Multi Storey Car Park

Multi Story Car Park Dream Meaning
Maybe you want to "park" a worry if you dream of a parking lot. Do you have a worry box, maybe you are feeling rather anxious at the moment? The famous dream psychologist during the 1930s Sigmund Freud in dreams believed is connected to inner desires.
If a dream is open to interpretation on more than one level, it may be possible for a dream to be properly understood at multiple levels. If the car park had multiple levels this is about your life and that you are climbing the ladder for what you truly want. It is important to understand the dream's attitude or feelings when such desires are clearly expressed. Cars being parked here refers to parking control or delaying life's elements. What are you delaying in life? What do you want to improve?
A multi-story car park, also known as a parking lot is a dream where you are in a building where cars are parked. The meaning of the dream is reflective of the kinds of cars or if there are any at all, what happens in the lot, and even what you are driving. In America, these are known as parking lots, in England Multi-story car parks.
When you dream of a multi-storey parking garage, you may find it difficult to discern your dream. Like many dream settings, it is normal that as the dreamer you will wonder whether or not the place of the dream had a significant influence on the dream that you had. First, you have to consider whether or not the place has personal meaning. In your dream of a parking garage had you been there before? Was it the garage for your flat or a movie theatre that you frequent? Have you been in the same or a similar parking plaza when you were at work, a hospital, or a business building? If there is a sense of familiarity to it, then it could be part of the larger meaning where you need to include this place as a place of mental association. Whether you are parking your car, driving a different car, or can’t find your car… the location tells you that your psyche is trying to revisit a previous time in your life to make you reflect on it.
For example, if you dream of kissing someone in a multi-story parking lot and as it turns out you had gone on a date and met in a garage before a previous date then the dream you are having is obviously about relationships. Being alone in the lot then would indicate feeling loneliness or missing someone. Being chased in the same lot could indicate feeling like you are going nowhere in the current relationship you are in… especially if you can’t find the way out of the garage. Because of this, it is important to relate the place to whether or not you have been there.
If you do not recognize the parking garage in your dream and you find it unfamiliar but you are okay and not frightened, then you will want to focus on the car in your dream. If you are driving your own car and it is simply parking and then going somewhere, it is likely that the dream is simply a prophetic one with no meaning. If you are driving a large car, an expensive car, or someone else’s car then watch for areas in your life where you are feeling like you are lacking. These kinds of dreams indicate a positive change coming forth in your life where you will be able to grow and gain some financial freedom that has been needed.
Being fearful in a parking garage is a common horror movie plot. Someone is chased or shot at and hides between the cars. These dreams can represent fear in your own life. Fear is a common dream and can be very general. Pay attention to who you were fearful of or what you were running from to gain more insight. If the person is specific then you can attribute it to a certain someone or issue in your life and your psyche is working out your own fear. One of the more positive dreams is when you are helping someone. If you find yourself having a dream where you help someone find their car or start their car it is a good sign that a favor will be repaid in your waking life. This can indicate that you are to receive help or money back from someone that you have previously helped.
So what does the multi-story car park dream mean spiritually?
Multi-story car park lots are often signs of wealth but can also be representative of moving forward, running away from something, or feeling trapped. The meaning of the dream is reflective of the kinds of cars or if there are any at all, what happens in the lot, and even what you are driving all have key meanings. Multi-story car lots are often signs of wealth in older dream books, but can also be representative of moving forward, running away from something, or feeling trapped. To drive the car into a large car-lot in a dream can symbolize you feel you are losing your own identity in perhaps a career sense. Consequently, cars are associated with moving forward this dream can suggest that feel stuck, it could be time to evaluate what is happening in the future.
Often parking lot’s have CCTV or daily surveillance to prevent people from stealing cars. Multi-storey car parks can be owned by either the government or private companies, they are commercially quite a viable business and the internal space is generally devoted to accommodating parked vehicles. Some parking lots or car parks can be multiple uses in that they are integrated into retail malls on-premises or alternatively, offices or accommodation.
