Dream of Being Told You Will Die

Dream of Being Told You Will Die

Someone tells you that you have a short time on this earth

Maybe a relative, friend, or doctor told you that you were going to die? Maybe God told you that you were going to die in your dream? I know you might be freaked out right now. But don't stress out. Don't worry.  Dreams provide us with a vivid illustration of our long-term awareness of death, talking on the unconscious anxieties, desires as well as desires which encircle the brute truth of our lives. 

I’m sure you will agree that we are aware that we are going to die each and each day, but we don't always know that we will die. That is, we get rid of the thought from our awareness, we steer clear of it consistently, we forget about it. That is why it is usually very traumatizing and nerve-racking to find out that you have a terminal illness, or that you will die at certain point due to health reasons. All of a sudden, you are compelled to confront what the unconscious areas of your brain that you have been contemplating. 

What does it mean for someone in the dream to tell you that you're going to die?

When someone tells you you're going to die in a dream it is a freaky experience I know you are left wondering if this was real, and it is a sort of “wake-up call” from God or your spirit team that you need to get things in order.

All of us are going to die at some point. Many of us are going to die sooner than later, and others won't pass over for a long time, yet we face the same fate: heading toward this end. The realization of our mortality makes us human; not one other species and we all have this unavoidable end. Although our mind is normally centered on the hectic tasks of everyday life mortality continues to be a frequent issue in the unconscious mind. I myself last night, I had a dream that I was in a room and a doctor told me I was going to die in May, I woke up and now I am wondering if this is a spirit or just me.

The doctor also told me it was in 7 months from now, which when I worked out the timings this was correct (It’s the 28th of September 2024 which means it would be the beginning of May) Well, you know I am a psychic and I sometimes predict a lot of things and I have asked my spiritual team for more time. I’m going to explore what the dream actually means for you so we can understand the true meaning. 

Is this a dream which means I am going to die?

Yes and No. It is likely a dream of significant change but sometimes (and rarely physical death) I’m not saying 100% this is not a dream of the future. Often at times, there is predictions of dying and God giving you a chance to put things in order. I know this is a super scary thought. It could also be your spiritual team or God asking if you are still “okay” with being on this path. It could be a way for them to find out if you would like more time on Earth. What we read or see before bed is also super important. I was reading an article on suicide pods in Switzerland so that for example probably affected my dream. 

Is the dream good or bad?

It’s not a good dream to have, and I don’t want to freak you out even more. Death is a sort of transformation dream (if it is symbolic). Our life is now filled with virtual identities. Known just superficially by who we "say" we are; via social media and through what we're known to do - our public career. However in these capacities, what we do seldom (if ever) is who we are. And much more so, it isn't even close to the worth of whom we are becoming; coming-to-be.

Jesus said to people who ought to understand Him, " Who do men say that I am? " And they couldn't answer (except Peter, who knew Jesus by the Holy Ghost, not by what he did, but by who he is). Do not be fooled into believing your own dream is just a dream; Its dimension is empty and flat. To truly recognize the vastness of this dream, you will need to give up the vanity of your perceived image as well; Where the fight is on to be who you truly are and for being who you are actually intended to be.

By Florance Saul
Sep 28, 2024