Dreams Of Witches

Witch Dream Meaning And Interperation
Dreams about witches can represent a crossroads between the spiritual realm.
For the people of Africa who lived in Nyakysa in the 1930s they felt that witches appeared in their dreams because they wanted to bring harm to them. They also saw birds were the representation of souls rather than people. I have had many dreams about witches mostly around demons too. The notion of a “witch craze” in the 1930s fueled many books on the language of dreaming of witches and demons.
The most common experience during our sleep is meaningful communication with our own conscious. The history of witchcraft has often been associated with our modern world. There is popular myth and academic historiography that builds the complicated picture of witchcraft in our society. Witchcraft is now mainstream and it is not uncommon for people to dream of witches especially as they are featured so prominently in our culture. Take Halloween for example, you cannot go out on the street without seeing a witch image. If you do indeed dream of witches during October please bear this in mind. I want to share something with you about this dream. The way we communicate on a vibrational plane of existence and bringing our self into a visionary state normally occurs after having a dream of a witch.
This is not a dream of what I classify as seeking but of healing. In ancient times powerful rituals were preformed with offerings made to animals and focusing on prophesy in the future. It is evident from various descriptions in the past that the witchcraft system involves both magic and religion has been supernatural but present in our culture for many years. There are certain secrets of the witchcraft cult that remain a mystery. This is an essential problem that we do not know for sure whether actual witchcraft was actually carried out cheers.
Victim of witchcraft in a dream:
Ultimately, dreaming of witches can be connected to a real threat in waking life. I don’t want to worry you in anyway, the witchcraft in your dream could be a representation of either a “belief” or “problem” in waking life. What is striking about witchcraft is that if you are the victim it may feel you are a victim in real life. Above all, whether those who believe themselves to be the victims of witchcraft often have little evidence.
Is this a bad dream?
There is a warning of imminent danger and neglecting spiritual duties too, if you dream of “being” the witch. When we dream we go outside our body and are not bound by time or place. This is important when considering a dream about witches. In the media witches are considered to be evil and devilish people. In dream lore, a witch represents something evil or destructive. It can also indicate the magical powers. It can be a sign of destruction or creation I am afraid.
What is the dream telling me?
Dreaming about witches is a sign of something sinister and ruthless in but also of healing. It is connecting your worlds between the conscious and sub-consious. On a positive, note, witches represent psychic abilities, intelligence, good spirits, and wisdom, transformation, and healing. Witches might also be a representation of enchantment and power. Whenever you have a dream of a witch, it might imply that you have the ability and wisdom to look deep within. You could be in a position to face your fears and conquer them. Or it could be that you are unable to use your personal powers. There could be difficult or challenging relatives who are triggering the dream warnings from your subconscious mind.
It could be a message that you need to look deep inside you and be able to pay attention to your behaviors at the moment. You could be faced with disappointments in the future, which are now being portrayed in your dream.
What does it mean to dream about seeing a witch?
When you dream of just seeing a witch, it can mean several things, but most of all, it will denote that, you are going to experience good luck and experience being rather happy in the days to come. When at work, you may be able to gain more results than expected and this will make your boss happy with you and in the process, you might end up earning a promotion.
- Dreams about witches attacking you: Dreaming of the witch cult can indicate a sort of persecuted feeling in daily life. As the witch was attacking you it can mean that you may find yourself feeling that others don’t understand the inner meaning of your intentions. Witches are generally firm believers in reincarnation and they accept the old. To dream of a group of witches attacking you indicates that you may find three people (normally a coven in witchcraft) causing issues or problems in life.
- Dreams about witches chasing you: To dream of witches chasing you indicates a reservoir of power. This dream is all about your own inner power - which represents how your connecting to other people and your belief system. Obviously, if we turn to witchcraft which is believe that the power resides within themselves, and sometimes the invocation of demons or helpful spirits. This is through clairvoyance where we may see such spirits.
What does it mean to dream about a witch on a broom?
A dream about a witch on a broom stick could mean that there is someone who is going to give you some negative news in the days to come. This news might be about changes in your career which you will not be happy about. Your supervisor could be behind you being allocated more duties. But you will have no option but to adhere to it or alternatively, you look for another job. If you do take on more at work the additional tasks could mean an increase in your income or a promotion and thus, it will be best to wait and see what these changes are going to bring into your life.
What does it imply to dream about a witch giving you an apple?
