benedictus” which means “blessed.” In more common alliance, this name is related to Saint Benedict of Nursia, who was the founder of the Order of Saint Benedict.
Detailed meaning
- Origin: Latin
- Quick Meaning: Blessed
- Number of letters: 8, Those 8 letters total to 35
- Gender: Boy
- Latin:Male blessed. From benedictus meaning blessed. Famous bearers: 6th-century Italian saint Benedict of Nursia founded the Benedictine order of monks and nuns. The Benedictines monastical order
Positive traits
- Good leadership
- Honest at work
- Hard worker
- Understanding
- Careful
- Willing to try new things
- Lot's of money making ideas
Negative traits
- Lack of development
- Rigid
- Obstinate
- Can be annoyed at people
By Florance Saul
Sep 28, 2012