
Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings
To have a dream about college is related to how you are dealing with life. If you see an image of a college or you are involved in college life, this indicates that you may be learning how to handle the people around you in the waking life.
Generally, a college often appears when you are contemplating whether to take a course of action.
In your dream you may have
- Found yourself in your dream back at college.
- Sat in a classroom at college.
- Been in an unfamiliar college.
- Had to take an exam without any preparation at college.
- Encountered the inability to answer questions from the teacher.
- Being asked to say out loud the answer in the classroom when you do not know the answer.
- Walking into college to teach others.
- Being unable to communicate with other students due to a lack of preparation.
- An inability to communicate or answer any questions.
- Failed an assignment or exam.
- Passed your final exams and you are celebrating.
- Been encouraging another person to learn.
- Been part of a group of students.
- Been sitting in assembly.
Advice from your dream
- The dream is enjoyable and did not involve anxiety.
- You are trying to run away from experiences.
- The classroom was a tranquil place to be.
- Your achievements were celebrated.
- There were situations where you are learning new abilities and skills.
- You were learning about the nature of people and the relationships within your dream.
- The experience within your dream was positive in nature.
- You were obedient.
- Being comfortable at college.
- Able to follow rules.
- You passed any exams.
- You won at sports.
Detailed dream interpretation
Ancient dream theorists believed that any type of dream which is set in an educational environment reflects social fears and a security of the future. A dream of being at college suggests that it you are unlikely to understand your progress in life, it is a wake up call to live to your full potential. If you dream of leaving college, then this indicates there is going to be an improvement in your living conditions or home life going forward.
Our attitude to our work ethic and life is general is formed whilst at college, which, in most cases, sets out rules and various moral values which help us move forward in life. This time in our lives are normally drawn upon when we focus on consequences or conflict at work. This dream is a clear indication of achievement. If you look around the college, and it is not a college which you previously attended, then it is important to think carefully about what you wish to achieve in your life. To dream of going back to college after you have left is extremely common.
If the dream is focused within a college or university, then you need to look at your past experiences in order to sort out your present situation, and this should be reviewed carefully before you set yourself on a course of action.
Dreams about college signify that a person is being dominant in your life and you are trying to remove that element, but you are unsure how to do it. Unfortunately seeing a college in your dream is not entirely positive. This is usually because there was a feeling that "you have been there and done that". The other association of this dream is a picture of your attitude when you were college. If you are a child and you dream of college, it is usually because you are trying to resist authority in waking life.
Educational establishments are generally imposed upon us by society; therefore, this dream indicates that you may be feeling you want to do something outside the norm. If you are a student within your dream, then this dream shows you have a desire to learn from somebody, such as a parent or peer. If your dream involves a university, then this simply signifies you are looking to increase your emotions in a love affair. This often indicates there is a relationship that needs special care and attention.
Another indication that surfaces in relation to this dream is that there are some social concerns in your current waking life. This concern may be in relation to anxiety that you have, possibly found in a work or career context.
If you found it difficult to locate a classroom, or found yourself taking an exam that you are unprepared for or unable to get into your locker, then this type of dream indicates the worries that surround you. You must sort out ways to improve your life. The key meaning here is that you do not want to act like a fool in front of others. If you are asking a teacher a question, it indicates that it is important to recognize other people in your life, and these people will be able to give you some sound advice.
A common feature of this dream is feeling negative in the classroom, and if that is the case, then you need to think of the feelings that have surfaced in your dream. The other connection in this dream is the sense of authority, and with it, your feelings of being confident with others in your waking life. Spiritually, this dream is often associated with maximizing your best potential in life. Reaching a score through playing sports, or getting an exam grade, etc. generally suggests your waking life is a testing ground to ensure that you can progress in the future.
If you dream that you are revisiting your college days, this is directly connected to your anxiety levels at the moment, which are high. If you are actually learning at college, then you have a keen desire to improve your knowledge in connection with your career. If you dream of your old college, then this represents the total knowledge and power in life.
If you are in a place of learning, and you not actually learn yourself, then this foretells you don't have to hide away from the world. Think about your friends who will help your prospects in relation to work. If you enter any halls of education in your dream, then this is directly connected to your financial position. It is important to review your financial budgets at this time to save for a rainy day. If you are in any way associated with people from an educational background, then this indicates you are likely to be ambitious, and you will excel in your career.
