
sand dream meaning

Sand Dream Meaning

Sand moves and, therefore, is volatile. Sand in the biblical sense represents the thoughts of gods. Sand suggests that you are thinking about your life and the time it takes to complete tasks.

The sea is associated with your inner emotions. Seeing sand in a dream indicates you are letting “time pass you by.” It can imply that you are letting something control you. White sand featured in a dream suggests that you will understand more in life. Ancient dream dictionaries denote that sand indicates a loss of food and that in life things are not stable. To dream of seeing or being stuck in quicksand may signify you've taken a specific path in life. There is a danger of being worried about things that you have little control over, are you overwhelmed by your emotions at the moment? To be stuck in quicksand in a dream or to die in quicksand denotes possible danger in life. My name is Flo. In a roundabout way, I love dreams and have been studying them for nearly twenty years. So, if you are looking for a high-quality interpretation of your sand dream look no further. I have hunted in various books since the early 1990s to come up with a precise meaning to your dreams. So let’s get on and find out what sand means!

What is the spiritual meaning of sand?

Sand in a spiritual context represents time passing, the small grains of sand indicate that time will pass. Sand from a symbolic perspective is also associated with “time running through our fingers” so this means that we need to grasp everything we can in life and live life to the full! If sand is featured in a dream it can mean you need to grasp the time to do what you wish in life. Seeing sand slipping through your hands or feet suggests you need to be more soft towards others in life. Brown sand symbolizes mother nature it can suggest relaxation and ensure time passes by with success. Yellow sand suggests material gain in life. Playing with sand indicates you are taking life too seriously. In the Persian tradition, seeing a pile of sand in a dream implies misfortune. In the Western tradition, this dream portends the daily work grind. The Eastern tradition says that it predicts uncertainty, indecision, and instability.

What is the general meaning of sand in your dream?

Dreaming of sand refers to a lack of security (“a residence created about sand”). Are your psychological or economic foundations unstable as well as prone to change? Sand in an hourglass signifies the passing of time; it is a picture which may be showcasing that you will want to make an effort to be involved with framing your lifetime. Do not “bury your head in the sand.”It is a reminder to live life more fully.

Dreaming of sand portends poverty, unhappiness, and insignificant troubles. Sand suggests your closeness to family and spirituality. The dream of sandcastles is a warning that you are too far away from your family. Any dream involving sand is a sign that a hypocritical person will try to influence you against your will. Dreaming of sand foretells instability. If you see yourself carrying sand, this suggests difficulties ahead. Generally, sand symbolizes the passing of time and the temporarily of everything, including our lifetimes. Therefore, a dream of sand often means that you are afraid of aging and even death. Sand in a dream is associated with waste and vastness, so the question you should ask yourself is what aspect of yours is eternal and what obstacles hinder your spiritual growth? Both sand and the sea are symbols of emotional instability and insecurity. If the sand in your dream is in an hourglass, this is a warning that your time is running out. Dreaming of sandcastles is a reflection of uselessness because sandcastles will be washed away by the sea, but at the same time, they are a strong symbol of impermanence that should teach us how material needs are useless. If the dream of sandcastles is somehow connected to your work, this means whatever you are trying to build at work and in your life is impermanent, short-lasting, and in the end, illusory.

If in your dream you see a sandstorm, this portends the loss of your life. If you are caught in this sandstorm, it means you are now undermining your own existence. A sandstorm is an omen of the breakdown of your achievements. Seeing sand in a dream indicates that an uncertain relationship in your life will disturb you considerably, and this is a reminder to not waste your energy on it. Walking on sand means the deals you are into at the moment are unsafe. Shoveling sand is the omen of high profit, provided you bring some appreciation into the equation. Dreaming of scattering sand portends the waste of your property. If you feel you have sand in your mouth, this means someone will make you really angry.

To dream of sand may represent a good connection between your conscious and unconscious mind. Dreaming of sand may also denote insecurity. Are you feeling insecure and doubtful about your next step toward something that matters in life? Your dream might indicate a warning. Walking on sand means walking on a soft surface and you can never know when you hit an unexpected hole or a sharp object if you walk barefoot. Were you barefoot on the sand in your dream? Here are some specific dream meanings of sand, so scroll down to find your exciting dream meaning:

What do sandcastles mean in dreams?

