Cruise Ship Dream

Cruise Ship Dream

Cruise Ship Dream

Cruise ships themselves represent our emotions, our motherly characteristics and above all a spiritual journey. In ancient times people used to travel to the astral planes on ships that flew in the sky. This is very common in shamanism. In recent times cruise ships have been somewhat popular. And, did you know that 30 billion dollars are spent on cruise liners yearly! In order to understand the dream of a cruise liner, we must first appreciate the key features of the dream itself - and how symbolism can be interpreted. As I’ve already outlined ships represent our own hidden emotions and it could be a sign that even though they’ll you are living in luxury in regards to a situation every there may be some problems going forward.

A cruise liner in my view indicates that you might be locked into a relationship and have problems that we will find difficult to overcome. The fact that cruise liner is associated with enjoyment could possibly mean your enjoyment of a task that you used to be interested in - maybe because you no longer feel this is relevant. Many people have contacted me about the dream of a sinking cruise ship - so let’s understand what this means. To see a cruise ship sink can indicate that you are likely to overcome some hidden problems or dangers. To see a cruise ship sailing in the distance illustrates that you will explore different elements in life. Perhaps you are reaching a certain age and wish that you had done “more” in life. Remember that we all do have regrets but it is through these regrets that we can focus on the future. I will now try to dissect the dream further and give you more of an overview.

What does it mean to dream about sailing on a cruise ship?

Obviously, I have touched on this in the opening paragraph but the cruise ship indicates your decisions in life. It can illustrate a time period where things have been somewhat busy and overwhelming. It may be a spiritual sign that it is time to take a vacation and understand yourself better. Some cruise ships are elaborate in regards to the internal features. If we turn this around it can illustrate an effective approach that you will have in regards to building positive relationships. If the journey on the cruise ship was happy and joyful then this can illustrate you are likely to improve the relationships around you. If however, the cruise ship was broken, shipwrecked or even sunk then it implies you need to be responsible for the challenges you are facing on the social basis. Think about the cruise ship as being a place where your ego is protected from social relationships. I like to think of the cruise ship as a symbolism of my own interaction with other people. If there is untidiness or the cruise ship is dirty and anyway, then a new phase is going to be born. It can also indicate that you may have frustrations even about clutter around your home stop untidiness can often cause a degree of stress, I know it does for me - and this may be because you are too busy to clean or that you just do not feel it is a priority.


Cruise ships themselves represent our emotions, our motherly characteristics and above all a spiritual journey. In ancient times people used to travel to the astral planes on ships that flew in the sky. This is very common in shamanism. In recent times cruise ships have been somewhat popular. And, did you know that 30 billion dollars are spent on cruise liners yearly! In order to understand the dream of a cruise liner, we must first appreciate the key features of the dream itself - and how symbolism can be interpreted. As I’ve already outlined ships represent our own hidden emotions and it could be a sign that even though they’ll you are living in luxury in regards to a situation every there may be some problems going forward.

A cruise liner in my view indicates that you might be locked into a relationship and have problems that we will find difficult to overcome. The fact that cruise liner is associated with enjoyment could possibly mean your enjoyment of a task that you used to be interested in - maybe because you no longer feel this is relevant. Many people have contacted me about the dream of a sinking cruise ship - so let’s understand what this means. To see a cruise ship sink can indicate that you are likely to overcome some hidden problems or dangers. To see a cruise ship sailing in the distance illustrates that you will explore different elements in life. Perhaps you are reaching a certain age and wish that you had done “more” in life. Remember that we all do have regrets but it is through these regrets that we can focus on the future. I will now try to dissect the dream further and give you more of an overview.

What does it mean to dream about sailing on a cruise ship?

Obviously, I have touched on this in the opening paragraph but the cruise ship indicates your decisions in life. It can illustrate a time period where things have been somewhat busy and overwhelming. It may be a spiritual sign that it is time to take a vacation and understand yourself better. Some cruise ships are elaborate in regards to the internal features. If we turn this around it can illustrate an effective approach that you will have in regards to building positive relationships. If the journey on the cruise ship was happy and joyful then this can illustrate you are likely to improve the relationships around you. If however, the cruise ship was broken, shipwrecked or even sunk then it implies you need to be responsible for the challenges you are facing on the social basis. Think about the cruise ship as being a place where your ego is protected from social relationships. I like to think of the cruise ship can represent in dreams your interaction with other people. If there is a problem with the cruise ship then I feel that this can indicate that a new phase is going to be born. I also believe that we all have frustrations in life and if the cruise ship was unkept or crashed into another boat this is connected to clutter around your home. I think this could be urging you to make sure everything is tidy. Yes, we all have a degree of stress and a messy house can mean a messy mind, I know it does for me - and this may be because you are too busy to clean or that you just do not feel you have the energy to get the house in order.

What does it mean to dream of a cruise ship?

The cruise ship seen in dreams is quite exciting, I feel it is conencted to spiritual focus and our journey in life. When we dream of a cruise liner, all the other things in the dream is important, it can mean feeling overwhelmed with a range of emotions, such as excitement, trepidation, or anxiety. In our minds, what does the presence of such an iconic vessel mean? By exploring some of the other parts of the dream (as I have said before) it can point us into the water's paradoxical energy and why this can be important in life.

