Dream Of Childhood Home

Dream Of Childhood Home
Dreams about a house that you grew up in can indicate CHANGE, it can mean that you want to revisit a period of your life where things were not so complex. The dreams also occur when we are embarking a turning point in life. This could be a house move, a new relationship alternatively a new job position. What you see in the dream and the room you are in the house will also have a significance which I will move onto shortly.
In my general dream interpretation of a “house,” my definition of a childhood home indicates that you are embarking on a new horizon. That you are connecting your feelings rather like a bridge. This is a sign that things can be fulfilled in life. This dream can indicate that you are thinking about your own actions in life.
What does it mean to see your old childhood home in dreams?
I want to go into this dream much deeper now --- there is so much emotion when it comes to dreaming of a childhood home. Typically I feel this means that you're looking for a sense of security and comfort in your life. It could be related to a certain time or place that you feel nostalgia for, (think of the 5 of cups tarot card of returning home) or it could have to do with finding some sort of stability in adulthood. I must ask myself if you are worried about anything? When we are scared or worried we sometimes return to our childhood home in order to "esccape" difficulties in waking life.
When dealing with dream interpretations, the detail of your dream is key. What was surrounding your old house? Were you alone at the house? Was it night or day? Accompanying images can provide insight into what exactly the dream is trying to tell you about yourself and how your unconscious mind perceives this situation as possible resolutions, but let me first give you the basic gist of what this means.
Dreams of seeing or being inside your childhood home can be interpreted as a need for reassurance, usually in relation to safety and security within one's present environment. This can stem from anything from feeling unsafe at work, feeling lukewarm in your relationships, struggling financially, etc., all these feelings might cause one to seek solace within their own mind by trying to find peace within whatever safe haven you were young – in your childhood home.
However if there are additional things that you could see in the dream (for example seeing old photographs around the house) then it could be an indication that something from our past is resurfacing which requires us acknowledging it so we can reconcile ourselves with our current selves; such as unresolved issues between family members or unaddressed traumas from long ago which require closure before we move on. I also feel that dreaming of a childhood home may indicate that you've been neglecting yourself lately due its connection to the idea of self-care; taking time out for yourself so that ultimately things become more manageable in both real life and subconsciously through dreams like this—a metaphorical reminder if anything! Even though having fun while partying hard can leave us feeling satisfied momentarily but what really counts is nourishing ourselves through proper nutrition (not just food), regular exercise, mindfulness/meditation practices - because without water no plants nor animals survive - much like our self-watered onboard ship sailing towards a better spiritual path!
And, just like black-and-white films transports viewers back into days long gone - recurring dreams related to childhood homes most often means going back inside oneself as well searching memories stockpiled away deep down inside reminding us who we are now based on this version chosen by destiny’s hand cleverly disguised underneath blurred faces
What does the childhood front door or hallway in a dream mean?
Living in the white cottage for me in the 1970s was amazing, the front door was caterpillar green. The garden gate and the flagstone path that led off the street forever in my memory. Indeed, I often dream about my childhood cottage. Furthermore, the front door with the autumnal sun leaning over the front door was a proud focal point of my happy childhood. But what does it mean when you dream about this?
The entrance of a “childhood house” in dreams can indicate a real sense of arrival. That something is going to happen and that you are engaging in “coming home” that a goal will be achieved. I do feel dreaming of your old childhood front door is about the birth of a new phase in life. The hallway, borderline public, and private space, is an important sign that you are stepping further into privacy. The “home” indicates that there will be separate links of communication if you dream of “coming home.”
Why did you have this dream?
Like you, last night had another dream of my childhood home, white cottage, which has led me into writing about what this means, but this dream often crops up in my sleep twice a year. But why? Visiting your old childhood home can often occur when you experience “ triggers” in your current life. This may invoke the dream of a childhood home. Events such as a reunion, social gathering also unexpectedly bumping into somebody from your childhood can often trigger these types of dreams. For me, I did not have these triggers so I was quite puzzled as to what my childhood home represented.
The dream means you need fun! In our childhood, we always pursue things that give this to delight. Sometimes when we get older we often forget the things that make us laugh. The dream itself could be an indication that you are displaying childlike qualities or need to. Perhaps it is time in life to have a bit of fun? Maybe you're embarking on some childhood activities and you feel you can overcome any of your obstacles. It could be that this dream symbolizes that you need to try to get back some of the fun and passion in life.
Dream psychological interpretation
The dream from a psychological point of view could also symbolize the relationship with your own children if you have them. It could be a symbol of being “undecided” about something important in your life. Perhaps you are feeling withdrawn all you are questioning the commitment of somebody? Maybe you want a new partner or that you need a fresh start. As I said before, it could mean that you just need to have some fun in life. Try to do things that make you happy!
Is dreaming of an old childhood home dream good or bad?
Many people wake up from these types of dreams with vivid visions. If you had a happy childhood then the dream is normally very positive, if the dream turned out a nightmare then it can simply mean that you need to focus on yourself. In dream lore, the house represents “you” as a person. I like to think that the house is a metaphor for what is going on in your life right now. Try to think about how many times throughout the day you use metaphors naturally. When looking at what this dream means try to begin thinking about the picture in the dream, in order to get your point across. I was working with a woman earlier today and she dreamt about her childhood house but this had many additional rooms, apparently the additional rooms were opportunities that she had at work.