Most multi-story car parks in my country anyway, a concrete and there quite high with deck-like structures. This is due to the fact that is quite cheap to build stop older car park structures are usually lower and could perhaps include cladding. I like to understand a little bit more about the symbolism before I go diving into the dream meaning if you are driving around trying to find a car parking space in a dream - this can indicate that you wish to park an important area of your life. These dreams often come at a time when you have endless responsibilities or added expectations in life. As a result, you wish to move away from an escape for a while in order to meditate and think about what you need. I remember once I had a dream of driving off the side of a multi-story parking lot and it was a terrifying dream. If you find yourself or others driving erratically in this setting it can signal you are feeling things are out of control.
What is the spiritual meaning of a parked car in a dream?
Seeing a parked car in a dream that is your own vehicle indicates in spiritual dream dictionary events in the near future. We often believe that we can navigate life without any “bumps” in the road. In my view, this is a dream about parking all the problems you have in life. To see other parked cars (perhaps many) is about the energy we have in life. There is a relationship with electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields as well as light and sound when it comes to spirits. These energies are produced by the body and then reacted to them by the outside environment. Parked cars in dreams is about the frequency of the body’s energetic channels, fields, and centers and our spiritual path in life. Are you on the right path? On the right journey?
What does it mean to dream of seeing cars parking?
The pain we have in our lives can be represented in our dreams when we see cars trying to park or looking for parking spaces. We try to avoid the pain from the difficult experiences in our lives. This has been our habit since childhood. This is how we cut off physical pain. We do this by removing our consciousness from the area of our bodies that is hurting. Our mental and emotional anguish is pushed into the unconscious when we tighten our muscles. To distract ourselves from our unconscious (or sometimes below) level, we create distractions in our lives. By keeping yourself busy, you risk becoming a workaholic. We can also go the other way and end up in couch-potato heaven. There are many people who are addicted to drugs, cigarettes, chocolate, or alcohol. Many people want to be the best or the best at everything. Rather than solve our own problems, we project them onto others and become obsessed with them. We misdirect or depress a great deal of energy in order to keep ourselves busy. Therefore, this dream is about emotionally pushing yourself forward and dealing with difficult situations in life.
Parking is dreams is about control
A parked car is associated with parking a problem in life and it normally is associated with being “out of control” the parked car could be your own or someone else's. Personally, these types of dreams often appear when we needed to release something in life. We cannot predict the future. Dreams give us an idea of what might happen, but they do not always predict what will happen. Let’s face it, it is likely you will park your car (if you can drive) so what does it mean. We can interpret our dreams and shape our future. The result will be better if we do this. Practice makes perfect. It's about taking control of your life. What are your favorite things to do? Are you chasing youth?
What does dreaming of getting a parking ticket mean?
To get a parking ticket in your dream is about getting yourself on the right track. Parking tickets are generally a spiritual message that elements of life need correction. It is never a nice experience in life to receive a parking ticket, therefore this dream is about keeping things in check. Have you got a situation that is bothering you at the moment? Are there people in life that could cause friction? It's often the case, as we've seen, that the 1930s famous dream psychologist Sigmund Freud gives the impression that dreams are only about the satisfaction of our inner desires. Be cautious if you're hesitant to interpret a dream in this way - as we can see with parking tickets it could be a sign that you are repressing yourself in life.
What does dreaming of a parking meter mean?
In dreams a parking meter is about time. Think about the time you have now. When we pay for our parking, it is about paying for a situation in life. If there is a problem with the parking meter in the dream
What does it mean to dream about losing your car in a parking lot?
In real life, it’s quite common to lose your car in a parking lot. In fact, just the other day the police were called because I thought my car was stolen. Stupidly, as part of a car park which was opposite the one, I actually parked in and they looked the same. I still feel a bit silly! I can remember the sheer panic of not being able to find my car and running through each level. This experience, if you have had the unfortunate event that you cannot find your car in a parking lot can indicate that you feel you are losing something in life. If your dream focuses the car on a certain color this could provide other more interesting meanings. I will briefly go over this.
A blue lost car can indicate you are feeling judgemental, yellow loss car focuses on a possible direction that needs review. A black lost car can symbolize your inability to a standstill right now. The multi-storey car park can also suggest that things are moving in different directions and the fact you feel lost me will slow down and delay matters for a period of time.
