Becoming A Ghost

Becoming a ghost

Becoming A Ghost In A Dream

Dreaming of becoming a ghost is the sign of your inner voice that needs to receive more attention. It can refer you’re your most inner fears, even feelings of guilt.

This dream draws your attention towards your past, as there may be something you should recognize. Dreaming of becoming a ghost is connected to a special state of mind. From here comes people’s vulnerability when dreaming of ghost attacks. The interpretation of ancient dream books is that ghosts represent a part of our personality that we need to overcome in order to enable our life to function much better. Such manifestations and their multitude are justified by a few theories that appeared even from ancient times. Another theory claims that those that have inferior spirits, people that have committed dreadful acts and died, do not find their peace after death and, before entering a new body to serve their sentence, they try to satisfy their ghost like hunger in other ways. Since they do not have a body, they try to possess one, or even easier, they attack the weaker spirits of people in the most vulnerable moment: in a dream.

What is the meaning of becoming a ghost in a dream?

Becoming a ghost in a dream can be interpreted as a representation of fear or anxiety associated with change. Ghosts are in my view associated with a source of freedom, depending on how you are feeling about life right now. I also feel, it might represent feelings of disembodiment and ungroundedness experienced while dreaming. I think, there are some general assumptions that can be made if you have had this dream.

I do feel that you may be dealing with an unresolved issue that has been long forgotten but still exists deep within your subconscious. Being unhaunted by memories from the past can provide clarity in present moments; however confronting these unresolved issues is crucial for finding peace in your life moving forward. You could also be seeking attention from others because you feel invisible or disconnected from what really matters to you in life – this often stems from feeling unloved for who we truly are. When I met my husband I had dreams of ghosts all the time and this was about the fact that I had to pool in all the resources with him and our finances were basically together, the ghost dream appeared as it was like me as a former person.

Going deeper into interpreting what this type of dream means may also involves questioning aspects related to self-acceptance and inner power – perhaps seeing yourself as spirit rather than body reveals something interesting about how you feel connected (or not) to yourself beyond physical form? It's possible that being a ghost can mean an “internal struggle” between current reality versus desired potential; do we stick with our comfort zone status quo or embrace change regardless of fear?

What is the spiritual meaning of becoming a ghost in a dream?

Modern theories place such manifestations in connection to events in the dreamer’s life. For example, negative events and traumas during childhood can have a negative effect on the long run, manifesting through agitated sleep and nightmares during adult life. Criminality, corruption, physical and verbal violence, natural disasters corroborated with human incapability to stop or limit them can create states of inner fussiness, having an effect the ghost dreams. Stress and anxiety at the workplace, unsatisfactory emotional connections with family, friends or life partner are factors that unleash ghost apparitions in dreams. The ghost dreams appear in the life of every individual, and their pathology can be found in their frequency. Whatever the cause, a higher frequency of such states refers to a fragile psychic-emotional state and a quick intervention is necessary in order to cure it.

If you dream of a ghost, this symbolizes temptation in thinking and appreciating people around you, thoughtless actions that can hurt, indifference, lack of compassion, judging, laziness and limited concepts, exacerbated selfishness and pride that does not do you any good, inner struggle with childhood traumas, feeling the lack of affection from parents and loved ones. A ghost in your dream refers to possible indigence, unpleasant events at the workplace, the desire of doing something else in your waking life, discontent in regard to your career, loss, the wish to free yourself from too many responsibilities, to take decisions by yourself in regard to your private life, and the need to adapt to any situation, even the most difficult one.

Dream psychologists believe that ghosts represent our innermost fear. If the ghosts are dark in color, it generally indicates that you are feeling some type of depression. If the ghosts are light in color, this is a happy dream. Ghosts and natural spirits are designed to undermine human beings. If you dream that the ghosts are connected to falling, this demonstrates temptation in the future.

What does it mean to dream of dying and turning into a ghost?

Dreaming of dying and turning into a ghost is symbolic. It implies that your life is undergoing some kind of transformation or transition. It can indicate potential changes in your current life, such as leaving something behind, moving forward and/or making important decisions.

You're likely “type A” control freak and don't want change because it's outside of your comfort zone - this fear can come up during dreams, like seeing yourself dying and transforming into a ghost. And as a result, you may feel uneasy or scared during the dream and not know how to move forward from there without being consumed by uncertainty.

This can be an indication that you need to take more risk in your waking life in order to progress further. I also feel (deep down), it might signify a sudden realisation about something happening in reality that's hard for you to accept so you need time for processing - endings could represent this acceptance if you feel emotionally ready for what comes next but unsure how everything will turn out at the same time.

Dreams are interesting yet complex things; they offer us insight which we must pay close attention to if we wish to unlock their deeper messages, therefore, dreaming of death could mean real change is coming your way.

Your dream

  • A ghost scares you.
  • You see yourself becoming a ghost.
  • Ghosts haunt your house.
  • Dark color ghosts.
  • Light color ghost.
  • A male ghost.
  • A female ghost.
  • A ghost’s attack.


  • You face your innermost fears.
  • Overcome your strong character.
  • Accept your past and focus in the future.

Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of becoming a ghost

Afraid. Confused. Alone. Controlled. Wild. Haunter. Paralyzed.

By Florance Saul
May 20, 2013