

Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings

Musk is a popular scent that is found in many different types of perfumes and colognes.

Additionally, the scent is incorporated into other things such as candles and incense. If you have had a dream about the scent of musk, consider yourself very lucky! Musk carries with it many good omens and is indicative of positive forces are either coming into your life or are already there that you may need to take notice of. Most commonly, musk is associated with finding an unexpected joy or blessing. Musk is often a scent for incense, candles, and perfume.

In this dream you may have

  • Been wearing musk.
  • Used musk.
  • Smelled musk on someone else.
  • Bought perfume.
  • Been given perfume as a gift.
  • Talked about musk or perfume.
  • Commented about the musk scent in a perfume or cologne.
  • Read the word musk.
  • Wanted to find a scent containing musk.

Positive changes are afoot if

  • You were spraying the musk scent on yourself.
  • Someone gave you a musk perfume or cologne as a thoughtful gift.
  • You smelled musk and it was very pleasing or comforting to you.
  • You notice a beautiful person wearing musk.
  • You notice a person who causes you grief wearing musk.

Detailed dream meaning

Musk is a symbol of good tidings and an abundance of many positive attributes. If you dreamed of smelling musk this may be a foretelling of some growth that is to come. This can be something very major and life-altering or it can be something a little less noticeable. Growth and expansion can be seen in pregnancy, fruit bearing trees, prospering gardens and farms. If the musk was on you, this is a sign of things to come. If the musk was one someone else this may indicate someone close to you being blessed in a way that you may involved.

If you dreamed that the musk was given to you by a loved one or significant other, then this is a sign of a blessing that will soon be coming forward. Musk may not always been seen. After the dream, you may wake up and remember that you smelled that scent in a dream. if this is the case you will really need to try to remember what was happening in the dream when you smelled the musk. For instance, if you at work in your dream and smelled the musk at your desk, you may be on your way to a promotion or other advancement. If you dreamt that you smelled the musk at home, you may be receiving some good news soon.

As you ruminate about your dream, take some time to think about the ways the musk connected to people and things in your dream. The musk appeared in your dream to show you a blessing or something that will be increased upon. It may not be something that is happening right away and it may take some time to make the good fortune known. Remember that it may also be something very small, like some kind words or a nice gesture. The best advice in this situation is to place yourself in a position to receive some good, positive things to happen to you. Just allow time for these things to happen and pay attention to the details or one may pass you by.

This dream is in association with the following scenarios in your life

  • Receiving good news.
  • Upcoming pregnancy.
  • Good fortune.
  • Need to pay more attention to details in your life.

Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of musk

Happiness. Joy. Lucky. Blessed. Receptive. Spirited. Uplifted. Fortunate. Loved.

By Florance Saul
Jan 8, 2013