John Ruskin

Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings
Dream Accounts: John Ruskin - 1869
John Ruskin, in his diaries dated the 24th of October 1869 recalls a dream.
John Ruskin was one of the most important people of the Victorian age. John was a poet, artist and critic.
Dreamed I was going up a lovely mountain ravine and met a party of Germans, four very ugly women and their papa and mamma – indefinite and they were arranging themselves to pic-nic, as I thought, with their backs to the beautiful view. But when I looked, I saw they were settling themselves to see Punch, and wanted me out of the way lest I should get any of it gratis and I was going on up the ravine contemptuously, when, Punch appearing on the stage, I looked back for a minute and was startled by his immediately knocking down his wife without dancing with her first, which new reading of the play made me stop to see how it went on: and then I saw it was an Italian Punch, modernized and there was no idea of humor in it but all the interest was in a made struggle of the wide for the stick, and in her being afterwards beaten slowly, crying out, and with a stuffed body, which seemed to bruise under the blows, so as to make the whole as horrible and nasty as possible. So what does this mean? It is quite clear that John wanted things in his life to be settled. The fact the women were perceived to be ugly denotes that John did not want to give out emotions. The puppets symbolize that he is out of control in his life over two relationships (as there is both Punch and his wife) the action of Punch hitting his wife shows that he is threatened by a male and the fact that he was Italian suggest that this male is dark in completion. A stick in a dream suggests that things are becoming to reach a climax in the relationship and the fact that this was used to beat Punch’s wife shows that he has to give out his emotions in order to end a possible relationship that is holding him back.
So what does this dream mean?
It is quite clear that John wanted things in his life to be settled.
The fact the women were perceived to be ugly denotes that John did not want to give out emotions. The puppets symbolize that he is out of control in his life over two relationships (as there is both Punch and his wife) the action of Punch hitting his wife shows that he is threatened by a male and the fact that he was Italian suggest that this male is dark in completion. A stick in a dream suggests that things are becoming to reach a climax in the relationship and the fact that this was used to beat Punch’s wife shows that he has to give out his emotions in order to end a possible relationship that is holding him back.
Which shows a complete journey of the soul from start to end, with key learning’s on the road of life! If you have seen a picture of a cross in your dream with the figure of Christ then this represents that you need to sacrifice yourself for others. If you don’t see a picture of the cross (with Christ) then this clearly shows the need to recognize your life more and it is time to begin to learn lessons in life to make you more richer as a person. Dreaming of any cross, whether that is a hot cross bun or a necklace all has the same meaning – it is time to really find yourself and follow the path to better things.
By Florance Saul
Jun 14, 2012