Seeing a sandcastle in a dream is associated with achieving what you can in life. It means you will explore relationships and the sandcastle is connected to temporary needs and wants. To build sand castles with children in a dream indicates you need to explore your inner child and meditate. Sand seen in an hourglass can indicate the passage of time and the way you may believe that you're not achieving what you wish in life.

Sand is a natural “element” connected with the natural part of life, normally used in hourglasses to indicate each moment in life. It is a symbol of seeing into the future. Due the minute particles, sand dreams indicate you will see clearly in life. Sand found in dreams, especially on the seashore can symbolize nostalgia and ambitions in life. It can suggest the sensation of “waiting for something to happen in life.”

What does it mean to dream of footprints in the sand in the dream?

To dream of footprints in the sand denotes that you are holding onto feelings of distrust. You are unsure who will cross you into waking life but something will. Walking on the sand, and creating footprints across the beach can signify your goals in life. Whenever you're walking alone or with others you might be undertaking an inner journey before making a decision in life. To see animal footprints in the dream suggests you might be researching a new career. The sea itself may also signify upcoming projects and the unconscious mind.

What does sand in a desert mean in a dream?

The desert in your dream denotes feeling concerned or worried about something in life. Feeling empty inside is normally connected to this dream. At times you feel that you lack someone who cares about you. You have feelings about a problem in life, in that it is hard to achieve what you want. You are enduring deprivation in life if the desert had a desert storm. Life itself will be much more refreshing and content again if you were walking on sand in the desert. A desert might appear in dreams when you encounter a difficult friendship or a person who does not show respect. The sand in this respect is associated with feeling unnecessarily empty. If the sand is hot on your feet there is a feeling that you feel estranged from people or areas which are comfortable to you. To be lost in the desert can imply you are feeling situations will bring problems in life.

What does white sand mean in your dream?

To see white sand in the dream suggests peace and happiness in life. You will want to remove things that may hurt you in life. Walking on white sand is an indication of relaxation and comfort. It usually means that you will appreciate a calm and tranquil time in the future. This dream also suggests that you're overlooking the peace you deserve in life. Dreams, where you are running on the white sand, denote favorable news. It possibly means you will have material wealth in the future. Dream interpretation of a white sandy beach is basically your goals in life will be met.

What does black sand in a dream mean?

Black sand is a sign of relaxation, taking time to make decisions, and hard work. The black color can also suggest problems at work, but these will be resolved. Finish the pending actions before you take this time out to relax in life.

What do sandstorms in dreams mean?

Sandstorms are linked to our inner emotions. They can suggest psychological disturbances and emotions might run high if you cannot see anything - due to a sandstorm in the dream. To dream of a sandstorm can indicate the high emotional feelings you currently have. From time to time, we don't know how to respond to people in life, the sandstorm in a dream gives us the guidance to trust no-one in life.

What does sand in the mouth mean in a dream?

To find sand in your mouth during your dream suggests you need to watch what you say in life. Think about gossip and keeping things to yourself. It may suggest you are having difficulty communicating with others.

What does sand on your body in your dream mean?

To see sand on your body indicates that things in life have been shaky. There is a danger of being too caught up in your own emotions. You have been feeling pain too in life. If you become buried in the sand during the dream this can suggest that you are burying your head in the sand and you’re not seeing the real truth.

What does it mean to see a sandy beach in your dream?

The sandy beach and a dream indicate that there are many different objectives in life. There is a focus on not only your conscious mind also your unconscious. If your dream involves sand dunes or an extra long golden sand beach, then this signifies emotion between yourself and someone of the opposite sex. Sitting naked on a sandy beach is a sign that you are going to start a new interesting project. If you are wearing a swimsuit, you will have to answer for whatever you gossiped about. If you dream of pulling a small boat on the sand beach, this is a sign that you will ask someone for help in regard to money. Sandy beaches are connected to your holiday memories and your inner wish to get some rest. The beach is associated with peace and relaxation. A windy sandy beach indicates hidden emotions. Sand dunes seen in dreams can also imply that there are barriers or issues that are gradually getting larger.

If you saw a small sandy cove in the dream, it means you’re yearning for peace and joy. You want to take a break from your busy life, and the people in it. You want to distance yourself from others to come closer to your own soul. You want to reconnect with yourself and give yourself a break. Your dream is encouraging you to take small steps. Try to even take a weekend vacation and travel solo. Many problems will come to an end because your mind will rest. Trust your instincts in life.

