
Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings
Dreaming of legs can have various meanings, depending on the image you see.
Most often one dreams of leg amputation. This dream shows that you have or will encounter some type of loss, and that it is important to take action so you can prevent it. When you dream of losing one of your own legs it means that you are worried about losing something that is important to you, and you are concerned about something not working out in some way. This dream also indicates there is some thing that is bothering you.
In your dream you may have...
- You see your own legs.
- You only have a leg.
- Your legs are long.
- An animal with amputated legs.
- Your leg was amputated.
- You perform an amputation on someone’s leg.
- An artificial leg.
Positive changes are afoot if...
- Take care of yourself and your relationships.
- Improve your communication with the loved ones.
- Recognize the false situations in your life.
This dream is in association with the following scenarios in your life...
- There have been many difficulties in order for you to understand what your true ambition is in life.
- You have been feeling as if difficulties need to be overcome, and this dream is a strong indication that by listening to others you can overcome all problems in a work or business situation.
- Part of your mind feels that you need to escape from the realities of life, especially in regards to a negative work situation.
- You feel that your existence in this world is full of discontentment.
- You are striving to find peace in your life, so this dream indicates that you will find happiness in the near future.
Detailed dream meaning of legs…
If you dream of someone’s legs, this indicates that somebody close to you is likely to approach you in regards to advice upon their problems and issues with others. It is likely that this person is going to also help you going forward. If you see your own legs, this dream indicates that you are trying to be able to enter areas of your life where you need to have some type of knowledge about others. Being kind to a close friend will mean that you can definitely see the greater good in others.
If you see legs going in different directions, it suggests the need to consider what happened in your past, and what is going to happen in your future. This means that your actions are important at the moment, as you could possibly go in different directions in the future. If you see your legs walking through the desert, this indicates a masculine force in your life is going to provide you with good advice in the near future. It is time to take on responsibility. Having this dream means it is time in your life to be aware that things are extremely important, and by recognizing your ambitions this dream signifies that you can get all you want in life.
To dream of bare legs indicates that, by looking on the bright side of life, you are likely to succeed. If you see the bare legs of another person, this indicates that an acquaintance will provide you with interesting information going forward, helping you in a work situation.
If the leg is deformed or does not look normall, it means that news is likely to travel fast in regards to a love relationship. If someone hurts your leg, this is a warning you need to guard yourself against those people around you. On a subconscious level this dream is supported by the need to know that your life is taking new directions. Undertaking a project will help you move forward.
To dream an animal such as a dog or cat that had a leg amputation means that someone close to you will encounter some minor loss. The message: life goes by too fast, and you are trying to save even five minutes. The message is about slowing down. This dream also signifies there is something that faces you and you have never encountered before. Losing a body part is an omen that you need to take care of yourself and relationships in the future.
This dream can also mean that you are neglecting some part of your life. If your leg was removed in a way that caused you suffering, then something will be removed from your life. To dream of someone with a false leg generally means that it is time to move forward with a business matter. If in your dream you are performing a leg amputation it means that the area of your life which will change will be your own decision. If you dream of a fitted artificial leg, then a situation in your life is false and deep down you know it.
Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of seeing legs…
Concerns. Worried. Reminder. The surface. Recognition. Yourself. Continuing oppression. Old and strange. Secret nurse. Unconscious mind. Rectify. Particularly unpleasant experience. The feeling that somebody has lost their way in your dream. Anxiety. True. Somebody following you. Unexplained events. Unexplained consequences. Significance. Discovery. Terrified. In pain. Upset. Sad. Worried. Anxious.
By Florance Saul
May 20, 2013