No Place To Park Dream Meaning

What does not finding a car parking space in a dream mean?

What does not finding a car parking space in a dream mean?

To dream of not being about to find a car parking space or that you can't park your car is a dream about controlling something in life. Now this whole thing (not finding a car) might seem normal, but there's more to it, spiritually.

Are you looking for something? Not a car parking space but something in life? I have spent many hours looking into what these strange dreams mean, and I can tell you now it is all about control. Now this is all about your power in life.  About what you can control. So what can you control? In my view, cars represent journeys in life. This is about those life journeys. The key of this dream is knowing what you want from life.  How can you improve your well-being and quality of life. 

What does it mean to dream of driving around but unable to park?

If you find yourself driving around but can’t find a parking space then this is about your goals. Maybe you have been stuck with a boring job for far too long, maybe this is about studying for something important. So there's this sort of sense of making sure you work towards something important. If you crash the car while driving around or someone is chasing you this is about learning what you really want - and what you want to escape from. It could also mean panic - that you have to do something - just like when you are driving about you have to park somewhere - whether it is a good location or not. A dream that is similar to this, is that you get back to the car and realize it isn't in the driveway or you can’t remember where you parked your car.  That sort of dream comes up whenever there is some disappointment in your present work or professional situation, which may have appeared greatly.

What does not being able to park the car mean in the Bible?

The biblical meaning of not being able to park your car is about your spiritual guides or teams. The only reference I could find in the bible was the scripture of the Israelites In Exodus 14, basically the Egyptions were trying to run but the Lord made the sea sweep them away. God threw Pharahoh and his army in the red sear in Pslam 134:15. The Israelites could not park and stay. This whole situation caused the Israelites to fear, especially being chased. So what I am saying here is in my view, biblically, if you can’t move then you may fear things. It is about keeping moving on. Now, a fear of uncertainty is similar to finding a parking space in our modern world.

Sometimes when we cannot park in our dreams, I think the spiritual team is calling us - to move forward. And so the question becomes, when we can't park, are we prepared to follow our spiritual teams? Do we want to follow the example that the universe has given us even if it means going down roads less traveled? Or perhaps the parking spot is not what you need. Or maybe your spiritual team is leading you on a new phase in life, and maybe from a higher calling. Or a new path that takes you directly to where you should be.


I have covered a lot above. There are maybe moments when you are moving but not arriving, trying but not succeeding, seeking but not achieving. So it seems that we are circling the parking lot of life for that perfect spot to rest, settle down, and feel safe.


By Florance Saul
Aug 14, 2024