Biblical Meaning of Dreaming of a Deceased Mother

Mother Dream Meaning

What does a deceased Mother in a dream mean biblically?

It is always a bit strange when you have a dream of your mother who has passed or is alive and then becomes deceased. I always feel this is a sign, and don’t worry it’s not negative per se. I feel this is about your own “comfort blanket” In the bible Moses said "Honor your Father and Mother, and "Whoever speaks evil of your Father or Mother must surely die" I really struggle with this phase. 

Because nothing is black and white and it depends on the relationship that you actually have with your Mother in real life. Dreaming that your Mother has passed could be an indication that the relationship has changed with your Mother or that you feel you need your Mother at the moment. 

The other day, I was talking about relationships with Mothers to my friend on the phone and how difficult it is to understand that our Mothers can sometimes not be for us and cause us stress, now I am not saying this is the case for you but what I am saying is that the “Mother” in your dream could be a sign that you are going through stressful times right now.

What is the biblical meaning of dreaming of your deceased Mother?

The biblical meaning of seeing your deceased Mother in a dream is about comfort. Mother in my view represents comfort. It is about drawing that picture, that story, that truth about what we really need in life. Maybe you could see her smile, her touch, her wisdom. The presence is there in your dream. But is she saying anything? Which lessons does she bring?

Imagine a bridge is a deceased mother. And this bridge simply connects the past to the present. Her appearance in a dream may bring back old lessons. Or this is connected to the wisdom that she gave that you now need to know.

What does it biblically mean to dream of your deceased Mother if she has passed over?

Seeing a dead Mother in the dream is a bit strange and can be unsettling in the morning. This must have been a very difficult dream for you. I often find that the deceased Mother often appears in dreams as our guides - our spirit team. They protect and teach us from beyond. I am a strong believer that this is a dream of transition and her wisdom is your comfort. Dreams are simple reflections of the past. The dream expresses our hopes and what we need right now. 

What is the biblical references for Mothers in dreams?

Mothers in the bible are shown as loving, strong, and provide direction. We can use this to build up a picture of your dream. Therefore, seeing a Mother in a dream is about comfort. In the Bible, for instance, Proverbs 31: 7: 26 says, "She speaks with wisdom and her tongue bears faithful instruction." This verse talks about the wisdom a mother imparts and how she is a source of guidance always afterlife. Such scriptural references demonstrate how earthly experiences relate to spiritual meanings. We may be dreaming of our deceased mothers and receiving all that wisdom; an invitation to listen, learn, and change in different ways ln life. 

The other Mother in the bible that I feel is important to consider is Sarah who laughed when everything seemed impossible -  even in the darkest hours, it shows that Mothers can give faith and hope. Sarah gave birth at age 90 to a son named Isaac, which means "laughter" and this whole story after I read this means the fulfillment of God's promise.

Spiritually, Sarah represents faith in God's timing and the knowledge and that his promises will come to pass even if they seem impossible.  Of course, and not forgetting Mary, Jesus Mother, and that she conceived Jesus by the Holy Spirit, she was actually considered a virgin all her life. And, this was also a common theme in Greek mythology in regards to gods. Spiritually, Mary as a Mother in the bible is all about acceptance and faith in God's promises and shows how to answer God's call with a willing heart. Therefore, your dream about your deceased Mother could biblically mean that you have closed your heart to things.

Reading the book of Ruth has made me think more about how Mothers are important. Ruth chose to go with Naomi, who was her Mother-in Law rather than go back to her own parents. In the book of Ruth, the moral that I took away is that this is about being super kind to other people. Consider also Ruth, whose loyalty and bravery when faced with hardship showed us how our connection can triumph over comfort. Spiritually, Ruth represents loyalty and the blessings of trusting in God even when it involves sacrifice. Naomi was like a Mother to Ruth and the bible here is saying that we can sometimes find a Mother in someone we don’t think would be. 

Therefore, if you dream about your mother dying in the dream this could be that you are running out of time. The book of Ruth is about looking at the relationships around you. Ruth accompanied Naomi back to Bethlehem, it was her Mother In Law.

Naomi became quite bitter as she was denied a relationship, and Ruth was bitter because she was a widow. Also, note the “mother” aspect here is connected to marriage. She wanted to go back to Bethlehem. She would have been estranged but instead, she was married. The feminine meant that everyone was running away in order to survive. From this, I can see that the dream biblically of a deceased Mother - could be all about your relationships and ask yourself: Are you loving yourself enough? How do we support those we love while honoring our own paths? Mothers in the bible, are about faith and action and so can we face our own life with determination.


In conclusion, the Mothers in the bible give us a clue as to what your dream really means. I always find that our dreams can (but not always) connect with the unconscious mind. The reason I mention this is because biblically, dreaming about a dead mother is a sort of biblical invitation to reflect on the love and wisdom she left behind if she has gone from this world or your life in the living world. If you are still in touch and have a loving relationship with your Mother it could mean that the dream has appeared because you need to be more focused on ensuring you have the comfort that you need in life.

By Florance Saul
Sep 7, 2024