Dream Of Falling Into A Sewer

Dream Of Falling Into A Sewer

Falling into a sewer in a dream

The sewer in dreams (as you can imagine) is about getting rid of all the dirt in life. All the things that may hold you back. All the crappy situations. All the stress. I also feel that since 2019 we have shifted. Shifted to a new dimension where we want to release all the old things into the new.

Falling takes on a whole new meaning. To dream of such a fall (in any context) is about your own hidden depths. What are you falling into is super important. Here is it basically maybe (crap) or even something else. Now, dreaming of being pushed into a sewer is about confronting the parts of yourself that you have buried. In spiritual terms, it's an invitation. An invitation to cleanse, to remove all that negativity that clings to your soul. If you are trying to get through a sewage pipe in a dream this is a chance to rise, stronger and clearer than before.

What does the dream of falling into a sewer mean?

In older dream books a sewer is a negative symbol I am afraid to say. I don't see this dream as good. My view is that this is like a "wake up call" time to take on new things. The falling part of this dream is as I have said about a wake-up call to move forward with something important. I also feel, that this dream could mean that you are not seeing the full way ahead. Maybe you are "out of control" when you are falling?

I had this dream the other night. I will tell you why. It was only the other night I sat down with my daughter to watch that all-time amazing movie: The Shawshank Redemption. It has been years since I saw this movie. There was a scene in the movie where Andy was crawling through sewage (and he knocked the rock on the pipe when it thundered) and after going through half a mile of raw sewage he stood tall in the pouring rain, free and reborn. I loved that moment of the move. 

If you have not seen it then I full recommend, as he escaped prison being an innocent man.

During this movie, I felt the struggle he was up against and that night I actually had a dream I fell through a sewer. Now, it could have been due to watching the film. But I think it is much much more than that. This is about internal feelings.  I feel his struggle. I am inspired by his resilience. The smell of the sewer in dreams - in my view represents all the nasty and difficult situations you have encountered in life. The smell of stagnant water or muck on your body represents moving forward.

Is the dream of falling into a sewer good or bad?

Sorry it is a bad dream, but don't stress over it. This dream can be weird, and finding yourself “falling” in a dream can indicate that it is time to think about how you navigate your life. This is a dream that is about what is (destined) for your life. I bet you're on my website here because you are wondering what your dream means. Now, curiosity will lead you to places of knowledge that most will never be able to reach. It is the difference between what ought to have been or what might have been, and what is. The excitement which results in intervention and invention is the mother of invention and intervention. 

What is in the sewer? What do you fall into?

I do think it is important to understand what you are falling into. If you dream of falling into a sewer of sewage then this can just indicate a difficult time is coming fast for you. Maybe you are in a demanding job or you are tired when you return home. If you dream of falling into a sewer of blood then this can mean that you may feel really exhausted and frustrated (despite maybe lacking any real responsibilities). I often see this dreams come up when we stop enjoying things in life. I also see falling and blood when you are young but feel as if you are like 80 years of age or something. This is about feeling young again. Falling into things that give you passion. Take some time out to relax is the message here.

What does it mean to dream of falling into a sewer and being trapped inside?

If you are feeling that you are trapped and claustrophobic in the sewer could just highlight your feelings of being overwhelmed or stressed out by a situation. I feel, this could relate to a new job, relationship, or personal project that you're currently navigating. The sound of running water might symbolize the passage of time or a sense of urgency, suggesting that you feel pressure to resolve these challenges quickly.

Think about any unresolved arguments in your life and maybe you are feeling alone - this might mean you need support from friends, family or a professional or simply time for reflection and personal growth. Dreams like this may also be reminders to check in on our emotional health and to act when we see a something isn't right in our life. By confronting those problems head on, you regain confidence and control in your dreams and your daily existence.

What does it mean to dream of falling down a large sewer/ and or rats?

To dream of a sewer that is large (like you can stand up in the sewer) and maybe rats or being trapped in this sewer is all about our own positions in life. In my view this is about how you can defend your position and don’t be surprised if there is not this sort of slightly defensive energy that's coming through today after this dream.

What does it mean to fall into a sewer then escape?

To escape the sewer after falling means you've won the battle and this dream can signify in apology as someone has been worrying. If you are scared in the dream and things are dark then this is a dream about one-upmanship, so maybe you are feeling defeated? You can expect an apology today if you are able to escape the sewer.

Conclusion to the dream of falling down a sewer?

Well, this is an interesting dream. I feel there might be some real chaos in your life and to escape the sewer after falling means this is sort of the “end” of that. I do feel this is a good dream. Someone today may proclamation that they are really sorry and it feels like there could be some kind of gift or some kind of symbology offered to you - such as a piece of jewelry or maybe tickets to go and see a show together for example. If you “escape” and are not hurt in the dream then there is some kind of peace offering that is coming off the back of conflict. 

The darkness and the overwhelming smell in the sewer might in dreams tip you over the edge in that this is real fear, disgust or shame. In my view this could be something that you are trying to hide or suppress. Maybe this dream is telling you to face your emotions and resolve them. It could also mean you are feeling this sense of anxiety about falling out with someone or someone has fallen out with you in life, but an apology is on it's way.

By Florance Saul
Oct 7, 2024