
What does a mannequin mean in your dream?
To see a dummy doll, manikin, mannequin, or sex doll in a dream is associated with something “fake” in life.
To see a life style mannequin suggests from a spiritual perspective that you are unable to move forward in life, you seem blocked. As the mannequin does not move it suggests a block in life. If the mannequin did move in the dream it can suggest that things will begin to move forward quickly.
The mannequin is associated with reordering situations in life and trying to find the best way to approach matters. From a symbolic perspective, one should reorder events and try to face problems. Are you trying to be the fittest candidate for a work situation in life. The mannequins in your dreams could be an extension of yourself.
Are you feeling left out? This may cause anxiety and the mannequin dream is common in this situation.
In a mannequin dream you may see the following
- The mannequins are trying to talk to you.
- There are too many mannequins around you.
- The mannequins are forcing themselves on you.
- The mannequins are following you everywhere.
- Mannequins are dressed to do some work but not doing anything at all.
- Seeing a sex doll in a dream.
Some of the positive things you may see in a mannequin dream are
- You are able to understand what they are saying.
- You are feeling satisfied by having the mannequins around you.
Interpretations of the mannequin dream
Are you feeling that you are out of depth in a particular situation? Do you find that the people around you are busy with their life and not noticing you, or paying much attention. You might be feeling being left out of important discussions or decisions be it at home or be it in the office. You may have the feeling that everybody is going about doing their work without giving you and your presence a thought. These are all situations that may occur that has resulted in the dream of a fake doll.
Seeing a mannequin in your dream signifies family affairs, it may mean someone is trying to "control" your family. Remember that you do have a voice of your own.
To dress a mannequin in a dream indicates you want to be noticed in life. To see a dummy/ mannequin connected to sewing or making a dress is a reflection of your inner anxiety. You may feel that people are ignoring you on purpose. To see multiple mannequin's indicates you feel that you do not have a very active role to play at work. The feeling of being left out on purpose has resulted in the mannequin dream. Try to become more involved at work.
You may see the mannequins talking to you in the dream indicates a lack of communication especially if you cannot hear what they are saying. It suggests that you are not sure of yourself and the mannequins are trying to help you correct a situation.
The mannequins in your dream may be dressed up in a shop or a fashion situation. In this situation, it signifies you are ready to take on whatever job comes your way, but you are unsure of how to proceed.
You may have a mannequin dream where the mannequins are appearing wherever you are going. This may be a situation where in your subconscious mind you have a suspicion that you are being shadowed, stalked or followed.
To see the mannequins overpower you, kill you or act in an adverse manner signifies that you are under mental stress in life. Somebody is forcing you to do something against your wishes.
Seeing mannequins wearing dresses signifies that you are unsure of your personal approach in life. It can be as simple as not knowing what to wear, how to dress or connect with others. Mannequin attacking you in a dream signifies that you are feeling suffocation due to an overwhelming workload. A mannequin dream may leave you worried and tired, but the good news is that you can take the reins and move forward with any problems that come in your way!
Sex dolls in dreams
A sex doll in a dream indicates that you are feeling frustrated in life, to see yourself having sex with a blow up doll represents that you are unable to connect to others. To rent a shareable sex doll in a dream suggests that you need to connect with the opposite sex. To see a robot doll , or silicone sex doll in a dream indicates you need to stop acting fake in a relationship.
Feelings associated with the mannequin
Fakeness, worried about what others think, feeling stressed out.
By Florance Saul
Mar 17, 2013