

Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings

The turkey is traditionally used in religious celebrations and festivals, and it is often connected with the Christian celebration of Christmas.

To dream of a turkey often provides an insight into successful times ahead. If you dream of a turkey that is eaten during a banquet, then this dream suggests you will be invited to a memorable social event within the next twelve months.

In your dream you may have

  • You see a turkey.
  • Turkey meat.
  • Eating turkey.
  • A dead turkey.
  • You kill a turkey.
  • Roasted turkey.
  • A turkey puffing up its feathers.

Positive changes are afoot if

  • You hear strange sounds that scare you.
  • You exercise caution with new people you meet.
  • The dream relates to negativity.
  • The turkey is hurt in someway.
  • The dream involved fear, or things beyond the obvious.

Detailed dream interpretation

Dreaming of a turkey portends misery and serious mistakes ahead. If you dream of turkey meat, this means disbelief and inconsistency, but also that you might have an irrational behavior in life. Eating turkey suggests that your imagination is very strong.

If in your dream you see a dead turkey, this foretells financial problems ahead. Roasted turkey means lack of money. Dreaming about a turkey puffing up its feathers it indicates that with great efforts you will manage to get rid of trouble.

To dream that you kill and then cook a turkey it means that you will be lucky in money matters. Dreaming that you see a bunch of turkeys it indicates that you will be asked to keep certain speeches in public. To see a nice Thanksgiving turkey dinner in your dream foretells that you will have a better life and more money in the future. Dreaming of a turkey it generally means that you might have some troubles with friends, customers or your associates.

Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of turkey

Content. Amazed. Curious. Enjoying. Admiring. Happy. Surprised. Mellow. Soft. Relaxed. Loving. Kind.

By Florance Saul
Oct 16, 2012