Plate Dream Meaning

What does dreaming of plates mean?

What does dreaming of plates mean?

In my opinion, this dream is about someone who isn't feeling nourished by you right now and someone who feels as though you're taking meals for yourself and your own energy. And, it is time that you're not really giving them time or attention - this is about a person who is on the verge of crumbling because they don’t have it all together because no one else is helping them. This could be you. 

If you think you can open a book and read Shakespeare then you are crazy, it is a different language. Each word needs to be interpreted differently to see all the meanings of these words. Think about seeing plates in dreams this way. This dream can suggest that you are preparing to accept that you don’t understand something. You need to understand the focus in life, and each word in life carries an echo and attracts other words. Plates can also be linked to words. It’s like the more you know about communication, the more you know about plates and you are gaining something in life.

What do plates mean in a dream?

Plates in dreams are like words: they may be clean, dirty, stacked, or broken. You are probably wondering what they mean. Plates to me is just about your current life situation. Clean plates might mean satisfaction and readiness, dirty or broken plates may indicate problems not resolved or missed opportunities in life. Scientists have done end-of-life surveys and people don’t regret the chances that they didn’t take. People don’t regret what they did that did not work. So think about this.

I often see broken plates in dreams when I have hurt someone. Think of the plates as juggling emotions. And, if they are white plates that are shown by your spiritual team then this is about the actions that have done that hurt someone. Maybe someone has hurt you? This is about making sure they or you apologize.

If you see smashed plates this is about setting the stage for healing, also consider whether your own words have led you to inflict pain on the others. Seeing a pile of plates indicates a mentor who among your pack this maybe someone taking a simple leadership role in the community / some sort of activism for example.

Smashing plates in a dream can suggest you don't tend to prioritize your social life that much or maybe you just don't have a social life that much,  this is not out of choice, but a dream of spinning plates is saying that you are prioritizing yourself right now. If we look to the bible then dreaming of plates may represent getting ready to receive nourishment - physical or emotional, and let’s not forget that plates were referred to as writing tools.

What is the biblical meaning of plates in dreams?

There are so many passages that mention nourishment. John 6:48-51 for example states that food and nourishment come from the will of god. In the bible as well, it mentions plates in regard to the plates of the Nephi. These are basically plates passed down by kings from Nephi to Mosiah. If you read the Book of Mormon there is so many areas that mention the Old Testament. Nephi states that the plate of brass contains the five books of Moses, if I am confusing you then the brass plates in the bible are basically records of what has happened, a bit like a sheet of metal where people wrote things. 

Plates in dreams can also mean biblically a need to provide for oneself or others, suggesting that you are contemplating the resources available to you. The state of the plates as I have said before: clean, dirty, stacked, or broken, can reflect your feelings about your current life situation. Clean plates may signal satisfaction and readiness, while dirty or broken plates might suggest unresolved issues or missed opportunities.

What does it mean to dream of white or silver plates?

White is all about being “pure” and I have a question for you: what thing are you doing that you need to quit doing? We all do silly things that we need to quit. I recently stopped smoking - that was such a silly thing and I found quitting really super easy I don't even know why I smoked for so many years. Seeing white plates means that you “need” to think about what you need in life. This is about sitting on your bed at night and learning about something. What "thing" are you doing wrong that you could fix - and you need to fix?

There will be an answer that will pop up to small things to be able to cope with those complex situations. This is about improvement and White is associated with new beginnings, suggesting that seeing white plates means something “new” and a clean slate. If you are seeing silver plates in a dream then this is about something that you think is not true and the spirit of manipulation. Think about how people are around you.

What does it mean to dream of washing up dishes?

If you are seeing yourself washing dishes (maybe with washing up soap) in your own home (maybe your dishes) this is about making sure you live your own life. Dreams of washing dishes in a bar or restaurant are usually about “removing” or cleansing things in life. It could also mean that you need to remove (or wash away) emotional baggage or try to make amends for past actions. This is about going through the school of hard knocks. Maybe that is what you have been through. Something difficult? You know those puzzles like the Mindbender ones when you see the solution and once you have seen this you can't unsee it. To dream of washing dishes with soapy water can also suggest that you are taking responsibility for your actions, this dream can highlight a desire for routine and order in your daily life.

