
Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings
To dream of a feces or going to the latrine in your dream is relatively common.
It signifies that you are feeling your ego is being challenged, as well as your pride. Dreaming of diarrhea it means that your life is going out of control in some way. To dream of other people that are at a latrine it indicates that it is time to stop and think about a project. Is it really worth your time?
In your dream you may have…
- Feces in a latrine.
- A dirty latrine.
- A clean latrine.
- A large latrine.
- You are in a latrine.
- Lots of people in a latrine.
Positive changes are afoot if...
- Take responsibility of your finances.
- Try to not worry anymore.
Detailed dream interpretation
This dream can show some type of anti social behavior of some description. How have you been acting lately? Have you been conforming? What parts of your life can you change in order to conform to society?
The dream about latrine refers to the danger of not listening to others and the consequences of this dream are a loss of control. Think about your actions lately, this is important as it will only provide a way that you are able to become a better person - on the inside and the outside! If you see another going to the latrine, then this shows that you are out of control of a situation where someone wants to help you.
Excrement, poop or feces in a latrine that is not your own indicates that somebody is being a rebel in your work life. If this is splattered all over the latrine, it shows that there is a fear of losing financial responsibility and money worries in the future.
This dream is connected to a bad feeling with others, and can indicate that you are trying to rid yourself of a negative situation in your daily existence. It further highlights the need to be free of worry in the future. A latrine in a dream is usually a sign of big wealth, and an important financial luck. Seeing them on a wall suggests an unexpected benefit coming your way. This could be about a large amount of money.
Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of latrine.
Disgusted. Shocked. Confused. Upset. Worried. Insecure. Discontent. Sickish. Nauseous.
Surprised. Content. Amazed. Curious. Enjoying.
By Florance Saul
May 20, 2013