What is the general dream meaning of a multi-story car park?
When you dream of a multi-story parking garage, you may find it difficult to discern your dream. Like many dream settings, it is normal that as the dreamer you will wonder whether or not the place of the dream had a significant influence on the dream that you had. First, you have to consider whether or not the place has personal meaning. In your dream of a parking garage had you been there before? Was it the garage for your flat or a movie theatre that you frequent? Have you been in the same or a similar parking plaza when you were at work, a hospital, or a business building? If there is a sense of familiarity to it, then it could be part of the larger meaning where you need to include this place as a place of mental association. Whether you are parking your car, driving a different car, or can’t find your car… the location tells you that your psyche is trying to revisit a previous time in your life to make you reflect on it.
For example, if you dream of kissing someone in a multi-story parking lot and as it turns out you had gone on a date and met in a garage before a previous date then the dream you are having is obviously about relationships. Being alone in the lot then would indicate feeling loneliness or missing someone. Being chased in the same lot could indicate feeling like you are going nowhere in the current relationship you are in… especially if you can’t find the way out of the garage. Because of this it is important to relate the place to whether or not you have been there.
If you do not recognize the parking garage in your dream and you find it unfamiliar but you are okay and not frightened then you will want to focus on the car in your dream. If you are driving your own car and it is simply parking and then going somewhere, it is likely that the dream is simply a prophetic one with no meaning. If you are driving a large car, an expensive car, or someone else’s car then watch for areas in your life where you are feeling like you are lacking. These kinds of dreams indicate a positive change coming forth in your life where you will be able to grow and gain some financial freedom that has been needed.
What does a nightmare about a parking lot mean?
Being fearful in a parking garage is a common horror movie plot. Someone is chased or shot at and hides between the cars. These dreams can represent fear in your own life. Fear is a common dream and can be very general. Pay attention to who you were fearful of or what you were running from to gain more insight. If the person is specific then you can attribute it to a certain someone or issue in your life and your psyche is working out your own fear.
One of the more positive dreams is when you are helping someone. If you find yourself having a dream where you help someone find their car or start their car it is a good sign that I will repay a favor in your waking life. This can indicate that you are to receive help or money back from someone that you have previously helped.
What does it mean to dream about parking a car with a passenger?
If you knew the passenger in the seat, this is about your relationship with them. Even though you might not think so, these dreams of someone else is about healing others, as I have already explained cars are about control. Parking is about pain or a difficult situation. I just wanted for a moment to talk about healing. When you hurt yourself, what do you do first? Touch the area where it hurts. You may grab it to soothe the pain. This physical reflex sends healing energy to the injured area. Relaxing and holding the injury for longer than usual will promote a deeper healing process. Every mother holds, kisses, or touches her children when they are suffering. The same is true for her family members. If you study these simple reactions, you will find that touching someone you love has a greater impact than touching someone you don't know. It is most likely that the touch you give will have a special essence, the essence of your love for this person. Your touch will be more pleasant when you're happy, happy, energized, or in any other type of positive mood than when you're in a bad mood. Therefore, this dream is trying to tell you to make sure you think about the relationship you have with this other person.
What does it mean to dream of an empty parking lot?
An empty parking lot in a dream is associated with will need to relax and recuperate and take some time out for yourself. In essence, spiritually speaking the parking lot can indicate that have hidden creative energies and skills which you cannot use if you are too stressed or overworked. Dream wise this signifies big changes that are coming in the future. The most important thing is that you rest rather than taking on more burdens. Try to think about and hidden business and how this can affect you go forward.
What does it mean to dream about losing your car in a parking garage?
For you to lose your car or for this to be stolen in a parking garage as I have already outlined above can represent a situation when you are feeling lost the more you feel like you are losing the more responsibilities you are likely to take on.
What does a parking garage symbolize spiritually?
The parking garage structure should be analyzed in the dream but spiritually speaking the parking lot is about parking problems somewhere so you can progress in life. It can often occur when you feel weighed down by responsibility and expectations from others. As a result, you just want to park your feeling somewhere so that you can recuperate. The parking garage structure is also important. The higher you drive more desire that you are showing your life.
