
Uncover Hidden Boys meanings
Stephen or perhaps Steven is a masculine primary name, resulting from the Language of ancient Greece name Στέφανος (Stephanos) which means "crown, garland", in return from the Greek term "στέφανος", which means "wreath, top, honour, reward", practically "that which usually surrounds or perhaps encompasses". Steven can be significant to Christians: based on the Book connected with Acts in the New Testament, Saint Stephen has been a deacon who was brutally stoned to death and is regarded as the primary Christian martyr. Your name provides many variants, which contain Stephan, Stevan, Stefan along with Stevon.
Throughout Middle Language, the title Stephen or perhaps Stephan has been pronounced as a bi-syllabic term — Step-hen or perhaps Step-han — a lot like a Scandinavian surname. Steve has been pronounced because it is within Modern Language. This etymological consumption began a new decline in the mid-19th hundred years.
Steve would be the common small form, while numerous diminutives such as Stevie are also used. Many family members names are resulting from Stephen: the most typical are Stephens/Stevens along with Stephenson/Stevenson (others contain Stephen, Stephan, Staphan, Stefan, Stevin along with Stever).
Detailed meaning
- Origin: Greek
- Quick Meaning: Crown
- Number of letters: 7, Those 7 letters total to 33
- Gender: Boy
- Shakespearean: Male 'King Richard The Second' Sir Stephen Scroop
- Greek: Male Crown; victorious
- English: Male Crown; wreath. In the bible Stephen was the first Christian martyr
- Biblical: Male Crown; crowned
In great Britain, it peaked throughout the 1950s along with 1960s as one of the top 15 male primary names (ranking third in 1954) although had gotten to 20th by 1984 along with had fallen out of your top a hundred by 2002.The feminine version is Stephanie.
It's stated that numbers hold the key to our inner most personality. Each letter inside your Christian name has a number equivalent. Everything in life, can be reduced to a number, and each number has a meaning. In numerology, this meaning is converted into a useful tool for understanding our inner most secrets. Read on to learn what Stephen means in spiritual terms.
The total numbers that make up Stephen is the number six. If your name is Stephen then the number six appearance means that you are a nurturing, caring person. You are adored. You hold stability.You are the person who brings hope, righteousness and truth to all situations as well as a level of domesticity and stability. You are a paternal or maternal individual whose instincts about life tend to be spot on no matter what experience may thrust itself upon you. A typical six will involve themselves deeply in matters within their community especially in matters of home and the family because domesticity is where they thrive.
This nurturing individual tends to have somewhat conservative ideas which are deeply ingrained. You tend to need to feel useful in order to be happy. You need others to need you because you love to help others. It is your actual role in life to be the mother or the father to many. Not necessarily in physical children, though that is most assuredly a possibility, but there are very few people in this world who can love the way that you can love and you know this as do others. You are all about taking care of others in a humanitarian kind of way. You are the type of person who would find great satisfaction in assisting in a charity or in a soup kitchen feeding the homeless or helping them get jobs. Social services would be an excellent career for you because you would be able to get paid to work with others on bettering their life experience, something that you know a lot about and are able to help with.
One of the downsides of this number is that too often you tend to carry more than your fair share of the burden in life because you feel that others can’t do it. Therefore you are constantly being the strong one, the prepared and stable one which does a couple of things. First of all you are missing out on the blessing of being cared for yourself, but also you are robbing others from the lesson of being able to care for you.
There is an ineptitude that is created when one seeks to help too much, and in helping we need to allow others to gain their own strength. Letting go of the control in this instance is a helpful way to go. You enjoy getting the credit for working so hard, but often at the expense of your own physical body and health, which is not the best way that you could be thriving in your life path. If you aimed to just balance out the amount of time that you spend helping with the amount of time that you accept health you will find your life experience will be so much easier and freer, as well as more vibrant and lush because you will have been able to develop stronger relationships with others by taking yourself off of the pedestal for a while and allowing others to care for you. You don’t tend to function well in stressful relationships because you don’t know how to handle others who end up being untrustworthy, but one of the problems with always being the nurturer is that you tend to get taken advantage of by those who would just take and take. Make sure to create those boundaries and you will go far.
The six means that you need to be diligent. This causes you to be able to fix things as well as manage large groups of people. You are good at managing any kind of inharmonious scenario. To be named Stephen, means that you like to be an individual and to offer aid and luxury to the poor. There is a tendency regarding working with old items, such as antiques. You are good at careers, which involve the young, unwell people, or perhaps working to help the underprivileged. While you might have significant imaginative skills, the likelihood is you will devote your life to a profession which helps others. If you don't, then you are likely to try to get your sense of worth outside work.
You might exhibit a number of the negative characteristics associated with the number six, these include being too concerned what people think and feel. There might be an inclination that you are demanding and strenuous of yourself - you do to much! In this aspect, you may sometimes give up on yourself (or maybe your loved ones) for the welfare of others. Sometimes, the actual more than zealous six has trouble distinguishing between assisting and interfering with others. You may have difficulty in trying to find your own personal individuality, as a result this causes problems in connection with your duties and causes. The most negative trait that you have is the fact that you most probably worry a lot.
This may include solving a problem in your neighborhood. It is good to be named Stephen, as this is connected with monks and automatically makes you a bringer of good in the world. A particular good facet from the number six shows that you might be adoring, helpful, and also appreciate other people in life. There is a degree of lesson's that Stephen's need to learn in life, this is associated with realizing that kindness to people generates much supportive, kindness, as well as generosity. The qualities of those with a character of six make's the very best mother or father.Those with this name often take things seriously.Home-based actions are extremely important. Openness as well as integrity is an important trait inside all your relationships.
Positive traits
- Caring
- Honest
- Nurturing
- Kind
Negative traits
- Doing too much
- Temperamental
- Demanding of others
By Florance Saul
Oct 1, 2012