Dream meaning of left hand bitten

dream of bite

Dream meaning of left hand bitten

First of all, this is a super strange dream. If the left hand is bitten in the dream I feel that there is something that you are not seeing in life. I’m Flo and I am here to help you decode this dream. So let’s get started.  There's a huge difference between being bitten by a snake on the left hand or a cat, the spiritual meaning differs greatly. And, I will go into this meaning. The dream really depends on what actually bit you on the left hand.

What does a dream of the left hand bitten in a dream mean?

The left hand in my opinion is connected to the moon, which indicates inner wisdom and intuition. Dreams are connected to being able to accept spiritual messages from your team, or the higher self. If you read some of my other meanings then biting in a dream is a sign that whatever happens --- everything will be okay, but there may be a shock. The left hand creates all sorts of vibrations and the dream is about leading you to your true path.

I am sure you will agree that dreams are usually like a movie. In numerous religions, the left side of the body signifies intuition and feminine energy. Spiritually speaking, the left side is associated with the feminine part of our being. This does not always relate to male or female -- but to the characteristics traditionally regarded as feminine, like nurturing, empathy, and creativity. Therefore, when the left hand is bitten in a dream it can mean that there will be times when you will question things.  From the above, I believe that this dream is connected to focusing on your own intuition. The left hand represents a deep source of spiritual knowledge and feminine energy. 

What does it mean to dream of your left hand being bitten by a snake?

I had an email from a user whereby a snake jumped up and bit her on the left hand. If you read any of my other dream meanings then snakes may represent transformation and change, or fear and hidden dangers. Snake biting your left hand might be an unconscious fear of change or some hidden danger in your life. As left hand is connected to receiving feminine energies this dream generally represents an area of your life where you feel vulnerable or passive. I also want to let you know that this dream may be asking you to confront a crisis and that you need to defend yourself.

What does a dog biting your left hand mean?

In dreams, from my perspective, dogs represent friendship and loyalty. A dog biting your left hand might mean trust was lost or someone is fighting with you. The left hand is connected to being passive in life. This dream might be about feeling insecure in your relationships and that you need to work through issues. Do you feel insecure?

What does it mean to dream of a human bite on the left hand?

A human bite is more personal and direct than an animal bite when you see this in your dream. In my view, it could point to interpersonal conflict or that you are feeling attacked by someone. Your inner self and emotions are represented by the left hand - so I believe this is an emotional conflict. This dream might represent unresolved resentment or conflict with someone in your life that you need to work through and heal.

What does it mean for an insect to bite you on the left hand?

If you notice that a spider bites your left hand then expect some sort of deception. I always feel spiders come to teach us not to trust. Seeing insects as bees may represent hard work, cooperation, and community. But if you encounter a swarm attacking you may signify being overwhelmed by responsibilities or stung by criticism by others. Perhaps this dream means you should control your stress better to avoid negative influences.

If the left hand was bitten the type of bite has a different symbolic meaning and is associated with both vulnerability and attack. This is interesting: the right brain hemisphere is associated with your left hand - and is connected to: creativity, intuition, and the unconscious mind. If the bites on your left hand are recurring in dreams this suggests conflict or anxiety. 


This snake bite especially represents fear of change or transformation. This may be an indication that you are resisting change in your life and you need to learn how to adapt more easily. The dog and human bites are about trust and betrayal. These dreams might point to relationships where you could feel betrayed or uncertain about someone's loyalty.


By Florance Saul
Jul 28, 2024