Understanding the symbolism of a cruise ship in dreams

Even when we're asleep, cruise ships capture our imaginations. I feel that cruise ships feature two things: representing both physical and emotional journeys. Exploring new horizons, lands, countries or even islands on a ship during a dream this means that you feel you need excitment in life and the desire to embark on an adventure filled with excitement is on the doorstep. I also believe that if you dream of cruising your mind may be saying "I must escape" and I do see it as an escape, as a way to leave behind all the crappy things in life: the stress and monotony of everyday life. Dreams of cruise ships can also reflect how we are socially and the people on the cruise ship represents those connections with others or our desire for companionship, a new lover or partner. It is certain, however, that these dreams are invitations to explore the subconscious mind and gain new insights into ourselves.

What does it mean to dream of a white cruise ship?

White cruise ships can have different meanings to different people. I feel this is a great dream to have that represents a journey towards a brighter and more peaceful future, this is a great color to see on the cruise ship. I also want to mention that the boat can envoke this felling and sense of purity and innocence, pristine white may represent equal: a fresh start or a clean slate. On the other hand, dreaming of a white cruise ship at sea could also suggest a desire for adventure and exploration. The blueness of the ocean can indicate the possibility of exploring new horizons in life and seeking a sense of excitement and freedom. I personally interpret dreams of white cruise ships as a sort of "reflection of our innermost desires" and opportunties, and of course --- aspirations, which can serve as an understanding to our world.

What is the biblical dream meaning of a cruise ship?

Around the world, cruise ships are a popular mode of transportation and people love to go on holiday in life. In the Bible sense, however, a dream about a cruise ship may represent something deeper on a biblical level.Through the ship, we navigate life's challenges and opportunities. This dream is about a communal journey, where we are all together on the water (which means emotions in dreams) and is about, working towards a real goal. In these dreams, the ocean equals how the vastness how annoyed we can become with others. This dream is about taking a look at the unknown, which we must bravely face with faith and courage, that is why the consistency of the water is important. The stormy water in dreams indicates we are feeling unsettled inside, calm and things will become calm in the future. So, a biblical dream of a cruise ship may lead us to ponder about what I would call the "metaphorical journey" of our life and how we face its challenges.

What does it mean to dream of a cruise ship sinking?

This is normally a wierd dream, it can be worrying and a cruise ship sinking is a nightmare that can stir up all sorts of fear and anxiety. This dream symbolizes the fear of losing control or being overwhelmed by a situation in your life. It could be a sign that in life we sometimes feel uncertain about your future plans or afraid of taking risks. I feel this dream about a sinking cruise ship can represent the need to let go of excess baggage in your life or the fear of being trapped in a negative situation. Whatever the interpretation, it's essential to reflect on the possible meanings of this dream to listen (to our heart) and its significance and gain insight into your real purpose life.

What does it mean to dream of working on a cruise ship?

To dream of working on a cruise ship can mean that you are drawing on your work-life in the waking world. If you are having excitement and adventure on the cruise ship this can indicate a desire for a change of pace from that difficult nine-to-five routine. It could also represent a desire for connection and camaraderie, as cruise ship employees often form close friendships with their colleagues. On the same token, the dream may be a symbol of your desire for escape a crappy work situation. Working on a cruise ship is a signal for change and exploration.

What does it mean to dream of crystal clear blue sea water?

It was not long ago, I had a dream about crystal clear waters. It can indicate a sense of calm and peacefulness in the dream world -- this may be represented by the vibrant blue hue of the water. When you are relaxed this dream can happen, it is telling you that you can feel free of worries and stress. It is also possible to connect the color blue with feelings of sadness or isolation. Understanding the "dream's message" requires taking into account any associations or emotions attached to the scenario. 

What does it mean to dream of a cruise ship and it is stormy?

Often, dreams are mysterious and puzzling, leaving us wondering about their significance. Stormy cruise ship dreams can be unsettling if you dream that the cruise is going up and down and it is somewhat “crazy” or scary. It is believed, however, in my old dream books --- that dreaming about a cruise ship indicates an upcoming journey or adventure. This journey may be challenged and obstructed by stormy weather. As the storm represents turbulence inside, it might also represent your emotional state. Even though the situation seemed ominous, the dream may indicate inner courage and resilience. Maybe it's time to face your fears and overcome your obstacles.

What does it mean to dream of a cruise ship anchored?

Dreaming of a cruise ship anchored in the water is quite an interesting dream, this can mean the need to take a break from daily life. It could indicate that you are feeling overwhelmed or stuck in a pattern and need to take some time off to clear your head and gain perspective on your current situation. I also feel that this dream could be telling you to explore new things in life and venture away from your comfort zone. The dream may be a reminder to relax, enjoy life, and be open to taking risks and embracing new opportunities. Finally, it could indicate the need for adventure and freedom in your life – that you are yearning for something more exciting or exotic then dreaming of cruises often happens (to me anyway.)


By Florance Saul
Mar 17, 2018