
Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings
To dream of an ex-partner is quite a common dream.
When we walk in life. We often discover the presence of people. As human being we all have a need for somebody to protect us, hug us when we are feeling down, shield us, and wrap their arms around us. To be there for us. Without this, we naturally feel a slight imbalance. The loneliness and restlessness we are feeling in our spirits. Maybe you are over your ex-partner or they keep appearing in your dreams and you are wondering if they are reeling you in for another encounter.
You can be surrounded by all sorts of people but still feel that you are alone, have many friends but are still lonely, even be with another partner but crave that touch from your ex. When we feel loneliness or need the supply of love that we once had this is when the ex-partner dreams sometimes materialize. At this point, it is important to focus on yourself. When we are feeling left alone we hope that we can have another human being to offer us that “comfort” and protection. Turning to the bible meaning of an ex-partner dream we need to consider Jacob. He was wrestling with his wife and the bible proverbs 27:6 stated “what he does may seem painful to you, but in the end, you will learn the lessons that you need." There is a wrestle in life when you have been mistreated by another, especially someone you formally or still love. This is when the ex-partner dream often appears. In this dream meaning I have covered every ex-partner dream and if I have not then please let me know. Just scroll down for your dream and don't forget to watch my video too!
What does it mean to dream you are falling in love with your ex-partner again?
When love goes bad it's never easy. Often the ex-partner appears in our dream state because we are coming to terms that our love is over. Maybe you are feeling that you want to get back together? Maybe they are feeling they want to get back together? When the relationship is over it is common to dream that you are falling in love, marrying or just being with your ex-partner. As some of you know me, I love to turn to the biblical meaning in the dream state and if we turn to Adam when he took his wife Eve they began to conquer their perplexities together.
Both Adam and Eve walked away from God, a loss they had to bear in order to find the perfect love. Both Adam and Eve turn their backs on this relationship. Biblically speaking, this dream can mean that you are feeling that great loss because a partner, somebody that was there for you is no longer in your life - they have simply walked away. Don’t worry there is a reason why people come into and leave your life and you need to try to uncover the lesson of life.
What does it mean to be jealous of your ex-partner in a dream?
If you are feeling any type of resentment or jealousy within your dream state this can indicate feelings that you have towards others. The separation of two people will naturally create jealousy. And to dream that you are annoyed or struggling with the separation within your dream clearly shows that you need to build your own resistance to change.
What does it mean when you dream of your ex partner rejecting you or dumping you?
Dreaming that your ex-partner rejects you can be a somewhat troubling and a very stressful dream. This is somebody that is clearly a person that was there for a season and a reason. Try not to get discouraged or depressed when people leave you in life. This often results in new people coming into your life. A new love or somebody that will meet your desires. It could be that you're replaying this within your mind. Ex-partners must fulfil their purpose, and naturally, the universe will either move them or move you. From a biblical perspective, many of Jesus's followers left this is simply because they could not control his destiny. After all, they had witnessed Jesus feeding the 5000 men with five loaves of bread and two fish. This is a valuable lesson. Those people that are for you will never leave. There are tough lessons that you often learn when you are going through a breakup with an ex-partner it could be that this was a painful lesson and something that you needed to learn.
We all have different relationships with life and old partner lovers hold an extremely emotional bond towards us, therefore, to dream of an ex-partner is a rather common dream. Whether this partner was an ex-boyfriend, ex-girlfriend, ex-husband, ex-wife, or even just an ex-lover it can be quite a traumatic dream as we moved on from the relationship life, and then suddenly our subconscious mind is focused on the previous relationship that we've had.
Often dreams of ex-partners are encountered when we are feeling particularly down with the relationships we currently have. The relationships in our waking world may concern us. These can not only be a sexual relationship but also a friend. Maybe you have fallen out with a friend? Are you certain whether a close friend wants to spend time with you? In this case, the dream proves to be quite common in nature. Dreaming of an ex-partner is associated with our emotional connections in waking life.
What does it mean to dream you are falling in love with your ex partner again?
