Biblical Meaning Of Fire In Dreams

Biblical meaning of fire

Biblical Meaning Of Fire In Dreams

Fire holds real meaning in dreams. Fire is about passion. Fire is also about transformation. It is a sign from the holy spirit. Fire in dreams is quite rare and that is for a reason. I'm sure you will read quite a bit online saying that fire is all about transformation and spiritual growth. But is it? I truly believe that God is communicating with you when you dream of fire. Just as fire melts metal it has real power to purify and renew our spirits. Look at cremation and how we as humans finally go to the "fire" at the end of life. There are a whopping 500 references to fire in the bible --- and 90 of these are focused on how we can personally connect with God. 

Does God talk to you in your dream?

In dreams, it is my thoughts that God tries to see our logic, our worries, along with various other challenges of our brain -- for one reason, in order to help us. To help with our spirit. This is the center of all of us. A fire dream might have the greatest relevance when it mirrors what's wrong with us, like a mirror. Here, we oftentimes misunderstand our dreams. Dreams are the place where our spirit as well as soul comes back to find us. What we are supposed to do in our daily life, in a place - not controlled by the brain. Something more than the brain. In our dreams as well as visions in daily life, God might show us where we've yet to have a Christ like attitude in life. Look at Peter's vision of Acts 10: 14-16. In dreams, God is able to provide us with direction to resolve our problems, anxieties, or problems.

What does fire mean biblically in your dreams?

In the Bible fire is not just flames. The Word of God is fire. It changes us. I feel, that in the bible fire is power. ​ Yes, fire consumes us - but also challenges us. It tests our faith.  When I read the scripture of Isaiah 43:2. It states, when you pass through the fire, you will not be burned. What does this mean? Does it mean we have to be cozy in life? To me, this is a reminder that God walks with you in every area of life. He knows when things are bad. He knows when people have walked away, he knows when that job does not go well, he knows when you should have moved on but you stick with it - as I did in a bad relationship. In Isaiah 33 there is another important passage where it states “ will spread like a forest fire, reaching Zion and the people of God”

This reminded me of the Greek fires that we saw recently. I suppose the question here is do we just consume the fire? God uses the element of fire in your dreams to signal change. I suppose the question here is God a God of fire? Does he really care about all those burning desires that you have? Remember, and never forget that your struggles have a purpose. Every struggle, every pain, and every messy situation prepares you for what is coming next.

So, It is my belief that the sun is Fire, in the Bible the sun is God’s power to refine and renew. Through the heat, these are not destruction but rather a path to rebirth. This “fire” dream is a sign to embrace change, to get yourself through fire. God is God. He does not change. Your spirit is being prepared for seasons of growth and strength. Fire in dreams carries many symbolic meanings in the bible: including destruction, pain, transformation, and what you need to learn here.

The meaning of fire in your spiritual or religious beliefs adds depth. The most famous reference to fire is the burning bush that Moses (Exodus 3:1-3) witnessed when looking after the flock of Jethro. This is a famous story. Basically Moses was 80 years old and I can remember seeing a beautiful painting of the burning bush, it basically is an iconic biblical reference. God gives Moses a really challenging task. Have you had a challenging task in your life? Moses saw the bush was on fire, but the really strange thing was that the flames were not consuming the bush. They were not burning up.

Moses had a conversation with God and said to him “I am not special” and was frightened of God. God gave Moses the task of rescuing the Israelites from Slavery in Egypt. Before Moses spoke to God he took off his shoes. That is the really weird thing about this story. Taking off the shoes indicates the lack of being able to run. Maybe this is a sign that you need to sometimes run away from people.  So my question is: who do you have to rescue after having this dream of fire? I also believe that this is a sort of sign that Moses did not feel he was good enough and was scared. When I was younger I could not cope with being told what to do. Maybe you have to say something? And, the fire sort of shocks us into "not" saying what we need to say. I am sure you will relate to that.

Is the dream about a house fire in the bible good or bad?

I think this is a good dream. Fire, as I have said above is real power. You may take a couple of steps forward and a few back. You fall, and after that get back up once more. This is how we learn how to continue moving forward and continue stumbling on our path to success. Life is made up of loops and fires, it is not a single straight line. You can’t keep putting yourself in the firing line. You can’t keep dealing with all the drama. You can only move forward if you forget the past, seeing your house on fire biblically means - forgiving what has occurred as well as learn from the paths you need to take.


By Florance Saul
Aug 13, 2024