
Incubus dream meaning

Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings

If you have ever woken up in the middle of the night, paralyzed of fear, with a feeling of undefined inner horror, as if the quintessence of evil has materialized next to you.

Such experiences fill the chronicles of time, each with a personal touch, but all focusing on a central, defining element: the intuition of a presence that we usually call evil, the incubus perceived in the immediate reality. The feeling is so strong and wild that it is unbearable. The dreamer searches ways to escape, and wakes up in violent spasms, calming down when realizing it was just a dream.

Detailed dream interpretation

If you dream of an incubus, this is the omen of your deepest fears. Not being able to recognize the incubus suggests that your sexual energy is strong, and you cannot recognize yourself anymore. This dream is most of the time a warning that someone you trust will deceive you. In the same time, the incubus dream tells you to be more aware of your food and what you eat if you want to stay healthy.

The word incubus comes from the Latin incubo, which means to lie upon. The incubus is always a male, and it appears in order to lie to you, especially if you are a woman. Through his lies, the incubus is trying to have sex with you.

In the Middle Ages, the demonic apparitions were named incubus and succubus. Incubus was the male character that roamed around in women’s dreams, pushing them towards unnatural tendencies from a young age. Succubus was the feminine version of the incubus, haunting men’s dreams from a young age, pushing them to have erotic dreams and savage passions. It is believed that repeated sexual experiences with these incubuses are bad for your health, and they can lead to death.

The Algonquin Indians believed that dreaming of an incubus is a special state of mind when the soul hangs in between the world of the dead and the world of the alive. From here comes people’s vulnerability when dreaming of incubus attacks. Another theory claims that those having inferior spirits, people that have committed dreadful acts and died, do not find their peace after death and, before entering a new body to serve their sentence, they try to satisfy their hunger in other ways.

Since they do not have a body, they try to possess one, or even easier, they attack the weaker spirits of people in the most vulnerable moment: in a dream. Modern theories place such manifestations in connection to events in the dreamer’s life. For example, negative events and traumas during childhood can have a negative effect on the long run, manifesting through agitated sleep and nightmares during adult life. Criminality, corruption, physical and verbal violence, natural disasters corroborated with human incapability to stop or limit them can create states of inner fussiness, having an effect the incubus dreams.

Stress and anxiety at the workplace, unsatisfactory emotional connections with family, friends or life partner are factors that unleash incubus apparitions. Incubus dreams appear in the life of every individual, and their pathology can be found in their frequency. Whatever the cause, a higher frequency of such states refers to a fragile psychic-emotional state, and a quick intervention is necessary in order to cure it.

If you dream of an incubus, this symbolizes temptation in thinking and appreciating people around you, thoughtless actions that can hurt, indifference, lack of compassion, judging, laziness and limited concepts, exacerbated selfishness and pride that does not do you any good, inner struggle with childhood traumas, feeling the lack of affection from parents and loved ones.

A incubus in your dream refers to possible indigence, unpleasant events at the workplace, the desire of doing something else in your waking life, discontent in regard to your career, loss, the wish to free yourself from too many responsibilities, to take decisions by yourself in regard to your private life, and the need to adapt to any situation, even the most difficult one.

Dream psychologists believe that incubuses represent our innermost fear. If the incubuses are dark in color, it generally indicates that you are feeling some type of depression. If the incubuses are light in color, this is a happy dream. Incubuses and natural spirits are designed to undermine human beings. If you dream that the incubuses are connected to falling, this incubus demonstrates temptation in the future.

In your dream, you may have

  • An incubus scares you.
  • Incubuses haunt your house.
  • Dark color incubus.
  • Light color incubus.
  • An incubus’s attack.
  • Falling incubus.

Positive changes are afoot if

  • You face your innermost fears.
  • You overcome your strong character.
  • You accept your past and focus on the future.

Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of incubus

Paralyzed. Afraid. Confused. Alone. Controlled. Wild. Haunted.

By Florance Saul
Oct 12, 2012