

Needle Dream Meaning

Needles, sharp and precise, can be a sign of healing ---- after all, needles are often associated with doctors and medicine. It could be your mind's cryptic way of telling you there's something in your life that needs mending. This could be a relationship hiccup, a concern at work, or even an aspect of your personal growth that you’re subconsciously looking to patch up or improve.

I have read in many dream books that needles could represent creation and repair. If you're the one holding the needle, it might reflect your ability to pull things together, stitch up situations, and make something beautiful out of the resources you have. It's like you're focused on your own life's goals, threading challenges and experiences into a masterpiece uniquely yours.

But let's get specific for a second -- the stabby nature of needles in a dream can sometimes point toward anxiety or fear. Maybe there's a situation poking at you that you've been trying to avoid? Or perhaps these dreams are emerging from a tiny thread of self-doubt, gently nudging you to confront and weave through the complexities of your feelings.

And always remember, you're the tailor of your own life. Sometimes you might misplace a stitch or two, but you've also got the power -- and the needle, or to mend it beautifully.

Is the dream of needles good or bad?

I see this dream as good --- in that needle dreams are common warnings for your life that represent dangers or overextending yourself but also don't forget that I said above "mending" things in life. When you have needle dreams there is a caution from your psyche that changes in your life are afoot. These dreams can also indicate that you need to get motivated or a chance may pass you by.

Needles are sharp objects that serve a purpose to motivate you into action so for this reason I see this as a good dream. Whether you are searching for a needle or poked by a needle, both dreams will indicate a need for focus and motivation in your life. To have a needle poke you -- it is a sign that you are not taking care of yourself or your family and you need to be prodded into action. Hello. My name is Flo and I’ve been running this website for a few decades 

What is the spiritual dream meaning of a needle?

Spiritually speaking the needle is also often seen as a phallic item and the instrument in a dream is sometimes indicative of sexual dysfunction. You can have dreams of needles if you are not satisfied in the bedroom or when you want closeness with a partner.

Dropping a needle will indicate issues within a relationship, hostility, or bickering between a couple. Breaking a needle, searching for a needle for sewing, or seeing a pin cushion with many needles in it indicates needless worry. The energy put into your dream with a needle should be taken as a nudging from your psyche and is not something that you should be very worried about. Rather, there are still changes that can be made if you take action. Consider ways in which you are wasting your time with worry where you could be putting yourself in action to find a solution instead.

And if the needle is coming from your mouth or navel it means that you have hurt someone you love and may not know it. To use a needle in a spell means that you must try to think about what you can achieve in life and then focus on that goal. Take heed from needle warnings and realize that there is something you can do about the problems in your life. Take action to overcome your problems. You have the resources and potential to be successful.

What does it mean to dream of pins and needles?

We all sometimes suffer from pins and needles and in our sleep - it is not uncommon to dream of this. To dream of feeling that awful sensation of pins and needles during the night is connected to the fact that you are lying in the same position for too long, it could also mean from a spiritual perspective that there is a feeling of alienation from the past perhaps due to a breakdown of a relationship. Pins and needles are tingling feeling when a certain limb or part of the body cannot be felt. This induces numbness or sensation where the blood supply to that particular area has been reduced. It can be an unpleasant feeling and the only way to remove the tiny pins and needles it is to move the area of the body that is affected - to ensure that blood is flowing and returns to normal. There are many different causes of pins and needles such as a trapped nerve, diabetes, pressure common medicines, or injuries. I will say, that to dream of having pins and needles might just mean that you are experiencing this sensation.

What does it mean to dream of being stabbed by a needle?

Being stabbed by a needle or to be chased by one suggests that in some situations you need to look to other people for support. Especially in times of conflict. Being chased by somebody with a needle, for example, indicates movement, the needle is a metaphor of someone who is trying to cause pain, stress, or conflict. It can also indicate a movement that is restricted and that you are finding it difficult to move forward into the area of life wish to. Being stabbed by a needle or having an injury suggests a full expression of distaste for something in real life.

What is the spiritual meaning of a needle?

Spiritually speaking the needle is an expression of the eye of the storm. It is a symbol of a door or the eye of the world. Interestingly, this dream indicates that we will have several connections in life with our internal spiritual growth. Turning to Buddhism the needle and thread have quite an interesting meaning. Marici is a goddess who holds a threaded needle in her hand. In the bible, we all know the term “to pass through a needle's eye” which is found in Matthew 19:24 as well as Mark 10:25, and finally Luke 18:25. But she is the protector of harm doers. A knitting needle indicates spiritually a system of beliefs. If you were knitting with a needle then it can indicate you wish to stretch yourself, whether you were doing cross stitch or implementing certain technology such as Brioche this dream can mean there is a lattice of events that are about to happen. Following a pattern of knitting spiritually in dreams indicates you require a certain technique in life to progress.

What does it mean to dream of having needles in your mouth?

Needles are associated with being stuck in life. The needle can express your inclinations and many people have contacted me about needles in their mouths. The penetration of needles inside the mouth can be a rather worrying dream. If the needles were sewing needles detachment is seen in your mouth. To spit out needles in a dream can suggest that you need to make your way toward developing your future.

What does it mean to dream of a needle piercing your skin?

Being stabbed by the needle can be associated with the hurt you feel inside. I often leave the needles commonly associated with the fact that we are neglecting something important to us. If in your dream the needle goes beneath the skin's surface then this could suggest that you were adopting issues and problems that are not obvious. When somebody administers a needle it needs to be the correct tissue level. To dream of even blood, or for blood to be taken during the dream indicates a hurtful comment according to ancient dream lore. law.

