Black Wolf Dream Meaning

What does it mean to dream of a black wolf?
Black wolves (spiritually) I feel is about our dark mind, where we are. Where we should be. Our inner loneliness. We now have a name for loneliness and that is selfies. We take our own picture. Back in the day someone would "take" that picture for you. Not anymore. You have to (most of the time) take a picture of yourself. And, post the pictures where you are all alone on your socials - and wait for someone to like it. Lots of pictures of black wolves can come in dreams.
The black wolf would normally appear alone. A sign. A sign of loneliness. In our own dark thoughts of the night. Yes, our world has changed. There is so much information, so much craziness, so much distraction that we sometimes forget about the wolves in the wild hunting for food. Finding it hard to survive. This dream, about the black wolves is about how we connect with others. How we connect with our environment.
The wolf stands between love and loneliness. We live in a society that removes that contact. Now, wolves are dangerous but they keep us strong. Seeing a black wolf passing by in a dream represents courage and loyalty. Fun fact, Wolves are typically white, gray, brown, and tan and only 3.6% of all wolves are black. The reason I mention this is that a small percentage of real-life black wolves makes it super rare. I always see the black wolf as “black and cunning: and at the same time we might hear that howling in the distance in our dream and it is a call for us to know that sometimes we need to just shout out to the universe when things go wrong.
In 2008, nineteen biologists published an article on breeding wolves by David Mech, he is a senior research scientist and studied wolves since 1958. In his research paper, he did not mention the word "alpha" This is because there is a sort of urban legend that wolves are dominant. But are they? From David's research wolves want to fit into the pack, want to fit in with their society, and not be lonely. Over the years, I have believed that wolves were powerful and scary but I don't think this is the case, we need to look at how the wolf turned into the dog - this was evolution. We don't really know how the domestication of wolves but this was 14,000 years ago, and this has resulted in us having dogs. Wolves wanted our warmth, they did not want to be alone. That is why they became "man's best friend."
Carl Jung believed wolves really show our inner wisdom and give us clues as to what we are supposed to do in life. When a black wolf appears, it might mean that you need inner knowledge, peace, and loneliness. A black wolf is rare. Our world has become a place of being alone. Even if in a relationship the wolf can signal the presence of strong instincts. If we look back at culture, wolves (whatever the color) are known for transformation. The crazy thing is that we need time alone but the black wolf might also mean change is near. This dream could highlight personal growth or new opportunities, in life. I admit that from what I have read the black wolf often represents transformation in folklore as the werewolf-- due to its ability to change from human form into animal form during certain phases of moon cycles or even on special occasions such as Samhain (the pagan new year).
What does it mean to be attacked by a black wolf?
Dreams can feel strange. A black wolf attack in your dream - might scare you. If you dream of being attacked by a black wolf this is a bit scary, it could even be considered a nightmare. Yes, it may mean fear. When your spirit team brings you something you don’t understand you want to back out - just like the wolf. The wolf can represent unconscious forces, and trouble and trials, or hidden truths. The wolf is trouble in my view when it attacks. The wolf has survived through the struggles of life. If you have killed a black wolf this suggests what you have tried, and your conclusion in life. I would like you to think about how you defeated yourself. In forests, wolves thrive, they are alive. Seeing a black wolf in a forest or wood may signify hidden emotions, think of the trees and how powerful they are like the tree of life. Being chased by the wolf is about processing things, and maybe you think: this is a good job. This is a bad job. This is a good person. This is a bad person. If you think like this, you will be confused. The chasing of the wolf or maybe chasing you can indicate that things are not black and white. If you hang out with a bad person you will notice there is some good there. The person you think is bad might help you, and the person you think is good to you hurts you. It is a real puzzle.
What is the biblical meaning of a wolf?
In the Bible, wolves are often seen as threats, in Matthew 7:15 this warns against false prophets. He says: “these wolves in sheep's clothing deceive many” Wisdom works quite slow. You might not be as smart as you think you are. This dream indicates that you may need to face fears boldly. When the universe sends you things you don’t understand then you tend to back out. People prevent us from being ourselves or even doing what we all know to be true. If we don't follow our inner voice and beliefs, we will not become successful in our lives, whether in our personal or professional lives. If we follow in the footsteps of other people, we'll always be considered a shadow of them and never feel alive. Regardless of how tough it might be, be true to yourself all of the time. The black wolf calls for self-reflection and awareness. Consider your personal beliefs to understand their meaning.
God punished those that did not do what he said. For example, Jacob's sons Simeon and Levi destroyed their own tribe after they found out another tribe had tricked them; (Genesis 49:5-7), in response God's punishment was that he scattered them across the tribes of Israel "as wild ashes in the desert" This is powerful stuff, and to me, this means that whatever happens in life - don’t loose your control. God had to act. In the face of chaos in our lives try to meet it with positiveity.
Is the dream about black wolves good or bad?
Well I think this is a dream about being strong. Life is hard sometimes. And, the wolf teaches us how to be focused, and decisive when things get tough. I don’t feel this is a positive dream, but there are so many lessons you can take from this dream. In tarot cards, the suit of swords is sometimes known as wolves indicating power or fear. The black wolf spiritually, in my view is the unconscious forces within you - such as instincts, fears, and intuition - yes, all negative things. It can suggest that there are things we may be ignoring. Sometimes we find ourselves in a messy situation in life.
What is the dream psychology of a black wolf?
The Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung believed all dreams had both personal meanings for our own consciousnesses and each dream held “archetypal meaning” and this was common across humanity. Black wolves serve to represent our own awareness. To see a black wolf in a dream is all about making sure you can see all those hidden aspects of yourself, and that you make sure you have real personal growth.
What is the conclusion of a black wolf in a dream?
Each person in life faces things in their own way, a black wolf is an incredibly powerful dream. Dreaming about a black wolf, in my view, signals that “something” big is coming your way – whether it is good or bad depends entirely on how well you face your fears. In other words, pay attention to any potential changes that may be coming into play in life at this time so they can be handled appropriately instead of being ignored until things get worse.
By Florance Saul
Jun 13, 2023