
Thunder Dream Meaning
Thunder is like life. It is hard hitting. It is a bit noisy. It is a bit crazy. Just as lighening strikes first the thunder follows. It can be a wake up call from God to highlight important areas in your life. I personally feel thunder is about a "big bang" something great. Something unique is coming your way. Some dreams rouse our curiosity by showing vivid scenes, while other could be the source of information for us. Maybe you could hear the thunder or even see it. This is a dream of judgement.
Generally, to have thunder in a dream represents a difficult time or the beginning of hardships for you. Don't stress too much.
What does a dream about thunder really mean?
Like any other dream interpretation, seeing thunder in a dream have some pros and cons based on the situation in which the thunder was seen. Some dreams are signs of happiness and success while others warn us from some bad time that is ahead of us and waiting for us.
The thunder heard in a dream warns us about the furious and aggressive emotions that are inside you. It is the time to realize your inner-self, otherwise dark clouds will circle around you and you may see the storm of disaster at your doorsteps.
Likewise, a thunderstorm with no flash represents bad news for you. You may encounter a cluster of bad news if you dream a thunder without flash. Hearing thunder also represents business loss and trouble that are in front of you, concerning your business.
On the other hand, the dream about thunder with a flash of light is completely the opposite meaning of all the bad stuff I have been taking about. It foretells that soon you are going to see a very familiar face and unexpectedly you are going to be shocked with the surprise of the abrupt appearance of that special person. This is going to be the person with whom you have spent exceptional time and have enjoyed the company of being with him.
One more situation to observe in a dream is a thunder heard from a distance. This, as a situation, has the exact meaning as it could be seen from the word “distance” in it. The distant thunder foretells that even though some bad times is circling over your head, you have the time to overcome these difficulties by planning it accordingly.
Different situations concerned with thunder, some of which are
- A thunder shower experienced by you.
- Peals of thunder that you deal with.
- Thunder at a far distance.
- Hear a thunder near to you.
- Thunder and rain viewed simultaneously.
- Thunder with flash of light.
- Thunder without flash of light over.
Interpretations of experiences of telephone in a dream
- Hearing a thunder represents loss and trouble.
- Bad luck and failure in business.
- Threatening sign or alarm.
- A bad news of disaster that is coming after you.
- Warning for a barrier in the way of your progress.
- Underestimated by a companion by ignoring.
- Dissatisfaction and anxiety of mind.
- Disorder of mental peace and serenity calamity.
- Harmed with mental tension.
- Consequence mental illness and stubbornness.
Feelings that you could experience during a dreaming about telephone
Happiness, serenity, underestimation, anxiety, difficulties, emotional attachment, loss, trouble and failure.
By Florance Saul
Mar 19, 2013