Jumping Jack

Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings
Doing jumping jacks in a dream indicates repetition and fitness.
When you dream of jumping jacks there are health issues that you need to focus on in your life or there is some worry over health, fitness, routine, or nutrition.
Jumping jacks are symbols of routine, health, and fitness and when you are doing them in a dream this is an indication that you need to get on board in your own life and take a more active approach with your own health. Often they are indicative of health issues that are already forming and needing to be more active in general.
In this dream you may have
- Are in the military or basic training.
- Doing jumping jacks.
- Feel like doing jumping jacks.
- See others doing jumping jacks.
- Are not healthy enough to do jumping jacks.
Positive changes are afoot if
- Do jumping jacks on your own.
- Do jumping jacks with others.
Detailed dream meaning
Activity represented by jumping jacks can be physical activity but sometimes is just being more aware as well. They represent being detailed and doing whatever it takes to get your issues back on track. When you have a specific health concern they indicate healing with help and that either you need to personally do something or you should get assistance from a professional like a doctor. Right now your health issues that you are concerned about are not trivial with simple fixes – real attention is needed.
Sometimes jumping jacks are associated with the military as well and because of this can indicate reacting to rigidity in your life or bucking the system. Usually the jumping jacks are attention that is needed and while you may be feeling a bit rebellious in your waking world, you want to simmer down. The direction that you are getting from others right now is in your best interest. Refuting or denying attention from others is not going to be in your best interest.
If you have a dream where you are making others do jumping jacks this is a direct symbol of being too bossy or controlling in a situation.
Some cultures require exercise before work in order to have their employees be healthier and more productive and sometimes you will see yourself or others doing jumping jacks before work. This can indicate focus at work will result in rewards or that you are not doing a good job at your job and there is a bit of guilt or nervousness about the job you’ve been doing.
This dream is in association with the following scenarios in your life
- Getting motivated.
- Focusing on health.
- Having issues with health.
Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of jumping jacks
Healthy. Tired. Lazy. Bossy. Loud. Quick. Strong. Bored. Challenged.
By Florance Saul
Oct 12, 2012