What does it mean if you walked barefoot in the sand in your dream?

If you walked barefoot on the sand in the dream, it indicates possible problems due to your carelessness. In older dream books this dream can suggest that a person may walk in or out in your life. If this does happen what are their hidden intentions? Your intuition is trying to warn you to not be too gullible. Analyze the people in your social circle. You can never be totally sure of someone’s intentions towards you. In another respect, your dream is trying to warn you that you should avoid walking barefoot on surfaces.

What does it mean if you played and built figures in the sand in a dream?

We all remember as children dreaming of creating pictures in the sand. Notably, I can remember myself writing my name with my finger in the sand. If you played and built figures in the sand in your dream or wrote in the sand it foretells a carefree and joyful period in your life. You will find inner peace and the people around you will be content. You will finally make a good choice in life and when it comes to friendships and romantic relationships you will learn how to listen to your heart.

What does it mean if you saw your children playing in the sand?

If you saw your children playing in the sand in a dream, it reveals your exaggerated care for your family and friends. The people around you care about you - no matter what. These can represent children and also someone that’s equally important to you. The children are a representation of your “stable” life. The people you worry about know how to take care of their life and don’t try to be overprotective.

What does it mean if you were a child in your dream who was playing in the sand?

If you were a child in the dream and you played in the sand it foretells you’ll behave as a child in a certain future situation. Pay attention to your words and think before you speak. Our voice is our sharpest weapon. Be careful how you use it and prevent those difficult words that may hurt someone. Before you speak to someone, ask yourself, am I about to offend someone? Appreciate your words, and your time.

What does it mean if the sand was wet in your dream state?

If you noticed or felt the wet sand in your dream, it denotes unstable balancing. You’re trying to bring your life to order, but you’re doing it without thinking. Wet sand can signify that your unconscious mind will develop a better method of approaching problems in the future. Water in the dream state is connected to how we emotionally connect with the people. The symbolism of water is often transparent but in the sand it is heavy. This can denote a heavy problem in life.

What does it mean if you fall over in the sand in your dream?

Falling into sand can indicate that you are gathering your thoughts. This dream foreshadows your fear of losing your balance and control in life. You’re always attentive to details and believe you can handle everything, however, the truth is – you can’t. To fall over in the sand in your dream state brings a message, life is for a living, not controlling. It’s nice to know where you’re heading, but it’s also positive to just go with the flow from time to time and let some things just go!

What does it mean if you saw a couple walking or running on a sandy beach?

If you saw lovers or a couple walking or running on a sandy beach like in the movies, it reveals your desire for a passionate relationship. You either wish your current relationship to revive on its own or want to start a new exciting relationship with someone. If you’re having doubts, think carefully. If you want things to move from a dead relationship, do something instead of waiting for your partner to react first. Maybe he or she is expecting the same from you. However, if you feel like you can’t continue this relationship anymore, stop making excuses.

What does it mean if you use to dream of sand on a construction site?

If you saw a pile of sand or used it to build something on a construction site, it denotes you’re ready to apply some changes in your life. Or, you’re thinking about rebuilding your life again. Don’t let anyone or anything to stop you from doing what your heart is telling you to do. Sand on a construction site can also indicate building a better future.

Quicksand dream meaning

  • You buried your head in the sand in the dream: It means you’re refusing to hear the truth or reality of a certain situation that recently occurred.
  • You were drawing something in the sand in a dream: You will give someone an ultimatum. Don’t care if you lose the person. If they don’t accept it, he or she doesn’t deserve you anyway.
  • You were buried in the sand in your dream state: You took a wrong step on your life path. You already know which one. Try and fix it before it affects your life in a negative way.

Advice from your dream

  • You are open to changes.
  • Try to relax some more, and maybe take a vacation.
  • Learn from other people’s knowledge and experience.
  • Be more sociable, go out, and enjoy life.
  • Save some money.


Lucid dreaming by Robert W, Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self (2008), Freud's Dream: A Complete Interdisciplinary Science of Mind (1923), C J Jung and the dream meanings, unpublished paper (1932), dream meanings from symbols (1945)

Feelings that occurred during a dream of Sand

Comfortable. Joyful. Anticipation. Sadness. Yearning. Warmth. Shameful. Scared. Surprised. Excited. Surprised. Amazed. Curious. Impressed. Happy. Relaxed. Enjoying. Content. Feeling good.

By Florance Saul
Nov 18, 2012