Dreaming about a witch giving you an apple is an indication of being warned, in the coming days, someone in your vicinity is going to deceive you. I know this might sound a little far fetched! But this is the general gist of such a dream. It is someone whom you cannot trust and results in bad motives. They are going to be helpful and kind to you, but within time, they are going to create problems. Be forewarned and ensure that, you are careful in the coming period.
What does it mean to dream about a witch chasing you in your house?
Being chased by witches in your house in the dream could imply that, there is a vast amount of negative energies - which are going to come into your life in the coming days. It will be a difficult season for you to embark on, whether personal or professional. It will be best if you wait until better times come your way. Avoid financial projects and investment.
What does it mean to dream about a witch in the distance?
A witch in the distance could be a sign that, in the days to come, something exciting might happen to you. After such a dream, you will need to be careful when accepting proposals. Often seeing a witch in the distance indicates business proposals and contracts according to older dream dictionaries.
What does it imply to dream about a witch connecting / speaking to you?
Dreaming of a witch connecting to you, is a positive sign. If you understand the words, then adhere to it. If you didn’t understand what was being said to you, then the dream represents news you are going to receive in the coming days that will leave you shocked. It will be something that you never imagined will happen to you.
What does it denote to dream about a coven?
Seeing three witches in your dream could denote that, you are going to experience problems at work or at home. They will be caused by people who are close to you or colleagues at work. You might be involved in a scandal due to something you said to someone and it was misinterpreted. Seeing more than three witches in one place in the dream could indicate possible financial issues in your life in the days to come.
What does it mean to dream about a witch flying?
For Sigmund Freud dreams of flying means that you are worried about moving forward with something important. A witch flying in your dream could mean that you will be in a position to avoid some troubles in your life in the coming days. Most likely, your close friends or family will be planning something, but you will realize early enough about their plans and thwart it before it happens. It is your intuition which will help you in this case and thus a great need to be very sensitive to it in the days to come.
What does it mean to dream about meeting a witch?
Often we at told many different negative stories about witches. In the old days, churchyards were a regular place for village meet ups. To dream of meeting a witch indicates that you will encounter Practical experiences that will help you going forward. In those days wasn’t necessarily grave stones in the church yard it was simply a green field! Once you seek the help needed from a reliable person, you will then be able to go back to your life path and start chasing your goals.
What does it imply to dream about a witch laughing?
Oh no! the dreaded witches laugh! A witch laughing in your dream could be a sign that, in the days to come, you are going to receive some news. It will be devastating and thus, affect your performance and you will be unable to achieve your goals on time. It will also affect your relationship with your partner. You could be surrounded by evil spirits which will cause a lot of negativity in your life. The dream could also be an indicator of someone who is willing to harm or ruin you in some way. Alternatively, the dream might be an indicator of someone trying to make fun of you.
What does it denote to dream about a dead witch?
A dead witch in your dream could mean that, in the upcoming days, you are going to get rid of all your enemies and problems. It will be a period where you will find it possible to work out solutions even to the most difficult problems you have been facing. Those enemies who have been an obstacle to achieving your goals will be no more and you will be in a position to be successful.
What does it imply to dream about being hunted by witches?
Being hunted by witches in your dream could mean an unexpected financial crisis. When it happens, you will need to be careful so that, you don’t make the situation worse. Avoid investing in things that involve money and cut down on your personal expenditure.
What could it indicate to dream about witches making potions?
Seeing several witches making potions in your dream could be a sign that, in the days to come, you are going to utilize your creativity to create a magical and special time in life. Those around you will be mesmerized by your innovative skills. It is a time to utilize your special talent to make a difference as far as success is concerned.
What does it mean to dream about a crystal ball belonging to a witch?
Dreaming about a crystal ball belonging to a witch might be indicative of being uncertain of your future. Do you feel that you are feeling “blank” as far as your future is concerned? After experiencing this dream, you will need to do something in order to have something to look forward to. Maybe embarking on a project which, if you work hard, will bring you a brighter future.
What could it imply to dream about a broom belonging to a witch?
A dream where a broom belonging to a witch is seen denotes that, you feel that a certain situation is overwhelming you and thus, looking for a way to escape it. Alternatively, the dream could imply that you have a desire to get faster to some destination or achieve a certain goal in your life. if that is the case, then you will need to work harder.
What does it imply to dream about being a witch?
A dream where you see yourself being a witch could mean that you are going to get into a conflict with someone who is very close to you. In the coming days, you might find yourself becoming annoyed more than normal over peoples actions. Strikingly, setting limits from the beginning can avoid conflicts.
