
Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings
Searching for something or someone in a dream indicates quest or objective.
This dream also indicates a loss of profits. Perhaps you are searching for a lost piece of yourself, for example, your own years as a child. Otherwise, you could be mourning losing an individual in your own life. This dream shows that you need to make a decision about something important, and this may indicate the need to actually search for something in order to reach that decision. This dream also shows that whatever you are searching for may have some consequences attached to it.
In your dream you may have
- Lost money, purse, dog, cat, or something that is important to you.
- Been with others who have lost their possessions.
- Lost a piece of jewelry, such as an engagement ring or watch.
- Unable to find your handbag.
- Inability to find something that you left somewhere.
- Constant searching for the item in the dream.
Advice from your dream
- You find the item in your dream, which results in a happy ending.
- The item you lost gets handed back to you by another person.
- You find the item in the dream, which results in a positive ending.
- The fact that you have lost an item changes the way you feel and the dream result in happiness.
- You accept that you have lost an item and you do not think twice about it during your dream.
This dream is in association with the following scenarios in your life
- You may lose a job or position of authority in the near future.
- A relationship that you are having at the moment with another is complicated and causing you stress.
- You find that your independence is becoming more and more challenged. It is important to recognize that this dream symbolizes the start of new beginnings.
- How the problem may have occurred in the recent past, and this dream indicates that it is time to give you peace and ability.
- You have lost a relationship that was important to you.
- You will find it difficult conversing with another person in regard to a stylebook situation. This can include a project or something managed by a group of people.
- You have been challenged at work and it is time for you to stand for yourself.
Detailed dream interpretation
If you dream that you have lost something in your life, maybe a child, purse, animal, or something dear to you, this involves looking and searching for something. This dream shows that you need to make a decision about something important, and this may indicate the need to actually search for something that is lost in order to reach that decision.
This dream also shows that whatever you are searching for may have some consequences attached to it. In order to interpret this dream, it is important to recognize there are areas of your life where you must make the right decision. This dream indicates that there may be occasion where it is important to let go of something that belongs to you. The reason why you need to let go or move on in your life is that things have become too stressful. Move on so you can seek more happiness.
This incident of searching for something (in the dream) may be a job, lover, relationship, family commitment, or simply a skill which you have nurtured too long. This skill needs to be worked upon in order for you to ensure your future success. The other indication of this dream is that you have a habit you need to kick. This can include smoking, overeating, low self-esteem, or simply not understanding those around you. The indication of this dream is that you need to move forward and try to challenge yourself in the future.
If you lose a personal value, such as a handbag or wallet then this dream indicates you feel you have been questioned. If you have lost any type of symbolism that relates to your partnerships in the waking life, such as a wedding or engagement ring, it means that it is important to remain as an individual, so that you may find areas in your life that can ensure you will not encounter loss.
If you dream that you have lost a necklace, this generally symbolizes that you need to improve your communication skills. To dream that your ring is lost foretells a situation where you are inexperienced. Another association of this dream is that you are stuck in a rut. Perhaps the best course of action is to leave your job or career and seek a job that will enable you to be fully appreciated.
If there is a connection between what you have lost in material value, such as a purse, then this indicates you need to look at your financial commitments in order to improve how you apply yourself in the near future. If the item that you lose is connected to something that is important to you in the waking life, then it is important to understand that the simple joys in life sometimes bring peace of mind.
Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of searching
Stupid. Frustrated. Inability to relax due to knowing the item is not on your person. Fear. Terrified. A sense of danger – in case you lose your purse and you cannot get home. Sadness – if you lost your pet. Troubled. Distressed. Important. Out of control. Unable to understand what has happened. Confused. Panic. Hope that you will find it in the end. Worried about your safety. Punished by others.
By Florance Saul
Nov 22, 2012