Biblical Meaning Of Blood In Dreams

What does blood mean in the bible?

What is the spiritual meaning of blood in the dream?

Blood in the bible is a representation of sacrifice. It is my belief that your dream has come as you need to do something. Say something. Commit to something. Sacrifice is about giving up something for something greater. In life - we must question and question, and blood biblically is about understanding what we need to give up in order to be better. 

What is the spiritual meaning of blood in dreams?

Some people say science is flawed I am not sure I agree. The bible was written around 4,000 years ago and science can’t explain it. If science can’t explain it do you question it? Let me go deeper. In the bible, Blood is connected with sacrifice - and Jesus Christ. Personally in my life, I see this sort of "sacrificate" as a way to commit to something, and sometimes we need to put people above US in life.  

An example, might mean taking time to help a friend in need - maybe they need you to do the shopping, paying for a loved one's ticket if they can't afford it or even just sharing the thoughts or knowledge with others in the world that benefits them. To me, blood represents a sort of sacrifice on a spiritual level. If you think about it - so too we need to do stuff in our lives. For example, parenting involves giving up time and money for the sake of children, in order to offer them love and support without anything in return, me, as a parent of children with special needs this has at times meant to giving up my job to care for the children - and writing my website. Some commitments are thrown at us by God and we have to try. Try to make the best we can from life. This is similar to the sacrifice of blood in my view. This is because in this the focus is moved from the needs of others. 

What is the biblical meaning of blood in dreams?

As I have explained before, I feel this is about committing to something in life. I have read the bible, and what I noticed in The Old Testament it mentioned animal sacrifices. Leviticus 17:11 states, “For the life of a creature is in the blood.” A dream of seeing an animal's blood to me, is to remind you of your sacrifices. This could be sacrificed for your job, maybe sacrificing your time in life. It may mean spiritual growth, and some sort of sacrifice that you have to make in life.

The biblical meaning of blood and scripture

From what I have read, blood is throughout the bible, and mentioned 360 times. There are multiple meanings that I have come across while reading and blood is mentioned in a number of ways. That is why if you are wondering the spiritual meaning of blood in your dream there could be so many facets to it. Blood can be the past, present or future. As you know we can give blood in hospitals, and when we do so we give life. It is about how we move and love in life. Blood flows. Now, the reason above I have focused on Sacrifice is because of our energy. It can act as the way scaffolding works on a building, it creates who we are. In Exodus, I read that God uses blood for protection during Passover (Exodus 12). On another note, the Israelites put lamb's blood on their doors. When they did this death walked on by. This is important, blood is seen as protection.  

Blood is represented in the bible as our soul

In the Bible, the soul is supposed to be blood if we look at Lev17.11 “For the soul of the flesh is in the blood, and I have put it upon the altar for you to make atonement for your souls because it is the blood that makes atonement by the soul in it.” It is a symbol to release past problems and receive forgiveness. I remember, not long ago in my Child's Easter service we were offered wine at the altar (in the form of blood) to cleanse our sins. 

Seeing bloodshed (maybe over the floor) in dreams can be a bit frightening, it basically means a commitment to re-establish balance - between the divine and humanity. In our daily lives, we are often confronted with stress/challenges and problems that leave us feeling burdened or unworthy. To see animal blood in dreams biblically is about the cleansing power of your spirit team, and how blood invites us to release all that guilt and shame.

In Hebrews 9, Paul explains how Jesus fulfills sacrifice and his blood cleanses us once and for all, the actual passage is: "Without shedding of blood, there is no remission" (Hebrews 9:22) then the author of Herbrews said is Hebrew 10:4 :it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins” and it implies that the blood of bulls and goats are unable to take away the sin. The text of Leviticus then outlines that this animal blood can be “atonement” for the people of God. So these two things are a bit confusing. The sort of contradict each other. I believe that the blood of both bulls and goats means that it can only remove sin for a short while.

Therefore, in my view, the New Testament introduces a new way to view blood. As you probablly know, Jesus breaks bread and shares wine with his disciples. In Matthew 26:28: "This is my blood, the new covenant.” The wine represents Jesus’s blood, and his sacrifice offers redemption. I’m sure you have seen wine in church and this has been offered, remember it is always red wine - which is symbolic. It represents to me Jesus' death and resurrection.

Conclusion of blood in a dream biblically

In a nutshell, I have gone over some scripture and concluded, that if you dream of any type of "blood" in a dream this is all about sacrificing something in life. We all get to a point sometimes of where sacrifice is important. Life is important and what you do in this life is important. Blood is all about life, sacrifice, and redemption in the bible. By understanding your dream (and you saw blood in any way) can indicate there is SOMETHING you have to do in order to commit to, and make your life better.


By Florance Saul
Aug 17, 2024