What do needles being injected into the skin in a dream mean?

Being injected with a needle and syringe in your dream indicates that you need to develop and focus on goals in life, it can also imply a period where you are feeling restless. I like to think that the act of injecting in a dream is more about ensuring that you have enough energy to succeed. Being injected by a murderer in your dream or (if the injection is fatal) indicates you are at the end of a phase in life. Maybe a career is not working out as it should.

What does dreaming of a needle and thread mean?

I have mentioned already that in Buddhism the god that holds the needle and thread is known as Marichi, who is the goddess of the dawn. This god is associated with removing roadblocks, ensuring the obstacles do not get in your way. Thus, dreaming of a needle and thread indicates seeing something that is not obvious which is an “obstacle.” Think about how you are focused on your own goals and how you can successfully move forward in the future.

What do drug needles mean in your dream?

I have had various dreams regarding drug needles and it can be rather worrying when this symbol appears. I could never work why until I came across an older dream book which means to “puncture the skin” indicates a new challenge or start in life. There are many drugs on the streets and of course, it is a given that needles could be dirty or rented and produce a risk of problems including AIDS. If the drugs are in powered form then many drug users heat the drug in a bottle cap cooker, then drug users use this hot substance to withdraw this into a needle and syringe, then in their arm or leg.

What does it mean to see needles in your arms?

Seeing needles in your arms during the dream indicates your true perception of life. The needle in the dream is connected to our inner pain. Your skin it is connected to spiritual growth but has limitations to your growth. There are a vast amount of different ways in which we could dream of needles, if they are inserted into your skin it can mean change. To dream of acupuncture indicates a spiritual awakening perhaps the abstract truth. If you dream that you are in the hospital you have a needle in your arms such as an intravenous or cannula then this is associated with your emotions right now. You could suggest that you have emotional reactions. If the needle was used to draw blood which had an accompanying syringe in dreams this can indicate that you are going to overcome roadblocks in the future.

Often, drug users use a small number of drugs but for a prolonged time. This system can result in a transmission of infection. Dreaming of drugs and needles indicates there is a dangerous situation. To dream of overdoses indicates there are some unhealthy emotional problems at the moment. Often, these dreams appear when there is a certain behavior that is being demonstrated. If in your dream somebody “gets high” on drugs by using a needle then it can indicate feeling overburdened in daily life. If you overdose on drugs by injecting this into your body it can suggest that there is destructive behavior that you are displaying. The type of drug that you see seeing the dream has various meanings, in dream lore which I will now go over. To dream of a white powdered drug such as crack, heroin or cocaine can suggest that you feel something is contaminated in life. This dream is all about overcoming addiction difficulties in life which are not necessarily drug-related. Dreaming of crack can suggest that there are going to be different relationships and problems that will cause pressure in your life. Hallucinogenic-type drugs in dreams indicate that you are trying to escape from the daily grind of life. If you dream of heroin injecting this into your arm can suggest some serious losses in life.

What does it mean to walk on needles?

In order to understand we need to look at the literal meaning of “walking on pins and needles.” This dream indicates that in a situation you feel you are in fact “walking on eggshells.” It is an expression that is often used when we conflict with another person and are worried about their reactions. The sensation of pins and needles is often scientifically known as a parenthesis, which is associated with our peripheral nerves. In dreams, walking on needles can indicate that you are fearing problems and pitfalls. It can signify that you are feeling confused about your ideas and feelings, even perhaps overpowering emotions. If you are walking on the floor there appear to be needles it is a warning to try to take a more balanced view of reality. If the needles drew blood in a dream this can you feel imprisoned or encountering reasonable fear.

What does it mean to swallow a needle in a dream?

Freak out time! Swallowing needles, even just writing this down to being was a dream. My dream research, it indicates that needles are associated with unknown areas. Something cannot be denied and the fear can get stronger the more we fight it. Swallowing sewing needles indicates that something must change in your life for the better.

What does it mean to be pricked by a needle in your dream?

Being pricked by a needle in dreams is often connected to our own reaction to something outside ourselves and there is a focus on oppression. Maybe you feel wounded by a criticism or a comment by another person. The sensation of being “pricked” in a dream can indicate that you are being prodded or poked in regard to a spiritual decision to be made. To pop a balloon with a needle can indicate the end of problems in life.

What does it mean to dream of sewing needles specifically?

A sewing needle symbolism is connected to outbursts, anger, and also justice. Sewing needles if we think of them in the literal sense - is about repair, all creation. It can often be the symbolism that relates to overcoming a difficult time. Perhaps you are trying to repair a relationship where there was an outburst of anger. In dreams, the sewing needle points out a possible resolution, after a lot of daily problems in life.

I hope you enjoyed this meaning and please leave me a comment if there is anything I have missed out.

In this dream you may have:

  • Been poked or pricked by a needle.
  • Found a needle.
  • Broke a needle.
  • Needed a needle.
  • Threaded a needle.
  • Sat on a needle.
  • Found a pincushion with many needles in it.
  • Searched for a needle.
  • Walked on needles.
  • Swallowed a needle.
  • Poked someone else with a needle.
  • Popped something (like a balloon) with a needle.
  • Placed a spell with a needle.

Positive changes are afoot if:

  • Found a needle.

By Florance Saul
Oct 12, 2012