Specific room dream interpretations: To dream of a childhood attic indicates your own higher self. The attic is connected to your own spiritual well-being. In many dream books, it denotes that an “attic” gives a clue to your state of mind. It means you are thinking about expanding your horizons.
If you dream of a childhood bathroom then this can suggest that cleansing is required. It can also suggest that you may need to move on with things in life. If you are taking a bath or shower that can represent that you need to purify your own mind.
To dream of a childhood kitchen can indicate our own nutrition. To some degree it can also represent the need for a balanced meal and that you should be seeking nourishment for not only your body but also your soul. If the dining room was featured in your childhood dream and this represents social gatherings and physical nourishment. It could possibly mean that you are looking to gather the family together in order to tell them important news.
To see a childhood living room symbolizes your interactions with the people in your life. It can suggest that you are going to have vast amounts of communication with people close to you. If you were watching television in the living room as a child, it represents your need to feel more entertained in life.
To dream of being upstairs in your childhood house means your own higher self spiritual awareness. To see the actual stairs in your dream indicates that positive times ahead. The stairs are representative of your own spiritual fulfillment. To see the downstairs of your childhood home indicates your own shadows and hidden desires. It can mean that you are feeling emotions towards somebody in that connection is so strong. The basement, if scary can also signify negative elements in your life.
Going back to childhood house in a dream
Revisiting your old childhood home, I believe, is connected to emotions and also reunions. If you see the front door of your childhood property this can mean that you are going to explore different options. The doors represent opportunities in life. To dream of a large hallway indicates that your journey will be taken. The porch in a childhood home symbolizes that you are sometimes feeling withdrawn about somebody else's commitment.
What do dreams of a childhood bedroom mean?
Many people have contacted me about dreaming of their childhood bedroom. Seeing your own bedroom indicates that it is time to retreat and rest from a difficult period in life. To some degree, the dream can also mean that you are feeling repressed in a relationship that is close to you. If the dream was “positive” in nature it can indicate that a “new relationship” is on the horizon. Additionally, it represents your own sexuality.
Dreaming of your own childhood bedroom is quite common to dream – especially as you are asleep! This dream generally takes YOU back to a period of time when we felt safe (this is of course if your childhood was a positive one.) Being back in your old bed can represent your own progress in life, and it is time to retreat. To hideaway. Learn about what you really want in life.
Dream about a childhood home that is better than real life? If you dream that your childhood home was magnificent and more superior than it was in reality then this could suggest that you are reflecting on your own childhood and how people are communicating with you. It could mean that we need to think about how you are feeling about the social relationships of those in your family. I often feel that if one dreams of a bigger house it can indicate that you wanted more from childhood.
What do dreams of a childhood garden mean?
Being in a garden or yard of a childhood home indicates that someone you know is feeling left out! Maybe you have stopped someone from achieving something or that someone “feels” something about you and is too worried to tell you. It can mean that you are “friends” with someone who wants more.
In my general dream interpretation of a “house,” my definition of a childhood home indicates that you are embarking on a new horizon. That you are connecting your feelings like a bridge. There can be fulfillment in life. This dream can indicate that you are thinking about your own actions in life.
What does it mean to dream of buying a childhood home?
Dreaming about buying your childhood home can sometimes be an attempt to make up for something we left undone or did not accomplish when you lived there. Maybe you left something undone or did not achieve something when living there. As a result of buying the house, you have the money and means to ‘go back’ and complete what was left unfinished or unfulfilled before moving out.
On other occasions, this dream could be interpreted as meaning one needs more protection in their life right now; maybe you are surrounded by dangerous dudes or tepid people who won't defend you --- or stand up for you? In these instances the purchase of a childhood home in a dream, brings with it all its old associations – both fond ones like playing on the front lawn with friends or listening to raindrops pattern against the bedroom window – but also feelings of security where issues were less complex than adult life often presents us with today.
In addition, perhaps this dream represents wanting more stability within your current circumstances - returning to those small moments during which everything was calmer, gentler and slower paced even if just for few seconds each day; like pausing for tea-time mid afternoon whilst looking out into an overgrown garden where you once lay contentedly on a warm summer evening watching fireflies fly around illuminated by cold moonlight shining through raging storm clouds behind newly wallpapered walls.
In my view, dreaming about buying your childhood suggests to me, it may be time to reconnect with old parts of ourselves we may be missing - areas we once felt comforted by but tend not miss until they loom large again in our peripheral vision!
What does it mean to dream of a childhood home flooded?
I often dream of my old grandma alice's house completely covered in water, if you see a childhood home flooded can be an emotionally powerful experience that reflects important aspects of our lives and journeys. Typically, you won't actively think about your childhood home unless something in particular brings it up for you. So when we dream about our childhood homes flooding, it usually means there is something deeper going on within us that needs to be addressed or considered more carefully.
One possible interpretation may have to do with feelings of helplessness or being overwhelmed by life’s events or circumstances. We often use the "motif of floods" to signify a feeling that the hidden fantasies we had as children no longer exist and all control has been taken away from us- --- just like how water can sweep away whatever is in its path during floods.
Similarly, dreaming of a flooded childhood home might indicate some type of emotional turbulence such as grief, sadness and other strong emotions connected with these places where we spent some formative years growing up. It could also represent an unspoken issue related to family members who were deadbeats or otherwise absent from your childhood; these issues still may affect us deeply even if many years have passed since then.
By Florance Saul
Apr 30, 2019