When love goes bad it's never easy. Often the ex-partner appears in our dream state because we are coming to terms that our love is over. Maybe you are feeling that you want to get back together? When the relationship is over it is common to dream that you are falling marrying your ex-partner. I love to turn to the biblical meaning in the dream state and if we turn to Adam when he took his wife Eve they began to conquer their perplexities together. Both Adam and Eve walked away from loss in order to find the perfect love. Both Adam and Eve turn their backs on a relationship with God, at this point there was a great loss. Biblically speaking, this dream can mean that you are feeling that great loss because a partner, somebody that was there for you is no longer in your life.
What does it mean to dream of an ex partner when you have children in real life?
This is a very interesting dream and dreams of your ex partner can happens on numerous occasions when you have children as you have contact with them. It is important to consider how the relationship ended and if this was on an amicable footing or there were a lot of heartaches and unsettled rest. In life, we often face situations where we have to restore, revive, renew, and finally rebuild. By doing so you will move forward as a human being and your next path in life. The storm of a breakup - when you have children strikes like a hurricane.
The reason being, from my personal experience, you feel even though the person you have been close to has turned into hating you. There is an energetic tye which bonds you both. This energetic tie is your children. Break-ups with an ex-partner when children are involved are extra emotional and there is a feeling that the dark clouds above you will never break, and you are sad for the children.
We all go through break-ups in our lives from teenage through to adulthood. The younger you are the more sympathy is shown. A terrible breakup with the Father or Mother of your child is unmistakably a difficult emotional situation. The reason being is that you're also grieving the loss of normal family life with your children. When we have immediate break-ups we often cannot think about anything else apart from dwelling on the past and the immense pain, loss, and grief. When somebody actually dies in real life we often get condolences from others, however, when an ex-partner either walks away from the relationship when you can no longer tolerate being in the relationship and end it there still is a time of grieving for the person.
Ex-partner dream can mean you are still with them on another plane
It is important to note at this point that sometimes in the dream state we can transport to different spiritual dimensions and at times the dream of an ex-partner indicates that we have transported to a dimension whereby we are still in contact with the ex-partner.
You may feel that this is rather surprising and can be disturbing. So how do you know that you've transported to a different dimension? In our dream state, we sometimes have what we call vivid reflections. If the dream is very prominent and you wake up and feel that you are actually in the dream and it was real then you must consider that this dream was actually a dimension jump. Another perspective is that we connect with our emotions during the dream state it may be that your ex-partner has been thinking about you recently which has resulted in this dream.
Dreaming about an ex-partner when you are with someone else?
Dreaming of an ex-partner can be quite emotionally draining as we believe in life we have moved on and then suddenly an ex-partner crops up in a dream and brings about a whole new realm of emotions to deal with. In order to quantify what the dream actually means it is important for us to look at certain aspects of the dream. It can mean that you are dreaming of an ex-partner of your current lover or possibly that your husband has got your ex-partner pregnant. The dream can take many different shapes and forms and the actual details surrounding the dream is ultra important so let's look at possible dreams that you have had of ex-partners.
What does it mean to dream of an ex partner cheating on you?
Cheating is no good for any relationship. But what does it mean when you dream an ex partner is cheating? This dream could be a release psychologically, and you are dealing with something in your waking life. The dream is normally associated with scenarios in your life not necessarily the actual cheating aspect. It can mean you fear being betrayed by someone you love. If you are cheating on an ex in a dream this suggests that you are dealing with grief and grievances. People normally embark on relationships with a common goal and there is a whole many reasons why cheating can happen, namely, not mature enough, not financially ready or just not feeling the connection. Marriage is scared between god and man and should never be broken. To dream of cheating while married is therefore a broken promise and the dream is an elusive illusion of something broken in your life.
What does it mean to marry an ex partner in a dream?
Many people dream of getting married to an ex partner. A wedding costs so much money in real life and we use a wedding to create a lifetime memory. Marriages are suppose to last forever. These days marriages do not last and end in divorce. Society has in fact respected that marital disagreements are common. Even though marriages have undertaken metamorphoses recently the old traditional marriage does not exist. We now have open marriage, gay marriage, or even those with prenuptial agreements. This is the era of the new generation and to dream of marrying an ex partner can be about your trust and hope in God. It can suggest that you are seeking personal pleasure in relationships and connection.
What does it mean when you dream of an ex partner with someone else?
