
Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings
Pets featured in dreams can have many different meanings depending on the pet in the context of the dream itself.
If you see dogs in your dream then this indicates that you need to better relate with people around you.
If you know the identity of the pet in your dream then you need to be able to look at the relationship with that person, in order to find ways in which to improve the relationship that you have.
If you see yourself as a child playing with a dog then this generally suggest you started questioning your identity. To dream of losing a pet indicates that you are worried something in your life may be lost.
A pet is different to an animal because it is an animal that we bring into the home and care for.
Animals in a dream is associated with hidden power.
In this dream you may have
- Held a pet.
- A pet died.
- Bought a pet.
- Had a strange. pet.
- Sex with a pet.
Positive changes are afoot if
- You felt calm and confident in your dream.
- The Pet was nice to you.
- You enjoyed comforting the pet.
- Looked after the pet.
Detailed dream meaning
A pet is something we love and look up to, it is associated with the care of others in waking life.
To have sex or to see others have sex with a pet can be an extremely disturbing dream. It is not surprising, you are seeking the meaning! Bestiality featured in a dream is very disturbing. Don't worry, the dream is associated with how you fear love. This dream is a wake-up call in that you need to acknowledge your feelings in life.
Perhaps you even need to let go of love. Releasing feelings that you have under control is extremely important. Life does move on and you will find somebody you love. If you are in the current relationship and it is important to recognize that sometimes we need to have romance in that relationship - it has become stale.
Please note: this dream is in no way associated with any sexual correlations. So don't worry!
Pets in dreams can include a number of different animals such as:
Guinea pig as a pet
Guinea pig's are rather small with a very short span of life. Only between 5 to 10 years. This pet is associated with our animal energies. To have a dream of a guinea pig suggests that it is important to find the right balance in life. There is also a possibility that you have felt hurt in the past. To see a guinea pig in a cage indicates that you may take a journey which is spiritual in nature.
You could be feeling rather trapped in waking life. The dream is like a play, thus, the guinea pig could be a symbol of yourself in waking life.
It needs somebody to care for it. The guinea pig has in total 13 different breeds so we cannot cover them all and this meaning is associated with all breeds. If dream guinea pig has short-hair this suggests that you are going to admire other people in the future.
Dog as a pet
The dream of your pet dog is an indication that you will feel content and happy in the future. The dog is associated with how we feel and perceive friends in waking life. To help the dog in some way indicates that there is a situation that needs more clarity. If the dog is lost or runs away then this suggests that you will need physical strength going forward.
Maybe you will be joining a gym or doing something athletic? Additionally, if you see the dog in the dream is not like your pet at home then this suggests that energy is blocked. The dog featured in your dream is a picture of the core energy which plays a part in your daily life.
So it is important to recognise and look at the different features of the dog in your dream.
A cat in your dream is associated with being independent. The cat is also a powerful symbol in the dream state. It is associated with luxurious items. To see the pet cat die in a dream suggests that you may be concerned with matters relating to a career change.
Hamster as a pet
Hamsters are beautiful little pets. They are so small that we can fit them in the palm of our hand. At only 7 inches long the hamster is one of the smallest pets in the world. The hamster featured in your dream is associated with wisdom - about your survival it means you have been careful with money and it is time to enjoy.
To see the Syrian hamster which is known as the golden hamster indicates that you have great more energy. The "golden" association of the dream suggests that it's time to apply positive things in your life. If the hamster runs away in the dream then this suggests that there will be a small loss in the future.
Gecko or lizard
One's dream as a pet is associated with a lack of trust others.
As the lizard is cold-blooded there may be someone that will provide some sort of emotional trauma.
The fact that the Lizard or alternatively gecko appears in your dream suggests that it is important to approach this person in the caring manner. These pets are normally somewhat shy. Thus, it is important that you build up trust with somebody in waking life. Surprisingly the gecko can live for 20 years. Which means that the person who is symbolically related to this dream will be in your life for some time. To see its heated terrarium suggests that you may ask your spirit guide for wisdom and confidence.
Rabbit as a pet
If a rabbit is a pet featured in your dream then this suggests that you are in connection with your natural desires and instincts.
If you catch a rabbit in the wild and then make this a pet in your dream then it indicates the need for softer communication with others.
There are more than 60 breeds of rabbit, but the meaning of seeing a pet rabbit remains the same.
Parrot or budgerigar
To see a budgerigar or a parrot as a pet in the dream suggests that there will be a difficult situation in the future.
As the parrot has a strange tendency to talk it indicates great communication from a spiritual level. You may suddenly feel awakened in life.
As there are over 350 different types of birds that we keep as pets it is difficult to make an assumption based on the breed. In a general sense, this dream is connected to communication.
Ferret as a pet
A ferret in one's dream as a pet is associated with feeling a sense of wisdom and balance in applying oneself to life.
Fish as a pet
A fish kept as a pet within the dream is directly associated to a motion have you looked at what you really want to achieve in life? The type of colour of the fish is also significant and it is important for you to look up the color meaning of your dream.
A tortoise as a pet
To see this as as a pet in your dream indicates sudden positive changes. You may see there are easier ways of doing things in many different areas of your life.
An unusual pet
An animal that is a strange pet is commonly not kept as a pet may seem a bit odd in one's dream. It means you may be driven by a sense of achievement in life. The pet is a symbolic sign of of what you need to look for in life. Therefore, if the pet is scary in nature then there is something that frightens you.
Wild animal as a pet
A wild animal in your dream means you need to embrace a happy ending in life. Stop worrying. Take time with your family to enjoy your life. A lion as a pet is associated with anger.
You have held back for many years. It's time for you to be aggressive and show your dominance.
The chinchilla featured in one’s dream is associated with comfort and emotional support. Maybe you have been feeling a bit worried about life.
If we have not covered your pet dream get in touch through the contact form. Please support us on Facebook. Thank you.
By Florance Saul
Jun 14, 2012