This dream is in association with the following scenarios in your life
- You have a tendency to be reluctant in order to break any old associations in regards to friendships.
- You have suddenly found that you have been extremely lucky in money.
- You are likely to find that other people are going to give you some distressing news in the near future.
- Relationships with other people have been positive.
- It is important to understand that ideas and concepts are needed in order to improve your life going forward.
- Positive events have materialized over the past six months.
- You may feel that you are struggling to find a way to move forward in your life at the moment, or you may feel that someone in your current life can suddenly take things away from you.
- Within your life you, are in the process of wiping out stress and returning to a position of independence.
Pre-1930s Dream interpretations regarding education (Freud and Jung)
- To dream that you have wisdom, or that you meet somebody with wisdom in a learning environment, it shows that you will find some barriers in the future.
- If you are suspended from college, then you are likely to have troubles in your social life in the future.
- If you are teaching at the college, then this shows you are going to strive for attainments in your life. It is important to recognize that the simple necessities of life must be undertaken before you move forward.
- If you dream of a college teacher, it shows that you are likely to enjoy learning in the future. Your position at work will require you to take an exam within the next five months.
- If you dream that you are in a laboratory at college, it indicates that you have wasted energy in connection to business endeavors. In order for business affairs to be successful in the future, you need to discover how to turn things around.
- To dream of being in any educational library, it indicates that, while you need to prove yourself, you need to also undertake more learning to make your fortune.
- If you dream of a mathematics lesson at college, then this indicates you are likely to overcome difficulties in connection with business transactions in the future.
- If you find any type of error in addition or subtraction, then this shows you are likely to overcome your enemies. It means that you need to clearly have to cope with a dominant character, or alternatively move on in your life to something else. It is interesting that this dream message shows you have to take action, but to look at your past for guidance as to what action needs to be taken.
- To visualize yourself outside of college, or if you are looking at a college, it indicates there is some learning that you need to take within the near future.
The message in relation to this dream is:
You will only gain education if you try, and everything that you do is likely to help with any plans of the future. The additional meaning of this dream is that you will learn about other people in your life. This includes learning about authority in a job, and aiming for social acceptance within the team.
In essence, all these things were experienced at college, and this dream is telling you that the aspects of the dream are connected to your subconscious mind.
It is a quite common dream, and if you are undertaking a new learning process, this indicates that some new insight is likely to present itself in the future. The key meaning of this dream is that you need to be able to embrace a new sense of knowledge in the future. It is important to recognize your feelings in the dream, and also the emotions and feelings that you encounter.
The people within your dream are interesting, as this is connected to your own judgments and also your educational abilities. Dreams in which you are superior to others, such as being the teacher at college, or being the headmaster, indicate that you are going to analyze your beliefs in regard to a position of power. This dream is very much connected to your beliefs and morals.
As college is associated with the inner child, you may have encountered a situation that somebody has been treating you as a child in the waking life. If you dream of a dining at college or in a canteen, it means there is a relationship around you at the moment that you must nurture. If the dream is associated with a playground, then this shows teamwork is needed, and that somebody may have put you in a complex situation, and you must find your way out.
If you were bullied at college in your dream, then this indicates that you have been struggling to communicate with other people in the waking life. The reason why you have been encountering this dream is that spiritual guidance is trying to show you how to behave in the face of opposition.
If you dream of being at college, but everybody is an adult, then this indicates you need to be able to ensure that you can survive in respect to gossip.
Ancient dream interpretation (Pre-1920s)
- To dream of being at college often indicates that you are longing for trusts and pleasures of life at the moment.
- If you find that you are young at college, then this dream is connected to one's emotions against a practical project.
- If you are teaching in the college, then this shows you are likely to strive to attain material possessions.
- If you visit a college, then this foretells there are going to be discouraging instances in the near future.
Feelings that you may have had in this dream about being in college
Strange. Not able to live up to expectations. Vulnerability. Anxiety. A sense of panic in order to comply with the college's rules. Imprisonment. Guilt. Shame. Feeling under pressure. Unable to grow up. Inability to communicate with others. Happy. Contentment. Concerned. Inability to live up to achievements. High standards. Anticipation. Discovering a new talent. Being classified as an achiever. Unlimited potential. Blame. Anger. Reaching an edge in your consciousness. Excuses. Explanations.
By Florance Saul
Nov 22, 2012