Seeing your ex partner in a relationship with someone else, even someone you know can indicate that you are missing out and it is a reminder of the past and how you felt at that time. To dream of your ex marrying someone else in a dream can either be an energetic tie or you are seeing things on another plane. You are given images in your dream for a reason.
What does it mean to dream of fighting or arguing with an ex partner?
Seeing yourself having a conflict with a recent ex can suggest that you are upset about how your previous ended, this dream can indicate that maybe you are having regrets. It could mean that this is a reminder that you were right in moving out of the relationship. Being rejected by the ex after having a fight in the dream can mean that you need focus and move on in your life. This dream is normally about the battle of life and it is a dream of the reminder that you need to focus on yourself and desires. If you have children and they were involved in the fight of your ex it can mean that you are harboring anger towards your ex. Being abused by your ex partner in real life can illustrate you are processing information and “fighting” to understand the abuse. The dream reflects that you are healing and recover from the bad experiences you have had. Any attacks by an ex partner are you killing off the feelings for them? If so, this is a positive dream.
What does it mean to dream of making love to your ex partner?
This is purely the fact that you are missing out on something in real life. Dreaming of having sex with your ex is focused on qualities and traits that you are looking for in real life. Getting back together in a dream is a good omen it means that there is something in real life that has triggered the dream.
What does it mean to dream of wanting to get back together with your ex partner?
It is totally natural that you want to get back with an ex partner in your dream. Through this dream you are likely to be responding to the rejection. To dream of marrying your ex partner can be connected to your ideal family values without moral foundation. Relationships in society are being changed to suit our moments. There is no law to say we must all get married, this dream can be associated with your right to remain single. Marriage is a step to true love and for this to appear in a dream can highlight that you are looking for ultra commitment to something in waking life. Rather like a leap of faith to devote your time to something important.
What does it mean to dream an ex partner ghosts you or of them if they have done so in real life?
This can suggest you are having a mental effect from the rejection, it is so hard when you are being ghosted this dream can indicate you are frustrated. Dreaming an ex who has ghosted you is breaking up with you can mean that you are going through a period of trauma about the reality. Understanding the reason why someone ghosts you is important and if this happened in real life might be your own choices and decisions.
Why does your ex hate you so much?
The model of attachment by Hazan and Shaver in 1987 outlined that we all have an attachment in romantic relationships based on the studies of infant reactions. There are three attachment styles. These are Secure, preoccupied, dismissing, and fearful. The anxious and fearful attachment often results in an angry temperament which can lead to a controlling style or even violent aggression. You might be going through a crazy breakup and your wondering how on earth has a previously good relationship turned into a nightmare. I am here to help you, to give you the information on why this has happened and what you can do to spiritually heal from this. When an ex breaks up with you they project all the negatives onto the relationship and you, even if you are civil and try to smooth things over they will be annoyed and vengeful. Think of it like they are taking everything from the past in a boiling pot and projecting it to you. Don’t worry this won’t last forever. Also, don’t be bothered by it after all god has listened to all the conversations we have not heard and removed this person from your life to make room for another.
Possible dreams
- You could dream that your ex-partner has cheated on you.
- You could dream that your boyfriend in real life is sleeping with his ex-girlfriend.
- In your dream, you could possibly be marrying your ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend.
- In your dream, you are a perfect couple with your ex-partner.
- Your ex-partner emerges as somebody else in your dream.
- Your ex-partner and yourself have children in your dream.
- You get a divorce in your dream.
- You and your ex-partner are making love in your dream.
- You and your ex-partner having blown mind blowing sex in your dream.
- Your partner is missing in your dream.
- Your partner wants to get back together with you in your dream.
- You want to get back together with your partner in your dream.
- There are problems in your relationship in your dream.
Detailed dream meaning
As we have already concluded dreams of ex-partners can be quite emotionally draining. It must've been a concern for you in order to look up this dream meaning in this dream dictionary.
As we have already concluded an ex-partner dream can indicate that you are feeling emotionally sensitive at this time. Another perspective that we need to review our emotions in regards to this dream. Whether see you next partner indicates that we feeling troubled in our current dream state it can also indicate that we do not want our current lover to become an ex-partner. If you have suffered emotional problems with your partner in real life it is quite common to have a dream of an ex-partner. The details of the dream are very important in that you may have had a magical intimate connection with your ex-partner in your dream such as having sex or making love or even getting married then this could simply mean that you are missing your ex-partner.
