Prize Fight / Prize Fighter

Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings
When one dreams of a prize fight or are a prize fighter this dream is representative of the struggle that the dreamer is having in their daily experience.
When one is dreaming of the movie Rocky, Rocky Balboa, this represents your ability to feel pride over a job well done.
You may have been experiencing negative judgement from others.
A dream that featured "Rocky" the movie star also indicates a competitive person who is full of joy and boisterousness. It is necessary for you to allow yourself to feel positive and focus on life. Also think about the character in the movie.
This dream can also be symbolic. In that you feel you're fighting every day of your life and actually not getting anywhere. It could be associated with work. Perhaps you fight every single day of life but fail to be promoted.
When one dreams of Rocky, this means that you may have a prize fight in your daily life - of a symbolic nature.
In this dream you may have
- Been a prize fighter.
- Been a prize fighter fighting a prize fight.
- Been Rocky Balboa.
- Been the referee during a prize fight.
Positive changes are afoot if
- You win the prize fight.
- You feel successful in your attempt to be the referee.
- You decided to talk instead of fight.
Detailed dream meaning
Dreaming of a prize fight and the result is you win a championship denotes the feeling of being comfortable in a competitive environment. When one's career is highly competitive this dream is common. When one dreams of being in a prize fight or being a prize fighter and fight a friend or loved one shows that the dreamer has unresolved issues. To fight with a family member in a dream indicates peace in a family unit.
To lose a fight in a dream shows that the dreamer is feeling eaten up inside by the lack of communication of another. There is comfort in a situation regarding work to see animals in a prize fight. When one dreams of being in the middle of a prize fight (maybe a referee) shows that the dreamer is caught in the middle of a fight in waking life. They are set up to be a peacekeeper and feeling resentful.
This is showing that the dreamer is going to have a time of relaxation in the near future. To lose a fight in a boxing ring indicates the desire to fix everyone else’s problems.
This dream is in association with the following scenarios in your life
- The desire to stand out.
- Fighting with friends and loved ones.
- Not knowing what to do during an emotional struggle.
- Feeling happy about winning the championship prize fight.
Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of an Prize fight/Prize Fighter
Aggression. Pride. Contentedness. Contemplation. Certainty. Working hard. Love. Training. Diligence.
By Florance Saul
Oct 12, 2012