Boiling Water

Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings
If you dream of boiling water, then this is a strong spiritual connection with your inner self, and it means that you are likely to have a passion for a hobby or goal in the near future. Any type of water that is present within your dream often indicates there is an increase in emotional support around you at the moment. I do feel this is a positive dream.
In your dream you may have
- You drink boiling water.
- You see water boiling.
- You boil some water.
- Boiled water.
- A swimming pool with boiling water.
- Falling in boiling water.
- Someone brings you boiling water.
- Boiling water touching the ground.
Positive changes are afoot if
- Be ready for a change in your life.
- Leave the past in the past and focus on the present.
- Expect a marriage.
Detailed dream interpretation of boiling water
If you are boiling water a kettle in your dream, this reveals the need to get down to the bare essentials of a problem that has worried you for some time. To see a pan of boiling water in your dream foretells a new beginning or change in your current waking life. A dream about a swimming pool with boiling water also means that changes are afoot. To burn yourself on boiling water can indicate
To dream of a science lesson during which you have to boil water means that you have experienced a degree of sorrow or unfortunate circumstances in the near past. This dream is often associated with negative consequences which are due to fears and worries in your waking life.
Boiling water could be the omen of trouble, sadness and bad moments ahead. To dream that you drink boiling water means you will have difficulty in terms of money and personal problems. To dream that someone is throwing you in boiling water suggest that you will annoy your friends with your actions.
Dreams of hot boiling water
Hot water is usually seen in a dream as a good omen, predicting what it is most important for a woman: birth, children, and the possibility of becoming a mother. Running boiling water means everything will be fine, and that in your life will you will have fertility and fruitfulness. Boiling and running water may portend a marriage. For example, if a young girl will dream of a stream, it is possible that in the near future she will be asked to marry and even to get married. Events will be really nice if the stream is clear, clean, and with green banks.
Dreams of boiling hot bath
Taking a bath in boiling water suggests the loss of a relative or a friend, but also a possible divorce. Throwing away boiling water in your dream is the sign of well-deserved mercy. Drinking boiling water from glass means health and possible marriage. A bathtub with boiling water is the sign if possible discussions in your family.
Ancient dream meaning of boiling water
Boiling water can be the omen of a disease or an accident. Drinking it can refer to a big damage or loss. Receiving some boiling water from a person means danger and enemies. If a glass with boiling water falls and breaks, whatever you have recently started is not a good endeavor, and there might be some danger for your mother and / or your child. Falling in boiling water means reconciliation with your fate.
Now, this is not that positive. Boiling water can refer to problems. If in your dream someone brings hot water to your house, this foretells the loss of some of your goods. Boiling water touching the ground is the sign of a temporary danger.
Entering a swimming pool with boiling water means misfortune and failure in business. This dream can also refer to intrigues. Receiving boiling water is the sign of theft, sickness, and great danger. Boiling water can be a bad sign, heralding quarrels with others, and other sorrows in your everyday life.
Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of boiling water
Scared. Anxious. Enchanted. Content. Happy. Enjoying.
By Florance Saul
Jun 14, 2012