Every dream is important for us to understand and if the dream is particularly vivid as we have already suggested it could be a premonition of a different dimension. Perhaps you are wondering what would have happened if you stayed in the relationships or you tried harder or did not make the mistakes so the relationship did not end. To dream that your ex-partner is missing is a symbolic dream in that in real life they are missing. There is no deeper meaning to the dream it just means that you are missing the intimacy of a particular partner. We all have spiritual connections when we have sex with somebody and for you to dream that this ex-partner is missing indicates that you could be missing the actual sexual contact.
To dream that you are marrying your ex-partner in your dream can suggest that you have encountered a few worrying times. Lately, you have wanted to analyze what's important in life. To dream that you get engaged to your ex-partner in the dream state suggests that the relationship you currently have with somebody else is not working. If you don't have a relationship with anybody else it can just suggest loneliness.
If your ex-partner is sleeping with somebody else in your dream this indicates that you have some insecurities that you need to resolve. Try to make sure you address any issues there are currently in your life. To live with an ex-partner in your dream is the suggestion that you feel you want more security in life. Maybe your current relationships are not going well and your subconscious mind is focused on a time of your life when you did.
Having sex with an ex-partner can feel quite enjoyable. If your dream you with content and happy with the sex this can indicate you need to look further in your current relationship. It indicates that during this time you are not feeling 100% secure. Every dream about an ex-partner is important. It reflects how we are feeling emotionally about relationships around us. Trust your own instincts is the key message of this dream. If you have reoccurring dreams of an ex-partner this could suggest that you are simply missing the relationship that you did have with him or her.
If you are reliving past experience with a partner in your dream this can suggest that you are possibly going to have a new career. A job interview or job appointment will likely present itself in the future. If you dream of yourself and your ex-partner fighting then this indicates that this is not a time for making any important decisions. The upheaval of the argument in the dream indicates you need to wait to be patient and listen to your inner voice before making many difficult decisions. If you are in love with your ex-partner in your dream but you are not in real life then this can suggest you feel you are losing out on something. It could be related to a career, job, or even possibly a trip away.
The partner is symbolic of something that you want. To dream that your partner gets revenge in your dream it is connected to dealing with a complex situation in waking life. It indicates that at this time you need to be vigilant especially when it comes to relationships. To dream that your ex-partner is mental or crazy is a suggestion that you have emotional baggage at the moment. Somebody is trying to blackmail you will make you feel inferior. To dream that your ex-partner is pregnant with your baby indicates that there is a female that is going to be important to you in life if you are female yourself and you dream that you become pregnant by an ex-partner indicates that you are looking for some thinking but are finding it difficult to find. This could be a relationship or a new job opportunity.
All in all, it indicates that whatever happens in life you need to look on the positive side. To see more than one ex-partner in a dream suggests that you are going through an extremely difficult time at the moment. For the fact that more than one Ex-partner cropped up in the dream indicates that a new start new beginning is required. To dream that you are getting back together with an ex-partner is a positive dream it can suggest that your emotions are currently balanced and you need to review your own emotions in life. Moving on in life is hard to do and a dream involving an ex-partner indicates that the move might be on the cards. To dream of somebody else's ex-partner such as your parents for your friend's ex-partner suggests that you are finding it difficult to connect emotionally with other people at the moment. We have already outlined the dream of an ex-partner connected to your current boyfriend girlfriend husband or wife it can just be symbolic of emotional fears and insecurities.
To see an ex-partner years after a split is a symbolic dream and has no real meaning on the time factor. As we have already outlined it may be a spiritual dimension whereby you are focused on moving towards different planes - this is quite common. It could just indicate that you have moved to a different time zone where you may perhaps stay with an ex-partner. As we have concluded this dream interpretation of an ex-partner is connected to emotional ties. It can suggest that in waking life you have been feeling vulnerable and that it is time for you to become more solid in your approach to others.
Feelings encountered during the dream of a Ex-partner
An ex-partner dream can take on many different types of meanings depending upon the context of the dream. As we already concluded you may feel different dimensions during the dream state. These emotions could be: worry, understanding, emotions, sex, connections, difficulties, what, new beginnings, and starting again.
By Florance Saul
May 21, 2017