
Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings
There are many meanings around the birth of a child. Labor basically means a new exciting future.
To dream that you are in labor witnessing a woman in labor indicates that you will succeed financially. If a young woman dreams of being in labor, she will soon encounter happiness.
A lonely girl dreaming of being in labor means she will hear rumors against her. If a man dreams he sees a woman in labor, he will go through a difficult period both professionally and socially.
In your dream you may have...
- Been in labor.
- Seen somebody in labor.
- Had news of somebody who has given birth / or has had a difficult labor.
- Remembered the day you were in labor.
- Encountered an easy labor.
- Had a difficult labor.
- Encountered an unexpected labor.
- Been in labor and giving birth to a girl.
- Been in labor and giving birth to a boy.
- Been in labor and giving birth to twins.
Areas of your life this dream is connected with...
- Be ready for changes in your life.
- Being anxious about the future.
- Have a new attitude in regard to your efforts.
Detailed dream interpretation
If your dream is not connected to a real pregnancy, this indicates changes in life. The labor means new occasions and new beginnings: big changes are afoot. This is spiritually powerful dream, and it shows that you are going to transfer from one event in life to another. To dream of giving birth means great events are on their way, and new beginnings are coming.
Being in labor can also symbolize luck or some good news will come from abroad. It means that you have an attractive and lovely personality, you enjoy good health and financial wellness. It is however a bad omen if the dreamer is a single woman. Finding out that somebody has given birth in one's dream, foretells salvation from a difficult situation. If in your dream you remember the day you were in labor, it means you love someone too much. Hearing a women's labor pains predicts success after waiting a long time.
Assisting someone in labor can mean honor and abundance. Celebrating a birth foretells a period of tranquility. A good and easy labor symbolizes happiness and luck. A difficult labor is the sign of major problems that must be overcome, but the results will be in your favor because of your practical and rational character. It can also foretell big discomfort. An unexpected labor means misfortune. A tiring labor is the sign of complications in life.
Being in labor and giving birth to a boy means fatigue, and a girl foretells that you are going to be free from troubles. However, being in labor in your dream can mean death in the family if you experience pain. Having twins symbolizes wealth, and being in labor and giving birth to a child without being married first means sadness, and then joy. If the woman is married and is in labor, the dream is a good omen. An easy labor means joy and luck, and that you have a high resistance to pain and suffering in general.
Seeing someone in labor refers to honesty, abundance, and salvation from misfortunes. Being in labor in a dream means a positive time if the dream was enjoyable. The dream can also indicate the possibility of how some events could unfold, but for which you feel anxiety and fear, not knowing what to expect. To be pregnant in real life, and dream of labor is a dream of anticipating the future. It should not be interpreted. To experience medical complications or even death after labor suggests that you are longing for someone to respect and honor you.
If in your dream you are in labor and taking gas and air, this symbolizes the necessity to form a new attitude. Be proud in regard to your efforts. To hold the baby after labor suggest you should responsibility, in life. If somebody else is in labor, (that you do not know) this dream foretells new beginnings or new perspectives. An easy labor is the sign of creativity, constructive spirit, and projects to be put into practice, good results, and rewards. A difficult labor means results, but only through much effort.
Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of being in labor.
Happy. Fulfilled. Tired. Amazed. Disgusted. Jolly. Content. In Pain, Upset. Sad. Angry. Screaming. Worried. Distressed. Surprised.
By Florance Saul
May 20, 2013