What does it denote to dream about killing a witch?
A dream where you kill a witch is a sign that, you are going to fight for what you consider to be your own. You are naturally a capable person who knows how to maneuver your way to achieving your goals. Those around you know that you are a great fighter who ensures that, what you set your eyes on is what you achieve in life.
What does it imply to dream about many witches?
Dreams about many witches could be a sign that, in the days to come, you are going to enjoy financial gains and be happy in your life. During the period, ensure that you invest in several new projects and develop new ideas for business. You will have a lot of money and you will need to use it wisely to make yourself more prosperous.
What does it denote to dream about someone you know is a witch?
A dream where you see someone you know is a witch could imply that you don’t trust the intentions of the person. You feel that there is something strange about them, but you cannot pinpoint it. You will need to be careful when around the person and ensure that you don’t reveal too much. Your words and actions might be used by the person to get back to you. Pay close attention when around the person.
What does it indicate to dream about a witch standing in front of you?
A witch standing in front of you in the dream could imply that you are currently going through many troubles in your life. My question is: Is there someone who is making you feel pressured? Treat the dream as a warning to pay attention to any problem that comes into your life and sort it out as soon as possible. If you ignore it, it will continue putting pressure on your life.
What does it indicate to dream about a witch performing witch type rituals?
Seeing a witch performing rituals in your dream could signify that, you lack faith in yourself and you feel insecure in your life. After the dream, you will need to start trusting yourself in working on the many things. You have what it takes to be successful and all you need is to strengthen your self-esteem and self-confidence and you will be good to go. Alternatively, the dream could be a sign that, you need help from some influential and powerful people.
What could it indicate to dream about your partner being a witch?
Dreaming about your lover or partner being a witch could be very scary (I know as I had this dream a few months back) and you might even wake up from your sleep and start suspecting your wife to be evil. It doesn’t have anything to do with your partner, all it means is that there is someone who is very close to you that wants to see you fail in life. They are doing whatever it takes to create obstacles so that you are unable to achieve your life goals.
What does it denote to dream about a witch casing a spell?
A witch appearing in your dream could imply that you are currently exaggerating your problems and yet they are not so big. Instead of exaggerating, why not think about solutions to it so that your own problems don't develop into anything else. The sooner you start tackling it, the better for you because it will mean you will then have a peaceful life. Seeing the witch cast a spell can mean you are trying to move away from something important - such as making a decision.
What does it imply to dream about a witch hat?
A dream whereby you see a witch hat means that you are going to be involved in a lot of social events in the coming days. It might that, several of your friends might be graduating from college, holding anniversaries, or birthdays and they will involve you in all their plans because you are a reliable person and also have organizational skills which they will utilize.
What does it mean to dream about a wise witch?
Dreaming about a wise witch could be an indicator that, there is something magical which will happen in your life in the upcoming period. It could be that someone close to you is going to do the unexpected like a person you have been admiring secretly coming out and asking for your hand in marriage. You will be over the moon because it will be great.
What does it denote to dream about a witch crying?
A witch crying in your dream could be a sign that, you are going to achieve something which everyone else thought that was impossible. You are going to prove to them that, determination and hard work can make even the most impossible things to become possible. As long as you have a self-drive and a strong self-confidence, you will be able to get great things going in your life.
What could it mean to dream about witch making a potion?
A witch making a potion in your dream might denote that, you are going to be healed in the coming days. There is some illness which has been disturbing you for a very long time and you will be able to get rid of it in the near future. Alternatively, the dream could mean that, in the days to come, you will be able to get rid of all the difficulties you have been experiencing.
What does it imply to dream about a witch, giving you a potion (for women)?
If you are a woman and you dream about being given a potion by a witch, it means that you are going to meet a man in the coming days. You will meet this particular man who will try to show interest in you, but you will not reciprocate. Instead, you will do anything possible to avoid him in your life.
What does it mean to dream about blood used by witches?
Blood used by witches in your dream could denote that, your life is transformed. The blood is a representation of the transformation of your life passion and energy which you will use to do bad or good purposes according to your intention. It will best to concentrate on doing good because, if you decide to do bad, it will come back to haunt you in the near future.
What does it denote to dream about wearing a witch costume?
Dreaming of wearing a witch costume could be a sign that, you have a hidden desire to manipulate others. This is the evil side of you which you need to conquer because, if you go ahead with your plans and then your friends realize, you are going to remain lonely because no one will be ready to stay with someone who is not trustworthy.
By Florance Saul
Dec 2, 2018