What is a dream interpretation of a parked car?
If you are parking your car in a dream and this represents your daily responsibilities want to control things that they are safe, just like the fact that you are parking your car in a “safe” spot. Car lot's can be dark and also reinforced with concrete which can indicate hidden feelings. If you are crashing the car in your dream and this expresses the desire to escape from life. To be chased through a parking lot and you are trying to park your car indicates that you need to express your emotions much better. A murder or crime in a car park in ones dream can imply moving to new possibilities.
If you cannot find a parking space in a dream
This is quite a confusing dream. I remember on a few occasions I have awoken to a dream where I was in a car park environment unable to park my car, this could be due to the fact that it actually happened to me. We must realize that to see ourselves driving around unable to park happens ever such a lot in daily life. Not finding a car parking space due to the number of cars we have on the roads at the moment is not uncommon. There is always a risk of a parking fine if you are not in the correct zone. If in your dream you are visiting friends or your heading into the city then parking spaces are always hard to come by. Driving around and not being able to find a space can indicate that you are trying to find your own “space” in life.
What is the biblical meaning of a parking lot dream?
When we turn to the bible at times to understand our dream meanings. The essence of the mystic experience is that our minds are connected to the world. I believe that the feelings of joy and sadness, as well as other deep feelings, are not ours alone. They are glimpses of reality that transcend the limits of our limited consciousness, and the scripture can sometimes help us understand our dreams better. Seeing a new car in your dream is about you saving time and money.
A car essentially and spiritually is associated with the following elements: Saving you time, and energy and giving you mobility. When its a parked car or you are trying to park your car in a dream it is associated with your own inner grace. If we look at the scripture, Psalms 33:18 points to the lord watching over us with his love. Therefore, even though cars and parking cars were not around back in those times if we look at the scripture of Ezekiel 18:16 which states God protects, cars are about our journey in life and how we navigate all the difficulties that we face. This dream is about you navigating such difficulties and coming out the other side. The car is after all about movement in life. What are you trying to move?
What does it mean to dream of your work car parking lot?
For some reason, this dream reminds me of the breaking bad car park attendant, work car parks in dreams can come in many different ways. A car park is connected to the fact that you need to treat yourself, get that Starbucks coffee or take things day by day. Your work is important to you right now or you would not have dreamed of your staff car park. Each day in life is different - and brings us new and exciting adventures. Some good/some bad. I remember once of dreaming of a nearby hotel car park where I was working in my dream and I actually got a parking ticket (in real life) once. This type of dream was about my reservations about a position I had been offered. Should I park (stay here for a while in life) or go elsewhere? This dream can be boiled down to creating a better life than what you were born into. The most important thing is to be thankful that you are here and that you have your position at work, this is really the key message of this dream.
What does it mean if your car was stolen in a dream from a car park?
This is probably our greatest fear - for our cars to be stolen. There are many dreams and symbols around the stolen car dream. To dream your car is stolen is about loosing something in your life. Think about what you are worried about losing? Is it a job, relationship, problem? If you go back to your car once parked and it is not there then this dream is about removing the control in life. It can denote you have been controlled by another person for a long time.
What does it mean to see a car chase and run in your dream?
In films, we often see car chases in multi-story car parks. Therefore, to witness a “chase” or someone else driving erratically in the dream can indicate that you could be suffering from difficult events recently. Have things been challenging? Do you feel like you need to get away? Physical and mental well-being go hand in hand. There is a widespread belief that one or both are essential for your well-being. This doesn't mean that people with difficulties are not capable of being happy.
Absolutely! Negativity is bound to follow any difficulty. Often, those who are struggling in this area have to work harder to find the silver linings. No matter what your current condition is to be chased in a dream (in any way, shape and form) is about running away from problems in waking life. As I have said above, there could be something that is challenging you at the moment that you are trying to get away from. If the cars were speeding, it can mean a situation will conclude in the coming weeks. This dream is about situations and you are just trying to survive. Think about it, we eat, drink, and sleep when we need to. To see more than two cars chasing each other (or being part of the car-chase in the dream) is about feeling good, it is important to take care of yourself is the spiritual message.
What does a car crash dream mean in a multi-story car park?
