
Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings
A weapon in your dream means that you need to approach element's of life with extreme caution.
To find a weapon directed against you. To be in a fight means you will encounter violence. This dream indicates that it is time to think about how others are treating you. It is important to remove aggressive people from your life. Below are specific weapons that could appear in your dreams, which have individual meaning.
In your dream you may have
- Seen a weapon.
- Seen someone attack you with a weapon.
- A knife.
- A dagger.
- An arrow.
- A gun or pistol.
- Dart.
Positive changes are afoot if
- You were not injured.
- You live.
- It was not frightening.
Detailed dream interpretation
If you dream of people becoming aggressive and using weapons then it is clear you need to think of the reasons why you have had this dream. This is a wake up call to perhaps think about what and how you can improve some areas of your life.
Things to think about
- How you can improve some areas of your life.
- Move towards resolution with your enemies.
- Re-evaluate your life to make things better.
A knife is normally a sign of division, and seeing one in your dream means you need to review your life, cut things out, and get rid of something. The knife itself needs to be reviewed. For example, a Swiss army knife is much more violent than a table knife. Both are used in the same way, but the Swiss army knife is more aggressive. You may feel that you are undertaking a psychological inner fight with yourself, not knowing which way to turn in times of need.
If you find yourself being attacked with a knife, this indicates it is time to reckon that you have a number of enemies around you. Make sure that you can clearly move towards resolution with those enemies, or they will harm you in the future. If the knife edge is blunt, it means you are able to find a resolution, while if the edge is sharp, things are likely to be resolved much faster. You may feel that you need some type of protection in life. If you are holding a knife in your dream, it means that you are trying to move away from a relationship, and end it for your own sanity.
If you are a female and you dream of being stabbed by a knife then this means you are worried. If you are a man, then this dream shows aggression. You must learn to control your temper. It may reflect the hard times and difficulty that you are experiencing in your life. If you are self-mutilating yourself using a knife consider your actions and/or addictions, and how you can get over them. It is time for meditation, so take the hint from your unconscious mind and modify or discontinue your bad thoughts or actions to others.
Dreams which involve daggers often represent a sacrifice in some way. If the dagger is turned onto you in any way, it signifies that you are going to find that you have to work with someone, in order to give back in some way. There are two main thoughts in regard to daggers. Firstly, this is a defense dream against something in the real world, and secondly, this is an attack on you personally. As with any weapon, the dagger represents the development of aggressive behavior. This could be an indication that you are feeling significant anger towards someone. You maybe afraid that others may deceive you or take advantage of your better nature. If you kill or wound a perceived enemy in your dream, your unconscious mind may be encouraging you to conquer your fear.
If your dream involves being killed by an arrow. The arrow is associated with love, and it can mean that you need to trust your own instinct in order to move to the future with happiness.
Gun or pistol
This weapon indicates that you are feeling sexual aggression. If you are shooting yourself, this means it is time to reevaluate your life in order to make things better. Maybe you need a new home, job or relationship. To dream you are being shot by someone else it can signify some people are going to help you make this change in your life, and you just need to recognize them and lean on them to make this change.
This dream symbolizes that you also feel a degree of protection over some of the things in your life. A gun can also mean gang culture, and that it shows some badge to make things better in life in some way. Having a gun pointed at you can be disturbing, but this means someone is trying to influence you negatively. If a man sees himself being shot, or a gun is pointed at him in the dream, this may mean his territory is being questioned, and he may lose it. It is important for him to take a grip of this, and move forward with confidence.
This represents the need to want more out of life. A dart is often seen as strength, especially if you also see the color red, which signifies luck. In a situation you will make sure that you come out on top. You must rest now, but make sure that as things twist in your life, you can keep everything on track and everyone happy. Treat yourself to what you really want to do in the world.
If you find yourself actually playing the game darts, it means difficult times ahead. This may be in relation to your expectations going forward. Something that sounds like a great idea will end up not as great as you first hoped. The dart also represents an offer or proposal of love. This could be an unwanted proposal which will shape you in some way going forward. Stop clicking your fingers, and expect that a person just appears in your life. It is time for a change. If that person is currently in your life, then it shows your relationships will improve over time.
Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of knife, dagger, and other weapons
Furious. Tired. Lazy. Confused. Upset. Overwhelmed. In a bad mood. Offended. Insecure. Upset. Angry.
By Florance Saul
Oct 12, 2012