Dreams About Church

Church Dream Meaning
Life is an illusion. The hatred is an illusion. The way we are with others is an illusion. Is this dream of the church an illusion? Or is it real? Did you really attend church in the astral world? Why did the church dream come to you? Think. Was the church vivid? Did you feel like you were there, maybe it was a church you visited at some point in your life - or maybe it is a church you have yet to see in this world.
Remember, the church is about protecting YOU. Have you ever had anything that comes up in your life that you need protection from? Maybe today, after this dream you are here right now as you need you are being protected. This is dream to tell you: God is with you. God can see who hurt you. God can see the pain you have been through and the church came to you - to give your soul that peace it needs.
People can preach to you. On Youtube, in church, or on the streets. But let me tell you this. It is really the things you go through, that will teach you. You will learn more about God when you are in the hospital, getting married, getting sick, and trying to pay the bills. God is there. God can see.
God is with you. That is the real meaning of this dream. I feel that the church as a symbol pops up when we need guidance and support from a higher power. Seeing that church in your dream is your destiny, it a sign that we are on the right path and on the road to REAL spiritual development. This is a real positive sign. In the Bible, the word "church" means to a group of believers who are united by their shared faith in Jesus Christ. This works together as a purpose. It leaves us thinking that God will work and it will happen. I am going to talk to you about how “important this dream is for you.”
The church is a super important symbol in your dream, the church is about the people inside. This is an important dream, as God has a plan for your life. This is the reason why you are here. And, that you survived your childhood, and that you survived car wrecks. God has a plan for your life.
What is the spiritual meaning of this dream?
I see churches like life, when they appear we need to listen to the voice within. A lot of people know the bible and scripture but they don’t listen to their inner voice. A church as a symbol has appeared - to talk to God and give out our prayers, to wed, and to say goodbye to our loved ones. Here is the deal, the church is a place of love, and to stop being “lost” first of all you can’t be lost if you don’t belong somewhere. You can’t be lost if there is no place for you. The church is a place where you are not lost. We all experience life - ups and downs, good times and bad. It stands tall and proud in the light and dark, a symbol of hope, in day and night, but it's always there for us when we need it most. This is why, I feel the church "appeared" in your dream as it is time to stand tall against the tide of life.
Is the dream of a church good or bad?
Every person in the world has the right for free will, and it is important to not be manipulated into thinking your dream means something specific when it does not. In a nutshell, I believe this is a dream that comes when you are broken and hurting. Or you just need to know that everything is going to be okay. This is a good dream overall and being inside the church is super good. It means you're heading somewhere. This is a dream of spiritual connection.
Think about things now, all people of all backgrounds, races, and ethnicities make up the church. The reason why I mention this is because the church can signify those people in your life. It could represent people of faith or those that are not even religious. In addition to being a light in the darkness, the church is connected to provide YOU with God's love and grace.
First, the church has appeared in the dream state as it is important to have a clear idea of what you want. It is much harder to achieve vague goals than specific ones. It is easier to make a plan once you know what you want. Taking action toward your goal is the next step. It may involve studying hard for an upcoming exam, networking with potential employers, or saving money for a down payment. Lastly, perseverance is important no matter what. Your goals are attainable as long as you don't give up.
To dream that you are attending church indicates that you have a strong connection with your religion (or if you are not religious) it is about your own spiritual journey in life. Churches are quiet and nice places to go. I often see this when I walk into a church high stained glass windows. The smell of churches is typical of wood, Incense, candles, and flowers all combined. There is something very relaxing about being inside a church during your dream. The church as a sign from your spirit team could represent your desire for guidance and support from a higher power. Now I am 43 years old, and I find it hard to find the time, to run this website takes a lot of my time along with housework, kids, books and the list goes on, but I do try to get to church as much as I can.
What does the dream of a church building mean?
Well. I’m sure you will agree that the church building is normally seen in the dream, and it presence is about having faith in your spiritual journey. The church is the place of healing all the storms and crazy times - you might go through in day-to-day life. Maybe you don’t remember all the difficult times you have been through. I'm here to let you know that God knows. God knows when you're sad. God knows when you are happy. Seeing a crowded church, or many people inside the church with you means community. This dream is about how you fit in with others, friends, and family. On another note, seeing an empty church may suggest loneliness, and we can still be alone when people are around us. It may mean you are feeling a little bit alone at the moment.
To enter a church by church by a large church door in the dream indicates that you will soon open doors to new things. Maybe you are going to become more aware of who you are. Looking at stained glass windows in the church means that you can see through the difficulties in life. If the bell was ringing in a church, it is about waking up, a reflection, or a call of the spirit into your life. To see darkness in the church (maybe it was by candlelight) can mean guilt or doubt in life.
What does it mean to dream of holy water or vessels inside a church?
When you dream of holy water or see a stoup (vessel containing water), you hold the power to cleanse sin and protect against all the things that go wrong in life. In life, we make what we want and dress the way we like, and we dance in our kitchens and inhale the good times because we understand that absolutely nothing lasts that long. We want to be blessed. And, if you see yourself dipping your fingers in holy water, attending that christening. Maybe you drink the water? The water is a sign. A sign of your emotions. A sign you can beat what is going wrong in life. The holy water represents cleansing hope, and a blessing. I'm not sure you are aware but in the Hindu religion, they believe baths purify you. I guess this is also the fact that all sins are removed. So in a nutshell, I feel, this dream invites calm and relaxation. The presence in your dream of holy water often indicates a secret desire for guidance. It is my belief that the sacred nature of holy water can be a sign to cleanse past regrets and make way for the new.
What does it mean to dream of being baptized in a church?
I love this dream, I had a dream of a christening about three months ago. The “baby” was a metaphor for a project I was undertaking at the time. This dream symbolizes a new beginning or a fresh start in your life. It could represent your desire to cleanse yourself of your past mistakes and start anew. I also believe that the dream could mean that you need to get more involved with your community in order to feel a stronger connection to your faith.
By Florance Saul
Aug 7, 2022