What do plates mean spiritually and in Greek folklore?

As I have said before, spiritually, plates can represent abundance and nourishment. They may suggest the sharing of blessings or the act of giving and receiving. In Greek folklore, plates hold a unique place in various customs, such as plate smashing at celebrations, meaning joy, and abundance. Plates in dreams could be linked to your own ideas, representing the cycle of life, the breaking of old patterns, and the welcoming of new experiences.

What does serving food on plates mean in your dream?

Seeing yourself serving food on plates in dreams often means nurturing or caring for others. I feel that this is about how you progress to looking after others. People fail to unpack the things they don’t want to face up to. This is a dream about “serving” others. Getting what you need, whether emotionally or physically. This dream could also just be about your vision, goal, and trying to be a good person. Not because its your duty but knowing that you can fix something.  Also, pay attention to what you are serving, as it might offer clues about what you feel you are giving to others in your waking life. If you are being served food by another person in a dream this is about your goals in life. It is like pushing a rock up a hill. In that you want your goals to be above and move towards something better. You are here to live in life and not to sleep in life. That is the meaning of the dream especially if you see someone serving you dinner on a plate.

What does it mean to dream of a stack of plates?

The answer to this dream is about stacking up on what is important moving uphill and seeking the truth. The plates can topple down. If you say what you think and have faith in the truth. If the stack of plates falls then this dream can be about feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities or tasks. It suggests that you have many outcomes (or are worried about outcomes) piling up, and it’s time to tackle your problems one by one.

What does it mean to dream of broken plates?

Broken plates in dreams is about being uncomfortable. There is a key relationship between responsibility, I have learned this over the weeks. And, you have to have an aim in life. The bad news in regards to a broken plate dream is that it is possibly about disappointment or broken relationships. It could suggest that on some level something in your life is going badly - this may not be going as planned, and this is about making sure there is something important in life, and that you have aspirations. People are built for a struggle so this is about putting yourself together while you are waiting to pass on.

What does it mean to dream of different colored plates?

This is about different things in life, I think the colors are part of you - your life - your adventure and are part of the reason why you had this dream. Don’t think about the negative things. The tighter you bind yourself to the life you want - the better you will be. If you are seeing many different colored plates stacked then this is about your value in life.

Different colored plates might also mean the different emotions or situations you could be dealing with right now. Maybe you have gone half-way down a path and now you think it is wrong. You need to learn about committing to something, and this requires you to bring all your components in life that come together. Each color could represent a different aspect of your life, revealing how multi-colored your current experiences are.

What does it mean to dream of empty plates?

Some things bug you. Some things make us feel annoyed. Maybe you need an answer somewhere, in life. That is like a prayer. Here is a mystery and I need the answer right now. In a world full of so many options we sometimes get lost in things in life. Leaning into what is difficult then we can work it out. Seeing empty plates in a dream may suggest feelings of lack or unfulfillment in some area of your life. It might mean a need to seek out nourishment, as I have said before - emotional or physical. 

  • Seeing plates that are stored in a cupboard can suggest unused things in life. This is a bit like being “hidden” away. 
  • To share a plate in dreams can suggest your family life. Is there someone in the family that annoys you? 
  • Seeing someone else eating off a plate can suggest cooperation and community. This dream might reflect your social interactions.
  • If you see gold plates in your dream then this may just be a great good luck omen of both wealth and prosperity. 
  • Seeing old/antique plates might reflect a connection to someone from the past coming back to you.
  • Seeing plates falling in a dream can represent the fear of loss or failure.


In dreams, plates may just mean the need to feed yourself with something or others and may represent reflection in life. Maybe you don't extend the same courtesy to someone as they do to you and plates in the bible can represent someone is being quite one-sided.

By Florance Saul
Oct 7, 2024