
Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings
To dream of any type of aggressive behavior which includes cruelty or bulling to an adult, child or animal shows that you are going to encounter trouble and disappointment in the future. This dream also shows there is a sense of incompetence in relation to a work situation.
It is likely that there is going to be a task which is giving to you and you will find it difficult to agree with others in regards to the execution. A bully featured in your dream represents hidden aspects of your character, reflecting specific ideas and your feelings.
In your dream you may have
- Been bullied at school.
- Been bullied at work.
- Seen a bully from your childhood.
- An adult bully.
- Seen others being bullied.
- Worrying about being bullied.
Positive changes are afoot if
- You had a fight with the bully.
- Things in the dream (regarding the bully) turned out well.
- You were quite aggressive in the dream.
Detailed dream interpretation
If in one’s dream you are harassed by bullies then this dream means that you need to take a stand in life. To see pre-pubescent gangsters in one’s dream indicates that others will need to follow your lead. This dream can indicate feeling dejected and distressed in waking life. Sometimes, if someone is being bullied in waking life, they may dream of being attacked by dinosaurs or monsters. Thus, these creatures are the symbols of the bullies.
Being bullied when a child can often be a frightening experience, therefore, if you dream (when an adult) you have gone back to school or adolescence to be bullied this can be a turning point in your life; in essence, it is a dream of action. It is time to stop people walking over you! To be killed by a bully or a gang of people suggests that there is a fear of failure at work. A bully at work in one’s dream suggests it is important to try to work harder in life – not to give up!
We all live in a world of conflicts, to beat the bully in one’s dream can refer to any number of different struggles in our everyday life. Also, the culture in which we arc raised can place so many conflicting demands upon us that we are filled with inner tensions, and these various inner conflicts can all he symbolized in dreams as physical fights. As with all dream symbols, the tone and setting of the dream indicate which meaning is applicable.
Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of bullying
Worrying about the bully, bullying others.
By Florance Saul
Jun 14, 2012