A car crash dream is about something difficult that is happening in life at the moment. Is there something bothering you? Often, dreaming of a car crash can be rather worrying. I remember, only recently I had a dream about a crash and can remember the silence in the dream. If you see a car crash in a parking lot, it is associated with understanding elements in your current life right now. Pain is suppressed from childhood. Often, it was present even before we were born. When we cut off the energy flow to a painful event in childhood, it freezes in time and energy.
This is known as a block in the aura. The auric field is composed of energy-consciousness, so a block is frozen energy-consciousness. As soon as we stopped suffering, the part of our psyche that was associated with the event also became frozen. Our psyche will remain frozen until it thaws. Our psyche doesn't mature as much as we do. Seeing a car crash is representative of the painful situations that we have found ourselves in, and it is a sign to heal yourself from those “car crash” moments.
What does it mean to dream of driving an unknown car in a multi-story car park?
If the car is unknown or maybe you are a passenger in a car and looking for a parking space, it can suggest rest is needed in life. We sometimes dream of things we do not know, such as people, houses and in this case cars. An unknown car in the dream is a symbol of your own control. It is saying you do not understand your own focus in life.
What does it mean to dream of a parking nightmare?
Having nightmares is not something we want to remember as human beings. You may want to learn how to listen to your subconscious. Dreams are best remembered when they are recorded as soon as they end. If you can't remember a dream, suggest it to yourself. Nightmares can be eerie and difficult to understand.
How do you interpret them? Often, you will be given a number but not a date, time, or money. In this case, if you had a nightmare of a multi-story car park it can be connected to the fact you feel out of control in life. We all want to control what we can. Many readers have contacted me over the years, one, in particular, had a dream of a murder in a multi-story car park, whereby she was being followed back to her car. It could be as Freud believed the fact that you are not getting enough sleep.
Research has shown that inadequate sleep can increase anxiety and depression. It might have seemed a frightening dream. This is likely due to stress hormone production. Too little sleep can also lead to memory loss. It is also associated with many health risks, such as impaired cognitive ability or an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. You need to get more sleep if you have nightmares about parking the car. It is a message to be more in control in life.
Conclusion of a dream of a multi-story car park
Essentially, this dream is about control. Cars are about control. When we park a car in a dream we are taking a break in life. Often we have to take a break from the hustle and bustle of life. This dream (if you have not seen the car park before)is about lifestyle can affect happiness and positivity.
Negative behaviours are often at the root of negativity. Changing your perspective and resetting your mind is the best way to start fresh. It won't be easy, but it will be worthwhile. Self-esteem can only be improved by taking good care of yourself. Listen to experts and let go of your unhealthy habits. Having a healthy diet, getting enough rest, exercising, and taking time for yourself are all important for your health. To fix your mind and health, you need to focus on your goals. To visit a multi-story car park that you have visited in the past provides clues to what this means in a dream. It could be you are struggling at work or worried about something in daily life.
The parking lot is focused on the energy-consciousness blocks that are a constant part of our lives. This dream is a reflection of constant interaction between us from different frozen psychic time blocks. In an intense interaction, one person may experience reality through the lens of their inner adult, while the other may experience it through a different lens - this is what I feel this dream about parking cars is all about. Then, the other person might switch to a part of the wounded child at a specific age. Communication is difficult because of this constant switching between different aspects of inner consciousness.
Frozen psychic blocks possess a powerful feature: they can coagulate according to similar energy and form a frozen psychic conglomerate. For example, the energy can be of nature or abandonment.
In this dream you may have
- Parked a car.
- Broke into a car.
- Had your car broken into.
- Lost your car.
- Been chased or chased someone through a parking garage.
- Needed help.
- Were scared or worried.
Positive changes are afoot if
- You were driving or parking a car that was yours and it was a fancier car than you normally drive – indicating wealth and financial freedom.
- Offered help to someone.
This dream is in association with the following scenarios in your life
- Helping someone.
- Being afraid.
Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of a multi-story car lot
Worried. Happy. Concerned. Nervous. Scared. Bored. Idle. Waiting. Impatient. Helpful.
By Florance Saul
Dec 30, 2012